Fallout 3 on CNet's vapourware list

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This ghoul has seen it all
CNet, maintaining a rather odd definition of vapourware, have put up the upcoming Fallout 3 in their top 11 (that's ridiculous. It's not even funny) of vapourware soft- and hardware:<blockquote>Fallout 3
Interplay's beloved apocalyptic RPG franchise has been ripe for a sequel since Fallout 2 was released in 1998. Bethesda Softworks, creators of the Elder Scrolls RPG series, acquired the rights to Fallout in 2004 and are supposedly working on Fallout 3. Unfortunately, they still haven't released any details and the game was conspicuously absent from their E3 booth this year.
Announced: 2003
Vaporware status: Vaporware</blockquote>Link: Vaporware's greatest hits on CNet
Link: Fallout 3 page on Vaporware's greatest hits

Spotted on RPGCodex
I can agree with the vaporware remark...after all, Fallout 3 has been in development in some form since 1998-1999, and it now looks like anything Bethesda releases will be little more than shiny bean vapors, the same as Oblivion.
Rosh wrote:
and it now looks like anything Bethesda releases will be little more than shiny bean vapors, the same as Oblivion.

And, unfortunately, the mass-market-shopper morons will have their noses right up Bethsoft's ass, inhaling deeply while grinning like the slack-jawed imbeciles they are, and giving Bethsoft the idea it's okay to rip another one in the form of FO4.

Damn, sometimes I hate being cynical- especially when I'm probably going to be right.
Now, really, Silencer. If we stopped bitching, what would be left to say about FO3? That we have nothing to say, because Bethsoft isn't giving us any real info?

At least while we're busily bitching away here, we aren't bitching everywhere else :twisted:
Silencer said:
Could you guys stop bitchin' until we have the substance to actually sniff?

NMA has a reputation of incessant bitching (albeit justified most of the time) to uphold. I'm sure you wouldn't want people to think NMA was going soft.
Oh yeah, because NMA really acquired a reputation of bitching during the development cycles of Tactics and Van Buren...

No, wait, no we didn't, we bitched about Tactics after it was released and Van Buren after it was cancelled.

This bitching is pretty unique, from a historic point of view.
CNet said:
Fallout 3
Announced: 2003

Why is there speculation on the announcement of Fallout 3 today if it was already announced three years ago? Mystary.
Per said:
Why is there speculation on the announcement of Fallout 3 today if it was already announced three years ago? Mystary.

It has to do with the speed of light slowing down near black holes :look:
Per said:
Why is there speculation on the announcement of Fallout 3 today if it was already announced three years ago? Mystary.
As far as I know, they only announced that they had acquired the license. On several occasions, they confirmed they were in preproduction. I don't think there was never a formal announcement, however. I should know, I'm subscribed to their newsletter.
Evidently 'preproduction' means 'gathering dust on a shelf in our offices somewhere'. This has to be one of the longer 'preproduction' phases in the history of gaming. It's been what, almost four years now since they bought the rights?

Time to pick up the pace a bit, children. The rabid wolves (aka FO fans) are nipping at your heels, and they're hungry for blood!
The last 3 years were probably spent shining Oblivion's graphics, so any real Fallout 3 development must have begun after its release.