Fallout 3: PC or Xbox 360?

Depends on how good your pc is. If its decent enough to run F3 as well as you xbox360 could then get in on pc. Because 1) Todd says its easier to target parts in vats because you can just point and click instead of scroll through, and sometimes they will be positioned funny in vats (as seen in the video he tried to target bridge girls head with the Rock-it launcher). 2) Fan mods/customization also you will be able to find free downloads of expansions, if you are into that 3) If you have a higher end comp it could possibly look better 4) Easier to get on these forums when you are already on the computer.
It is a tough choice, the proverbial question PC vs GC? Gaming console leaves us to only the graphics it can handle where as PC can be more divers in its luster of gaming and its atmosphere, perhaps more crisper even with out an HD monitor. But i don't really care as long as the game doesn't lose the love and feel of the first 2...

If you Know and adore the fallout story line, I don't really think it would matter unless your a mod nerd. Reading the reviews and seeing the 360 version I was quite impressed, didn't feel like it would be a serpentine choice if i didn't go with the PC version. I have a positive feeling obtaining the PC Fallout 3 wont be far from my grasp, I usually buy both. For now im going with the 360

I don't think it matters so much anymore, as a lot of these AAA titles are "ported" or cross developed without too much of an issue of difference. The only bad thing is, and sorry for using the old cliche, these "non-ports" of multiple platform games always seem to suffer from "CONSOLITIS," which means the menu screens will have giant text which there won't be a lot of and the interface will seem silly, as if the developers never heard of a device called a MOUSE. But you take it... because gamers are no longer a niche crowd and most of them are playing consoles, so designing a game from the ground up with the idea that gamers will be using a mouse just doesn't happen that often anymore.
Hello everyone, I'm new.

I reluctantly made the transition from PC to 360 because I couldn't afford to constantly keep upgrading my PC. I would prefer PC, I prefer mouse and keyboard and I would like to be able to use mods. I love Oblivion, for example, but have many mods running that I consider essential (like level slow). But I'm just going to have to live with playing it as it is. I expect this game will be the same, you level up much too quickly and there's way too much loot. I prefer the older games that made you work. But it's 360 or nothing.

Since this is my first post in F3, I just wanted to say (and I don't want to start a debate or anything so feel free to ignore this) how odd it is to hear people angrily state they're not going to even buy the game because it's not their idea of Fallout 3... or a TRUE Fallout game... so there! I don't think there was ever a chance it was going to be anywhere near as good as Fallout 2, or really live up to any old school gamer's expectation. The golden age of RPGs is gone, so are the true genius developers. At least in my opinion. I for one am excited to play Fallout 3. Sure it will have it's flaws, and I'll no doubt grumble about this or that, but it still might be a good game if judged on it's own merits. Why miss out on a good game just because of an intractable nostalgia for days dead and gone?

It's just my opinion that those days are dead and gone of course.

An example of what I mean is how much I simply detested Gothic 3 when I first played it. It was nothing like Gothic 2 (which I adore) and gave up after an hour. But I gave it another go and discovered that when judged on it's own merits, although it wasn't great, it was still a good game and I got a few weeks enjoyment out of it.

Anyway, sorry to go off topic there OP, but I didn't want to make a new thread just to say that.

Thanks everyone.
Loozer said:
how odd it is to hear people angrily state they're not going to even buy the game because it's not their idea of Fallout 3

For many Oblivion isn't their type of game. Others might just be mad that it is so not a sequel. If I told you I was going to take you to Outback steak house, then I actually took you to Chili's and ordered you a steak, would you eat it? Yes, but you would be confused and secretly brewing inside with hate towards me. Now, what if I made you pay for that Chili's steak at an Outback price? You would just be pissed off. And that is why people say "they are not going to buy it" are trying to avoid that brewing hatred.

Yes maybe down the line they will pick up the game and decide it is good on its own merits.

Me? I was hyped about Oblivion but didn't connect with the world or the leveling system, but I connect with the Fallout universe and character building system, which mostly will carry over from the original Fallouts. So I am getting it day one.
I just wanted to say (and I don't want to start a debate or anything so feel free to ignore this) how odd it is to hear people angrily state they're not going to even buy the game because it's not their idea of Fallout 3... or a TRUE Fallout game... so there!

I don't see anyone saying that he/she won't buy the game because it's not his/her idea of Fallout 3. Care to point them out?

I don't think there was ever a chance it was going to be anywhere near as good as Fallout 2, or really live up to any old school gamer's expectation.
Look up Van Buren's design documents.

