Fallout 3 Post-Apocalyptic Film Festival


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Bethesda has just announced that they are sponsoring a post-apocalyptic film festival. From press release:
<blockquote>July 11, 2008 (Rockville, MD) – Bethesda Softworks®, a ZeniMax Media company, announced today that it has partnered with the American Cinematheque and Geek Monthly magazine to sponsor ‘A Post-Apocalyptic Film Festival Presented by Fallout® 3’ at Santa Monica’s Aero Theatre this August.

Fallout 3, the highly-anticipated video game from Bethesda Softworks, takes place in a post-apocalyptic Washington, D.C. where every minute is a fight for survival in the formidable wasteland and serves as the festival’s inspiration. The festival will feature six definitive post-apocalyptic movies that depict life or events that occur after a global catastrophe.

‘A Post-Apocalyptic Film Festival Presented by Fallout 3’ kicks off at 7:00pm on Friday, August 22nd with ‘Wizards’ (Directed by Ralph Bakshi) followed by ‘Damnation Alley’ (Directed by Jack Smight) and ‘A Boy and His Dog’ (Directed by L.Q. Jones). The festival resumes at 7:00pm on August 23rd with ‘The Last Man on Earth’ (Directed by Ubaldo Ragona), ‘The Omega Man’ (Directed by Boris Sagal) and ‘Twelve Monkeys’ (Directed by Terry Gilliam).

“We are very excited to sponsor this film festival with the American Cinematheque and Geek Monthly magazine as this event brings together fans of film and video games like never before,” said Vlatko Andonov, president of Bethesda Softworks. “This is an exciting time for us and this film festival gives us a fun platform to give people further insight into Fallout 3.”</blockquote>The tickets will be available at Fandango.com and will cost $10. Ticket includes three movies, as well as "Fallout 3 giveaway".

Link: Fallout 3 Film Festival Press Release
That's cool. Too bad it's just part of a higher promotional agenda but I would definitely attend if I were in the area...
Unillenium said:
Well actually I am Legend is a version of The Omega Man, save a few key plot differences.

LOL. They all are based on Richard Matheson's I Am Legend. It was the name of the book. There have been three movies (The Last Man on Earth, The Omega Man, and now I am Legend) The latest one is simply the one that actually stuck with the name.
If I were in the area, I'd attend just for the chance to see A Boy and His Dog, and Twelve Monkeys on the big screen.
Anyone ever see the post apoc film with Ron Perlman called A Town Has Turned to Dust? If anything, Fallout 3 more closely resembles that film than any other. At least in looks.
What? No "Hell comes to Frogtown"?...

Ok... maybe that is for the best. Never saw "A Town Has Turned to Dust", usually see those 'unknown' movies, will look for it, is it any good?
in that labyrinth of links i stubled upon allmovies.com and followed another link to sort out all post-nuclear-holocaust titles...
omg, that many have been made?
omfg, that many italian postatomic movies, and i didn't know?!
but i've accidentally seen a couple of them :crazy: follow my advice, my dear post-atomic fellows.... dont' ever, ever, 3V4|-|, watch this http://www.allmovie.com/cg/avg.dll?p=avg&sql=1:171 ... that's utter crap!
i'm ashamed and i feel sorry :(


anyway, that's a nice festival for sure!
Does seem a bit odd that they'd do something as relatively obscure as Wizards but leave Road Warrior out. Then again, odds are more people have already seen that than any of the others, so maybe that's why it was omitted.
This is freaking awesome, but why would a Maryland-based company host a film festival in California?

I mean, if it was in Maryland, I could actually go, seeing as I'm located in NYC.. But Santa Monica? I'd definitely need a plane to go see it, so for $10 tickets to the movies, + $400 for the plane..

It would also give me an opportunity to at least have a neutral discussion with the developers about Fallout 3. I mean, so far all they've had to go on is our text, maybe seeing a live person try to demonstrate their woes would sway their emotions a little bit?

Anyway, I might have to sit this one out, despite how badly I'd like to go. :|
DarkLegacy said:
This is freaking awesome, but why would a Maryland-based company host a film festival in California?

Simple, really- much more mass media in L.A.

It's the center of the movie industry, one of the big hubs (har har) of the movie and gaming industries.... so it makes sense that it's there, and not in D.C. or Maryland.

And yes, for the purpose of media, Santa Monica is pretty much L.A. It's in the orbit, anyway. So's Orange County, sort of, for that matter.

So, if you want most of the major gaming magazines, or even general media companies, to take notice.... you do something BIG (like, overblown) in L.A. Like this li'l number.

Hell, if it wasn't an obvious promo swag-fest, I'd be interested. Well, and if I still lived in L.A.

It would also give me an opportunity to at least have a neutral discussion with the developers about Fallout 3. I mean, so far all they've had to go on is our text, maybe seeing a live person try to demonstrate their woes would sway their emotions a little bit?

Heh. I doubt it. They'll sequester themselves, or be in a reserved section, and probably be surrouned by ushers. Assuming they'll even show up. After all, this is put on by Bethsoft, meaning that someone, presumably, from the company *will* be there.... but we don't know that.

And it's even more doubtful that, if they took the chance to fly across the country (or even if they're already there because of the G4 preview), that they'd want to stick around and get some hard questions from potential customers or disgruntled old f**ks like ourselves. And even MORE doubtful that, if they're in the movie theater, that they'd care to take time away from watching the movies and get these tough questions.

Moving Target, buzzkill.

Thank you, you've been a great audience.
Guess Mad Max was too obvious a choice, probably the same reason they left off On the Beach. I was trying to think of something to replace one of the I Am Legend movies with, but most of the post-apocalypse movies that spring to mind are just way too dark and somber for the tone of this festival (like Threads, The Day After, Testament, The War Game, etc.) Doomsday is too new I suppose, and movies like Akira and Escape From New York just don't seem to fit. This also reminds me, I still need to see Le Dernier Combat.
terebikun said:
Escape From New York
Fits better than Twelve Monkeys.

Don't get me wrong, it's pretty much my favorite movie besides The Big Lebowski, but it doesn't really fit.
The original french one would however, seeing as the original Fallout intro sequences were pretty 'inspired' by that one.
Aw shucks :D

Thanks for the compliment.

I mean, being from L.A. originally, I'm used to seeing these sorts of events put on.

Hell, I even went to a gameplay preview of the Gamecube a few months before it was released (lots of fun, though I never bought one), and I've been to E3 twice (friend in the industry.) So I do know what I'm talking about, with regards to media hype and BS anyway.

So, when I see "Bethseda Software puts on P.A. film fest!!" I think "Oh no, they're trying to give themselves more legitimacy and act like they're not only HUGE Fallout fans, but even HUGER post-apocalyptic fans."

Whereas, objectively, I doubt that most of the employees of Bethsoft give a damn about whether this overhyped Oblivion mod would've been in a post-apocalyptic future or on Edgar Rice Burroughs' Mars.

So... yea... my points.