Fallout 3 reviews round-up #34

Do you happen to know that the reviewer played it on very hard?
betamonkey said:
Yes, because uncontrollable instant death is a fun thing. Sorry, but no. Not to me. I like to have a little control over whether I go from full hp to -100.
So would those thugs you're fighting but scoring criticals on.
Criticals are an essential part of Fallout's and add significantly to the tactics. I can't count the times I thought that I could do with another round of combat before healing myself, only to get critted to death. It means you need to protect yourself better, and provides a much better experience of the danger of combat.

betamonkey said:
And the systems are very similar. AGI is very important if you use VATS. But I forget where I am.
Agility isn't anywhere near as important as it was in Fallout. All of the stats are handled very different. Note also that I didn't actually play the game with a maxed-out agility or maxed-out Small Guns (or Energy Weapons or Big Guns).

Really, the similarities are only very superficial and a knowledge of Fallout's system won't help you much.

betamonkey said:
Yeah, simple game, very easy.. I mean not even a difficulty setting! Oh wait. There is. If you found the game easy did you set it to hard? Very hard?

If so and you found it easy and never died then you may just be the best gamer in the world.
These people are reviewing a game, and their note is that they constantly die. If they used any difficulty setting but the normal one, that should be mentioned.
I'll certainly believe that on hard and very hard you'll die more frequently. But on normal you hardly ever die.
Sander said:
Really, the similarities are only very superficial and a knowledge of Fallout's system won't help you much. .

Sorry, I have to strongly disagree. Building a character that was powerful in the originals will be just as powerful in 3.

And by the same token, building that flavor build that was fun and challenging in the originals is just as challenging and often in the same way.

If anything, some builds are even weaker due to the RT nature. Melee isn't nearly as easy since you can't close the entire gap without a shot being fired.

Anyone that has played the originals and has that favorite ass-kicking build is going to naturally understand the system from the get-go. It's no different than playing a DnD game using your favorite 18cha sorc or TWF fighter/ranger. It worked before and it will work again.

I know it's hard to step out of our worlds and just forget we know everything, but it certainly has a strong effect on how we move forward. People familiar with the system will get it and be successful, and people not may struggle and the system is definitely similar enough that what worked in one works in the other.
betamonkey said:
Sorry, I have to strongly disagree. Building a character that was powerful in the originals will be just as powerful in 3.
You are wrong. Again.

Look, agility was the most important stat in the originals when it came to combat. Low agility and you sucked, always.
Agility is not nearly as important in Fallout 3.
I'm not saying that this is a bad thing, but it is a fact. Because VATS is very handy, but having 5 or 10 agility doesn't matter that much when VATS isn't as important as turn-based combat was in Fallout.

Similarly, Perception was extremely important in Fallout as well. Again, it doesn't matter much in Fallout 3's combat unless you go the Energy Weapons path.
Sander said:
You are wrong. Again.

No, you.

Please tell me how a strong character in FO 1 isn't strong in FO 3. Please tell me how a weak one in FO 1 is still just as strong in FO 3.

Look, I know. I sat down before beginning my piece and played FO 1 in multiple ways (tried to do 2 but ran out of time) and have been building basically the same characters, taking the perk changes into account, in Fallout 3.

The correlation is there, without a doubt. I'd suggest giving it a go. You'd be surprised at just how similar they can be.
Sander said:
Look, agility was the most important stat in the originals when it came to combat. Low agility and you sucked, always.
Agility is not nearly as important in Fallout 3.
I'm not saying that this is a bad thing, but it is a fact. Because VATS is very handy, but having 5 or 10 agility doesn't matter that much when VATS isn't as important as turn-based combat was in Fallout.

*scratches head*

As a small guns character that lives and dies by VATS, AGI is far and away the most important stat in the game. If you can play through Fallout 3 without really having to rely on VATS, that's pretty impressive. More power to you.
betamonkey said:
No, you.

Please tell me how a strong character in FO 1 isn't strong in FO 3. Please tell me how a weak one in FO 1 is still just as strong in FO 3.

Look, I know. I sat down before beginning my piece and played FO 1 in multiple ways (tried to do 2 but ran out of time) and have been building basically the same characters, taking the perk changes into account, in Fallout 3.

The correlation is there, without a doubt. I'd suggest giving it a go. You'd be surprised at just how similar they can be.
I just explained this to you.

A very strong Fallout character has a high perception and a high agility. A weak combat character in Fallout would be one who has low perception and low agility. Low agility and low perception in Fallout 3 do not make for a weak combat character at all.