The golden age of RPGs is gone, so are the true genius developers.

Oh, please, you've got to be kidding.
Even if "golden age of RPGs" is gone, that doesn't mean we have to dumb down our standards, like game devs are dumbing down their games.
And if they can't make an oldschool RPG like Fallout anymore, why buy the license?
360 as I just cant aford to keep upgradding each year and still buy games.
That and 19inch LCD monitor and crappy speakers verus 60inch DLP tv in HD with suround sound.... Yeah, the graphics may be a bit washed on the TV but all in all my 360 rig (with TV) is less than I paid for my PC three years ago.
Get the PC version. The modding community will make this game into somethat that NMA will say "damn, that's a mighty fine game, finally."

out of the Box the game is... :?
Black said:
And if they can't make an oldschool RPG like Fallout anymore, why buy the license?

because their idiots who like throwing money away?

Honestly thats the only reason I could come up with.
Is the PC version in any way superior in visuals? I have a pretty high end machine, but I don't feel like putting up with Vista/copyprotection/etc. if it's basically the same game on 360.

Does anyone know of any qualitative difference between the PC and console version, or can I just take it for granted that the PC version will support higher performance?
PC for sure...

1. Mods
2. My monitor has a better resolution than any TV on the market now or in a few decades from now.
3. Mods
I don't even own a console and most likely never will. I always hated playing games with a controller.

PetertheWolf said:
I just cant aford to keep upgrading
PetertheWolf said:
60inch DLP tv in HD with suround sound....
Does not compute at all.

PetertheWolf said:
but all in all my 360 rig (with TV) is less than I paid for my PC three years ago.
Like there won't be new consoles in three years. And I don't think those fancy HD TVs last very long.
Spending nearly $2,000 on a computer is nonsense, anyway..
Buxbaum666 said:
Like there won't be new consoles in three years. And I don't think those fancy HD TVs last very long.
Spending nearly $2,000 on a computer is nonsense, anyway..

My PS1 lasted me 5 years, and my PS2 lasted me 8.

I'm expecting my PS3 to give me nearly 8 - 10 years of gaming.

I'm a PC gamer, but I find it more expensive than my consoles.
My 360 threw up the RROD a couple of months ago, and I haven't bothered to get it fixed yet, so I'll be buying the PC version by default... Probably would have anyway though as I find controlling first-person perspective games a lot easier with keyboard & mouse.
Black said:
I just wanted to say (and I don't want to start a debate or anything so feel free to ignore this) how odd it is to hear people angrily state they're not going to even buy the game because it's not their idea of Fallout 3... or a TRUE Fallout game... so there!

I don't see anyone saying that he/she won't buy the game because it's not his/her idea of Fallout 3. Care to point them out?

I don't think there was ever a chance it was going to be anywhere near as good as Fallout 2, or really live up to any old school gamer's expectation.
Look up Van Buren's design documents.

The golden age of RPGs is gone, so are the true genius developers.

Oh, please, you've got to be kidding.
Even if "golden age of RPGs" is gone, that doesn't mean we have to dumb down our standards, like game devs are dumbing down their games.
And if they can't make an oldschool RPG like Fallout anymore, why buy the license?

The reason why Interplay went down the toilet is because the old-school RPGs did not get enough exposure and did not make enough money. Yeah its sad really. But recently, I got my co-workers into the first two Fallout and they were confused as hell. These games do take a lot of time just to start playing.

They bought the license because maybe they believed that the Fallout world has so much to offer, which it does. I'm just so glad someone bought the license. You really think Interplay now can make a good Fallout 3 while its coming back from becoming bankrupt.

Maybe he's wrong about people saying they won't buy the game. But there is a large amount of bitching going on.

Seriously if your a fan of Fallout, you can get over the fact that Fallout 3 is not so similar with the first 2. Developers need to make money or they go down the same route as Interplay which is the reason why Bethesda made Fallout 3 like Oblivion because it did make a lot of money. And any chance I get to return to the wasteland is a plus for me.

I'm damn sure Fallout 3 is going to sell a lot of copies. Good, because that means maybe more Fallout will be developed and maybe people will invest in Interplay and they can make a good Fallout game sometime in the future like maybe Fallout Online.

Overall my take on this whole Fallout 3 issue is as a Fallout fan, I'll take any chance I get to go back and experience the wasteland. I'm glad a respectable developer is developing it. I hated Oblivion too, but I like Morrowind.