Fallout 3 rated in Australia


Vault Consort
Staff member
Internode reports that Fallout 3 has now achieved a rating in Australia after being resubmitted last week.<blockquote>While the Classifications Board can take anywhere from a few days and a few weeks to hand down their decision - it seems that the edits made to the Bethesda Softworks title have been successful, with the second edition of the game granted a new MA15+ rating this afternoon.</blockquote>It's not yet known what was changed in the new version - the consumer advice reads "Strong violence, drug references and coarse language" - but Australian Gamer wagers it will be "identical to the original, just with a few drug names or overtly controversial items removed -- undoubtedly replaced with something else that does the exact same thing."
That makes me wonder : would such a patch be possible legally speaking ? An official patch that brings back all the forbidden, evil stuff ?

I remember Carmageddon 2 and 3 having blood patches but I'm not sure whether they were official or not.
There obviously won't be an official patch for that. But there might be a fan patch.
Brother None said:

You hackers always ruin everything for Bethesda with your evil hacking.
I lol'd at this, if anything the hacks and mods improve the games that Bethesda puts out, hackers do them a favor. (I know you were being sarcastic by the way.)
"Hackers" only made Fallout better, you know it's kind of difficult going back to vanilla FO after you've played it with Killap's fixes.