Fallout 3 reviews round-up #36


Vault Consort
Staff member
play.tm, 96%.<blockquote>Now, while Fallout 3 naturally 'feels' like Oblivion in terms of its gameplay structure, narrative possibilities, contributing NPC scope, and the wealth of positive benefits and negative consequences hanging on the player's every decision, what it offers those willing to immerse themselves into its relentless desolation is a game that betters Oblivion and delivers wholeheartedly on the unfulfilled promises of BioShock and Mass Effect.

Quantifying the merits of a videogame during the reviewing process is generally a case of identifying its genre placement and assessing whether it measures up to, or perhaps even surpasses, integral related and/or established yardsticks of quality. However, every now and again a game comes along that absolutely refuses to be tied down by preconceived notions of what it should or shouldn't be, instead rising mightily above the gamut of gaming mediocrity and unashamedly embarrassing other, supposedly top-tier titles in the process.</blockquote>io9.<blockquote>You can leave your mark on the world of Fallout 3 with the smoking barrel of your 10mm sub-machine gun, or you can carve out a slice of civilization in this desperate place. It's as if you're the director, author and lead actor all at once, and you do your own stunts. All in all, it's a very satisfying sci-fi gaming experience.</blockquote>www.ricethresher.org/media/storage/paper1290/news/2008/11/07/Entertainment/Fallout.3.The.Futures.So.Bright.It.Glows.In.The.Dark-3530564.shtml]The Rice Thresher[/url], 5/5.<blockquote>The game's setting may be pretty bleak and desolate, but the graphics are stunning. Fallout 3 boasts an impressive draw distance that not only shows distant landmarks on the horizon but also displays crisp textures within the player's immediate surroundings. The enemies are slimy, the guns are rusty, the explosions look awesome and the level of detail in the junk and rubble alone is amazing.</blockquote>Game and Player hands out 4.5/5 using some words I had to look up.<blockquote>Skirmishes in corridors should trigger a little nostalgia for Oblivion, but will also manifest the familiar shortcomings of dramatic scenes carried out in the Gamebryo engine. Were it a play, lines and blocking would betray a lack of rehearsal; it's a little frenetic and absurd. All of this exposes a lack of polish evident in NPC interactions throughout the game and may shock the player expecting better from Bethesda. It took at least a few hours for my own impression of Fallout 3 to be redeemed.</blockquote>www.unogateway.com/media/storage/paper968/news/2008/11/07/ArtsLeisure/fallout.3.Could.Ruin.Your.Life.But.Is.Fun.Gaming.Experience-3531373.shtml]Gateway.[/url]<blockquote>All kidding aside, "Fallout 3" is by far one of the best games to come out this year. While some have complained that the main storyline leaves something to be desired, the most enjoyment comes from simply wandering around the area, finding unique places and people, then blowing them apart.</blockquote>New York Post, A.<blockquote>Like many old-school Fallout fans, I was alarmed at first when I heard that the game would be giving up its tried & true isometric view. I was even more worried by the possibility that the game would be little more than 'Oblivion with a Fallout skin.'

Neither of those worries came anywhere near true. This is Fallout, nothing but Fallout, and it's a masterpiece.

I'm honestly at a bit of a loss as how to wrap this up. Fallout 3 is phenomenal, and there's no question that you should run out and buy it if you haven't already.

But, really, who hasn't bought it yet?</blockquote>PLAY, 97%.<blockquote>The much-lauded V.A.T.S. combat system works brilliantly and makes Fallout 3’s combat both compelling and strategic. With it, enemy attacks can be frozen in time and specific body parts targeted and crippled. This enables you to take on and beat some of the game’s tougher enemies, even at a relatively low level.

