Fallout 3: Reclamation (WIP)

John B.

Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Were YOU dissatisfied with fallout 3? Did you waste money on it only to find it full of giant robots and explosions? Than try out the upcoming mod Fallout 3: Reclamation.

Fallout 3: Reclamation's sole purpose is to give those of us who were let down with by the regular fallout three, an interesting game, the mod will utilise the better part of the existing models/textures, along with mods made by players the world over, to best compliment a revamped story arch, that is just as thought provoking and enriching as fallout one.

There's only one problem, manpower, we don't have a suitable sized team, or even a sub suitable sized team, at the moment it's just me, and while I COULD finish it by my self, the sheer amount of time it would take would be astronomical, so I am asking you fine people of nma to help me in my ludicrous quest to make fallout 3 enjoyable. Some may call us mad, but I choose to call us visionaries.
Wait, taking out the enclave basically removes most of the main plot. They'd need a replacement. Who do you have in mind?
I don't really think they need a replacement, I want to add moral ambiguity, forcing the player to make choices of who to align with, that will come back to bite them later, if I had to replace them I'd like to take a page from dutch, and make talon company a major faction, and not just a filler enemy, you know, decrees the number of factions, so we can focus on quality instead of quality. And if I leave in the look for dad aspect, I'm going to make it alot harder, and make it so you can actually say "screw you" in essence, and go in pursuit of your own path.
Sounds like too much work for beeing worth of it. Things like taking out the enclave will result in you needing to overhaul a big part of the game and changing at least half of the main story.

I personally see no reason to do anything with Fallout 3. It's a failure Fallout game, regardless of how many mods will be applied.
don't discourage the man, Lexx... the act of modding is important by itself so...

go for it johnny b, hurrah!
Lexx said:
Sounds like too much work for beeing worth of it. Things like taking out the enclave will result in you needing to overhaul a big part of the game and changing at least half of the main story.

I personally see no reason to do anything with Fallout 3. It's a failure Fallout game, regardless of how many mods will be applied.

I thought you had a few FO3 mods yourself, Lexx? Is it just the size of this one too ambitious compared to the ones you've done?
My mods have been weapon and armor mods only. I never felt the need to create quests and stuff like that, because the whole game world felt wrong for me. There is just too much that is needed to get fixed, before I would really like it.

I mean, if you really can pull this off and kick out all the bullshit in Fallout 3, it would be a really great move. But like I wrote above, it is so much work...
I understand where you are coming from this Is a lot of work, and I wont be able to go it alone, if I want to do the game the justice that a fallout game should have I may NEED to rehaul/retool a large portion of the plot/locations/npc's, although that may seam like a ton of work, I am confident that with a competent team we can do this. For the sake of all the fools like me who bought fallout 3 under false pretences, I have to do this, lest some poor souls money TRULY go to waste.
Some but not much, Which is why I'm hopeful to get some scriptrs on-board, but I'm pretty sure I can teach myself the more complicated quest scripting in time, but that's why I said that it will take a lot longer without help than with, as I have little experience, but am willing to learn just about anything to see this project come to life.