Fallout 3 reviews round-up #17

well im seeing the game been praised and promoted everywere, but not selling or acheaving support everywere
Beelzebud said:
Actually Fallout 3 has nothing in common with Halo.

If you want to make a fair comparison, it's more like Deus Ex, or System Shock 2.

I say Deus Ex 2, now that game was crap.The tragic part is, both Deus Ex 2 and Halo have a better story.As for Deus Ex skills actually affected your performance in real time combat, nothing like that in Fallout 3, except maybe for damage.
A fairer comparison is with Oblivion, no? They are both action based games with lite RPG elements. While most people praised Deus Ex as an RPG, it really wasn't one. There was no real choices in the game, and only at the end could you choose sides/factions.
TheRatKing said:
A fairer comparison is with Oblivion, no? They are both action based games with lite RPG elements. While most people praised Deus Ex as an RPG, it really wasn't one. There was no real choices in the game, and only at the end could you choose sides/factions.

Jagged Alliance 2 is linear,it's still a fucking good RPG.
Baldurs Gate 1,2 are linear,they are still solid role playing games....
Choices and consequences are a trademark of older adventure games(Police Quest for example)
The main story can be linear, like Planescape, yet still offer lots of choices and consequences when dealing with characters and side quest. \
I have never played JA2, but in BG 1&2, if you were a murderous childkiller, flaming fist/athkatlan guards came after you pretty quick (I think murder halved your reputation ). Those guards were mean, esp. in BG1, and in the beginning of the game, raising reputation with churches was not that easy (still kind of removes some consequences).