Fallout 3 is a brilliant, daring game. It expands on the Oblivion formula in numerous ways and is equally as compulsive to play. It’s not for everyone, though. The dark and gritty world and the adult themes make Fallout 3 unique in the medium of videogames and we thoroughly recommend that you experience it.</blockquote>
PLAY is actually a pretty decent magazine. I'm inclined to think that the reviews they dish out may not be as tainted as the others we have seen. Still, 97% seems a tad high. I'd hit Fallout 3 at around the 80-85% mark, from what I have seen so far.
The people at play think this game is daring somehow. There is not one god damn thing that isn't safe about it. The adult themes are non existant. They say fuck, shit and asshole. WoWzorz that sure is adult themed! I'm not even sure how the scaling works anymore. I'm at level 18 and suddenly death claws and yaoi bears seem impossible.

Some of the stuff we were told have changed. You are not told when you are going to become addicted so that is a fantastic change. However the combat is just average. It is nothing special. Half the time you think you have a clear shot, but actually that tree you were hiding behind, yeah, that texture actually expands about another foot to the right. To clarify, you end up shooting into the tree model even though you clearly can see your enemy and he can see you.

I feel like they were not even trying. It feels like fallout 3 was a rush job on many many levels. And jesus christ the AI is the worst thing ever. I think you have to be 10 kinds of stupid to think this game deserves anything above an 8/10. I personally give it a 7/10 as a stand alone game and a 5/10 for a fallout game.

Lastly, and this is the amazing part, the landscapes are incredible. I love the world, the layout, the cities. It is fantastic. It is also the only thing that stops the game from being completely bad. Exploring the terrain is what really makes you want to keep playing this game.
About 15 hours in, I think I've discovered why the game is getting such universally good reviews:

It's pretty good.
I'm inclined to agree with you, EM, with a caveat. The landscapes are great at a distance. I've noticed a lot of oddly floating rocks and debris piles, and plenty of geometry with see-through spots on both interiors and exteriors.

I've gotten sick of the green tinge everything seems to have, too.
Bodybag said:
About 15 hours in, I think I've discovered why the game is getting such universally good reviews:

It's pretty good.

It is pretty good, however you'd have to be high or completely blind in regards to the basic tenets of gaming to believe that the game is flawless to the point that it deserves a perfect score.
I'd say it's alright. The music coupled with the brownness makes it seem like a Morrowind rehash with the Oblivion engine. I actually tend to enjoy VATS better than realtime FPS, if only because the realtime mode sucks something awful. Not only that, but the animations are the most atrocious things I've seen in modern gaming, many of which are ripped directly from Oblivion.

But I agree, the landscapes, though brown, are interesting. And I really do enjoy seeing something in the loooong distance and hoofing it there. Some things also bring back some Fallout nostalgia, such as the sound effects and ghouls. I'd say 70-80%.
It is pretty good, however you'd have to be high or completely blind in regards to the basic tenets of gaming to believe that the game is flawless to the point that it deserves a perfect score.

oh, it's definitely not flawless. Example: I can brutally slaughter the cannibalistic family(which raises my karma), but I can't steal anything from their home without losing karma? what?!??!

Though, however many faults it has, none of them are prominent enough to stop anyone from buying this game. There are just soooo many amazing things about it, and at the end of the day, it's pure fun-and it's not the end of the day, because you're still playing :)
I think the biggest gap between my reasoning and yours is the following:

You say 'it shouldn't stop you from buying it'.

I say "show me why I should buy it in the first place".
EnglishMuffin said:
The people at play think this game is daring somehow. There is not one god damn thing that isn't safe about it. The adult themes are non existant. They say fuck, shit and asshole. WoWzorz that sure is adult themed!

Yeah, because prostitution, slavery (+ child slavery), cannibalism, drug addiction, mass murder, nuclear war, etc... all light kid's stuff.
How many of these review round-ups do we need anyway? I think it's safe to get the pattern here - They like the game, you guys don't like the game. There, I've just summarized all of these threads so far, and probably the ones that are to come as well.

