Fallout 3 reviews round-up #36

kikomiko said:
It is pretty good, however you'd have to be high or completely blind in regards to the basic tenets of gaming to believe that the game is flawless to the point that it deserves a perfect score.

oh, it's definitely not flawless. Example: I can brutally slaughter the cannibalistic family(which raises my karma), but I can't steal anything from their home without losing karma? what?!??!

Though, however many faults it has, none of them are prominent enough to stop anyone from buying this game. There are just soooo many amazing things about it, and at the end of the day, it's pure fun-and it's not the end of the day, because you're still playing :)

What, you mean problems like horrendous AI pathfinding, crashing, lockups and quest killing bugs (haha NPCs disappearing) aren't prominent enough to detract from the overall experience?

Give me a break, I could make Fallout 3 look like a %25 game at the most if I decided to list all of its problems while excluding the things it did right. There are simply too many problems to make it an amazing game, and of the positives there isn't enough high caliber quality within them to grant the game the status of being "amazing".
EnglishMuffin said:
Air Rifle said:
EnglishMuffin said:
The people at play think this game is daring somehow. There is not one god damn thing that isn't safe about it. The adult themes are non existant. They say fuck, shit and asshole. WoWzorz that sure is adult themed!

Yeah, because prostitution, slavery (+ child slavery), cannibalism, drug addiction, mass murder, nuclear war, etc... all light kid's stuff.

You can't sleep with a single fucking prostitute or anyone for that matter. Slavery is almost a joke. You mesmerize them and put a shackle around their neck and make them run to paradise falls. Slavery-lite. Addiction and taking drugs in general is toned down from injection to simply blurry screen and fade to black screen.

Mass murder is done in every single combat game ever. It's been done hundreds of times. It only shocks people who live in a broom closet their whole lives. By the way you can only see legs, arms and the head ripped off. There are no cool animations like in the first two for the torso being shredded.

They also went out of their way to town down the impact of nuclear war by having exploding vehicles all over the fucking place, the fat man, and setting off the nuke in megaton.

They took what could have been something daring and made it almost kid friendly.

Oh, sorry these themes aren't hardcore enough for you. You're talking out of your ass though friend, I don't think any reasonable person is going to buy your spin that this is practically a "kid friendly" game.

"Yeah, it's not really mass murder because you can't make out pieces of intestine when you blow those innocent people in half."

"Yeah, it's not really prostitution because there's no on-screen fucking."

"Yeah, it's not really drug addiction because that game doesn't show you physically inserting a needle into your veins."

"Yeah, it's not really slavery because you just throw an explosive collar around some kid and send 'em to a slaver camp. There isn't even slave branding in this LOL WEAK."

Give me a fucking break, man. Bethesda went about as far as they can realistically go without getting an AO rating. Remember that San Andreas got slapped with AO for something as innocent as that Hot Coffee minigame that isn't even accessible outside of a mod.
Rainstorm said:
It may very well be one of the best games this year, the question that begs to be answered is; does this make the game great or this year a lousy year for games...?

To me it is mostly the last, the standard of games has been declining over the years to the point that even average games are considered good.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Rainstorm said:
It may very well be one of the best games this year, the question that begs to be answered is; does this make the game great or this year a lousy year for games...?

To me it is mostly the last, the standard of games has been declining over the years to the point that even average games are considered good.

OR you're just burned out and jaded.

L4D will singlehandedly save gaming forever, later this month.
Air Rifle said:
Oh, sorry these themes aren't hardcore enough for you. You're talking out of your ass though friend, I don't think any reasonable person is going to buy your spin that this is practically a "kid friendly" game.

"Yeah, it's not really mass murder because you can't make out pieces of intestine when you blow those innocent people in half."

"Yeah, it's not really prostitution because there's no on-screen fucking."

"Yeah, it's not really drug addiction because that game doesn't show you physically inserting a needle into your veins."

"Yeah, it's not really slavery because you just throw an explosive collar around some kid and send 'em to a slaver camp. There isn't even slave branding in this LOL WEAK."

Give me a fucking break, man. Bethesda went about as far as they can realistically go without getting an AO rating. Remember that San Andreas got slapped with AO for something as innocent as that Hot Coffee minigame that isn't even accessible outside of a mod.

I'm not your friend, buddy. There doesn't have to be on screen fucking, you can't have sex with them period.

Violence has been done before, in every way imaginable. Soldier of fortune 2 was more gory.

Yes hitting someone with a messmertron and then slapping a colar over them is slavery-lite. They say, "aww I'm a slave how did this happen." You don't even feel sorry, you feel nothing about it. It's a fucking joke. The only thing that would have given them an AO rating would have been killing kids(maybe) and nudity and sex scenes.

They toned down the drug usage because of australia.

There is zero damage on the torso, you can blow off both arms, lets and the head but the torso will be in perfect condition always, it's all a rush job.

Stop defending bad game design, maybe we can start getting quality products again.
EnglishMuffin said:
Air Rifle said:
Oh, sorry these themes aren't hardcore enough for you. You're talking out of your ass though friend, I don't think any reasonable person is going to buy your spin that this is practically a "kid friendly" game.

