Fallout 3 or NV Art Requests?


Ain't that a Kick
Howdy! I've been looking to join a Fallout fan community for a long, long time and finally found this forum today. A lot of the images are broken for me (including the rules post for this section of the forum, so hopefully I'm not breaking any rules--do the images not work in Chrome?) but it looks like a really cool place to meet fellow Fallout fans.

Anyway, I'd love to do some fanart for Fallout 3 or New Vegas, but I'm a bit stuck for ideas. So does anyone have requests? I'm a bit more familiar with NV because I've only played through fallout 3 once, but ideas for either games are fine. : )

By the way, I'm "norree" on deviantART, if you want to see examples.
Happy trails!
More character-focused than landscapes, eh? Too bad, I've taken quite a number of "vista" screencaps by clipping to places I'm not supposed to.
How about the Remnant Armor in New Vegas? I would like to see it how it would look drawn by your hands.
Were you strictly looking for character-based suggestions? Like Warhawk says, Fallout is a franchise that lends itself well to landscapes and tableaus, but I don't think anyone wants to prevail upon you for anything too far outside of your preferences.

(While I'm here, I'll say that I rather enjoyed your portfolio. Your style is a breath of fresh air, especially for DeviantArt, and though your earliest posted work was nothing at all to scoff at, your passion and drive to improve are readily apparent and they've payed visible dividends in the few short years you've been registered there. Whether or not you stick around to post here, I do hope you'll drop in from time to time and show us what you're working on.)
5545Trey: I can try that armour! I could use the practice in that department, so I'll give it a shot.

Yamu: Thanks so much for the compliments, I really appreciate it! And, character-based drawings are my favourite, but I do enjoy post-apoc landscape as well. I generally like to do a bit of both...the last Fallout related art I did was back in January, of Julie Farkas, and I think it's a decent example of how I like to focus on the character, yet hint at where they live/are in the game.


Now that it's the weekend, I'll try to get some of these done! : ]

EDIT: Also, I should point out that I have done a bit of the fallout landscape before, though that art is almost two years old, so it's somewhat embarrassing to post. One of the first fallout drawings I did was called "THEY WENT THAT-A-WAY". I'm not sure what I was goin' for in terms of style, but I tried to catch the desert-y feel. I have a lot of thumbnail sketches for ideas, if only just to redeem myself for the older fanart, but since I don't know anyone (I suppose until now) who's played the games, it can be hard to find the motivation.

Other than landscape though, I'm really interested if there are any characters that the community feels could use the fanart love. There are so many great side characters in these games that often get overlooked.
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I'd be quite interested in your take on Red Lucy. I thought they did a great job of crafting a distinct personality for her, but most of the fanart out there seems to focus less on her character and more on her taste in lingerie. Sarah Weintraub faces a similar situation.

I also think Mean Sonofabitch could use some love, as could Dog/God and the Enclave Remnants (though, like Red Lucy, it might be better if none of them are in their underwear).

Not requests, just ideas. Except for the "no muties or old guys in lingerie" part. That's pretty mandatory :twitch:
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