Seriously, I'm getting kinda pissed that when I check the NMA front page for something interesting all I find is yet another collection of reviews about Fallout 3.
Air Rifle said:
Yeah, because prostitution, slavery (+ child slavery), cannibalism, drug addiction, mass murder, nuclear war, etc... all light kid's stuff.

Prostitution is so tuned down it's hard to even call prostitution. There's one girl who offers "room and company". Since there's no black screen or anything, I assumed "company" just meant chatting. Prove this wrong :lol:

Don't start on the mass murder issue. In Mario you killed Goombas and threw Koopas off high kliffs. That game is surely violent and unsuitable for kids.

I'd agree on slavery, but then again it's more of a social commentary than an adult theme. Kids should know about it before they start the game.

As for drug addiction, we all need to slap Beth around for doing it WRONG. But if someone makes a game that replaces drugs with candy, we'll have a game rated for ages 10+.

Nothing personal, just thought I'd play the "Devil's advocate"
There are just soooo many amazing things about it, and at the end of the day, it's pure fun-and it's not the end of the day, because you're still playing

Dude, you should write the advertisements on the back of the box.
All your posts sound like advertisements not like someone actually expressing his feelings. Must be too much TV, eh?
Air Rifle said:
EnglishMuffin said:
The people at play think this game is daring somehow. There is not one god damn thing that isn't safe about it. The adult themes are non existant. They say fuck, shit and asshole. WoWzorz that sure is adult themed!

Yeah, because prostitution, slavery (+ child slavery), cannibalism, drug addiction, mass murder, nuclear war, etc... all light kid's stuff.

You can't sleep with a single fucking prostitute or anyone for that matter. Slavery is almost a joke. You mesmerize them and put a shackle around their neck and make them run to paradise falls. Slavery-lite. Addiction and taking drugs in general is toned down from injection to simply blurry screen and fade to black screen.

Mass murder is done in every single combat game ever. It's been done hundreds of times. It only shocks people who live in a broom closet their whole lives. By the way you can only see legs, arms and the head ripped off. There are no cool animations like in the first two for the torso being shredded.

They also went out of their way to town down the impact of nuclear war by having exploding vehicles all over the fucking place, the fat man, and setting off the nuke in megaton.

They took what could have been something daring and made it almost kid friendly.
Jesus christ! Why did they call this Fallout3? Seriously, I'm passed all the bastardization of the franchise. Why couldn't they have picked a different name and left "Fallout 3" alone! I know why, they wanted to make money. They had no interest in making a sequel for Fallout 2. Bunch of Kux's if you ask me.
If money was the only goal don't you think that an Oblivion expansion or true TES:V would be a license to print money?

Like them or not, it's one of the most commercially successful RPG franchises in recent years.

The idea that they only made Fallout 3 to get rich is rather silly. Of course they WANT to make money, but Fallout 3 was not their only option.. and in some ways was a more risky proposition.

It's not like Fallout was a goldmine waiting for a new owner to start digging. It was a cult classic that was not that financially successful 10 years ago.
Bethesda bought Fallout for it's lore; Todd and the company are not original enough to start their own world.
betamonkey said:
If money was the only goal don't you think that an Oblivion expansion or true TES:V would be a license to print money?

Like them or not, it's one of the most commercially successful RPG franchises in recent years.

The idea that they only made Fallout 3 to get rich is rather silly. Of course they WANT to make money, but Fallout 3 was not their only option.. and in some ways was a more risky proposition.

It's not like Fallout was a goldmine waiting for a new owner to start digging. It was a cult classic that was not that financially successful 10 years ago.

The Fallout franchise is successful(even without Fallout 3), the industry just wasn't as big back then. Bethesda did this to make money. And because they were not creative enough to come up with their own ideas. If they wanted to create a sequel they should have played Fallout 2, and finished/extended the story. I'm not looking for a face-lift of the series, I was looking for a sequel. Its not a sequel and that is my point. What more do I have to say? I'm not going to get into all the horrible shit they did to the Fallout franchise, but that is beside the point.