"Yeah, it's not really mass murder because you can't make out pieces of intestine when you blow those innocent people in half."

"Yeah, it's not really prostitution because there's no on-screen fucking."

"Yeah, it's not really drug addiction because that game doesn't show you physically inserting a needle into your veins."

"Yeah, it's not really slavery because you just throw an explosive collar around some kid and send 'em to a slaver camp. There isn't even slave branding in this LOL WEAK."

Give me a fucking break, man. Bethesda went about as far as they can realistically go without getting an AO rating. Remember that San Andreas got slapped with AO for something as innocent as that Hot Coffee minigame that isn't even accessible outside of a mod.

I'm not your friend, buddy. There doesn't have to be on screen fucking, you can't have sex with them period.

Violence has been done before, in every way imaginable. Soldier of fortune 2 was more gory.

Yes hitting someone with a messmertron and then slapping a colar over them is slavery-lite. They say, "aww I'm a slave how did this happen." You don't even feel sorry, you feel nothing about it. It's a fucking joke. The only thing that would have given them an AO rating would have been killing kids(maybe) and nudity and sex scenes.

They toned down the drug usage because of australia.

There is zero damage on the torso, you can blow off both arms, lets and the head but the torso will be in perfect condition always, it's all a rush job.

Stop defending bad game design, maybe we can start getting quality products again.

Well I'm not your buddy, friend.

The violence here is not about the level of gore, it's about who you you inflict it on and the circumstances involved. You can walk up to a desperate, homeless guy pleading for help and tell him to basically go fuck himself and then fire a shotgun into his face. That's a little more brutal than eviscerating a generic merc in Soldier of Fortune.

The slavery thing is kind of weird here. You can sell people (and at least one child) into slavery. Yeah, you basically send them on their way or their heads will explode due to Battle Royale-style collars. But is that really neutered? Would physically walking them across the entire wastelend to the camp be more satisfying and "edgy"? Don't get it.

I've been told you can have sex with the hooker in Megaton. Apparently it's the same "fade to black/wake up" like it was in the original games. Wowee. Can honestly say I don't care if that was included or not.

The "toned down" drug thing for Australia was basically renaming Morphine "Med-X".

I think you're a "missing the forest for the twigs" sort of guy, friend.
Air Rifle said:
You can walk up to a desperate, homeless guy pleading for help and tell him to basically go fuck himself and then fire a shotgun into his face. That's a little more brutal than eviscerating a generic merc in Soldier of Fortune.

SoF2 has civilians. And unlike Fallout 3 there is absolutely no consequence in shooting them.

I've been told you can have sex with the hooker in Megaton. Apparently it's the same "fade to black/wake up" like it was in the original games. Wowee. Can honestly say I don't care if that was included or not.
You can't. There isn't even the black screen.
Air Rifle said:
Oh, sorry these themes aren't hardcore enough for you. You're talking out of your ass though friend, I don't think any reasonable person is going to buy your spin that this is practically a "kid friendly" game.
Remove the blood, violent deaths, and language and you'd have a shot at the Teen rating. That said, Mature games, particularly games rated Mature for violence, appeal more to Teenagers than Teen games (for the most part at least). Hell, I'm surprised that ESRB hasn't whacked Bethesda for using the fact that they wanted it to be a Mature rated game to talk about how that makes it so great and mature.

Air Rifle said:
Give me a fucking break, man. Bethesda went about as far as they can realistically go without getting an AO rating. Remember that San Andreas got slapped with AO for something as innocent as that Hot Coffee minigame that isn't even accessible outside of a mod.
Bullshit. They could have easily had mortal children, addiction and effects of drug use from Fallout 1&2, clear prostitution with the black screen from Fallout 1&2 (could even have the sound of the whore orgasming like in Bloodlines), and handled slavery less like the pied piper and more like Fallout 2 and been fine.

EnglishMuffin said:
They toned down the drug usage because of australia.
Nah, I'm pretty sure that they intentionally put in Morphine for the sole purpose of creating contraversy about the game having "too mature of material" to be rated in some countries. Bad press is good press for games when it comes to content.
UncannyGarlic said:
Bullshit. They could have easily had mortal children, addiction and effects of drug use from Fallout 1&2, clear prostitution with the black screen from Fallout 1&2 (could even have the sound of the whore orgasming like in Bloodlines), and handled slavery less like the pied piper and more like Fallout 2 and been fine.

No, they would have had an AO rating and that's commercial suicide.

I dunno how you make slavery any more 'mature' than it is, and enslaving children is about as edgy as you can get without crossing the line.

Mortal children shown in the fashion that they were even in the originals and especially in the way enemies die in 3 would just be a commercial death sentence.

It's really not that hard to understand. No, they couldn't "just do it and be fine". Neither could Interplay, Troika, Black Isle or whatever studio you build shrines to.
Point me to any game that had children that were mortal which got an AO or had children removed, made invulnerable, or changed into adults because ESRB told them they would get an AO unless they did? We've been through this and myself and others have pointed out a fair number of M games with mortal children in them.
Mortal children shown in the fashion that they were even in the originals and especially in the way enemies die in 3 would just be a commercial death sentence.
Um maybe Beth could simply put in less gore and haha explosive body parts, even just for children.