Fallout 3 reviews round-up #41


Vault Consort
Staff member
Toronto Thumbs.<blockquote>My second gripe – and it’s one I realize that no amount of patching can possibly fix – is that the AI of some of the NPCs is just awful at times. Interrupted speech, getting in the line of fire, and general lack of facial expression in times of severe danger are among the things that should be addressed in any follow-ups to this game. A lot of work has obviously gone into making the world of Fallout 3 a believable one, and for most games the AI problems wouldn’t be an issue because they would be on par with everything else in the game. But Fallout 3 is actually more than a game.</blockquote>www.thestute.com/media/storage/paper1092/news/2008/11/07/Opinion/Game-Review.Fallout.3-3527398.shtml]The Stute.[/url]<blockquote>New to the mix is the V.A.T.S. aiming mode, which turns "Fallout 3" into a turn based shooter.</blockquote>Absolute Games, 75%.<blockquote>Alas, having successfully reproduced the shell Of fallout, Bethesda substituted its contents.

Bethesda relishes murders, accentuating attention to the crushed tortoises and the torn extremities; however, they perish here exceptionally adult - children they are immortal. Really the value of human life does change with the age? Apparently, the brutal handlings above the defenseless very young girls and the decrepit old men considered it more ethical - the scissors of their censorship they did not touch.</blockquote>ComputerGames, 72/100 (thanks to Dominus).<blockquote>To me, Fallout 3 is Bethesda's best game yet, but it's got more holes than a sinking ship. It's a perfect symbol for contemporary games: oversimplified, too accessible and way too commercial. The clever, edgy dialogues are gone, along with the complex relationships and the depth of the game world, replaced by a flawed visual feast, generic conversations and a gameplay fit for the masses.</blockquote>Gaming Verdict, 9/10.<blockquote>To wrap it all up, I know I might have weighted this review somewhat to the negative aspects that I perceived in the game, but if so that is only because so much praise has already been heaped upon it. That praise is deserved, to be sure, but the game certainly has some areas that could see improvement. Having said that, there hasn’t been a game in a long time that has gripped me in this manner.</blockquote>Neowin.<blockquote>In conclusion, Fallout 3 is definitely worth a look at; the game appeals to both the casual and hardcore gamers. Whilst it is debatably Oblivion for 2008, there really wasn't much to work on in Oblivion, and what there was has been noted and improved. Fallout 3 has all it takes to be a mainstream, yet special RPG, that appeals to a wide audience. Even those who have not played many RPGs before, or even none at all, will feel comfortable playing what could only be described as one of this year's most remarkable games. The price may be a little high for the special editions, but it's worth every penny when you consider that this is at the top end of video games.</blockquote>Digital Chumps, 8.0.<blockquote>Now, the problem of the game lies deep within the gameplay itself. Clearly following the success of Oblivion, which was just a hell of a game, rubbed off quite a bit on the gameplay mechanics of Fallout 3. That's a good and bad thing.

The characters details are so damn good too, as you can see someone's teeth, the proper mouth movement and just little things that remind you that Bethesda worked so darn hard on getting the visuals right. They did a near perfect job.</blockquote>
The acid dialogues and intelligent, the complexity of the relations and the depth of the world, they be replaced by the visual pomp, generic retorts and accessibility maxim.

Per said:
The characters details are so damn good too, as you can see someone's teeth, the proper mouth movement and just little things that remind you that Bethesda worked so darn hard on getting the visuals right. They did a near perfect job.

LOL yes, yes, you can see their teeth. 10/10. A simply stunning game for dentists the world over!
It would be pretty interesting to know, which countries these reviews come from. That way we could find out which countries have the most retarted gaming journalists. :crazy:
AskWazzup said:
It would be pretty interesting to know, which countries these reviews come from. That way we could find out which countries have the most retarted gaming journalists. :crazy:

Computergames.ro which gave the fair score of 72/100 is from Romania and a better translation would be like this:

"Seems to me that Fallout 3 is Bethesda's best game yet, but it's got more holes than a sinking boat. It's a perfect symbol for contemporary games: oversimplified, overaccessible and way too commercial. The clever, bitter dialogues are gone, along with the complex relationships and the depth of the game world, replaced by a flawed visual feast, generic conversations and a gameplay fit for the masses."
Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way

Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way

Per, I applaud this intense focus on FO3 reviews.

This academic thoroughness is exemplary of the down and dirty ruthlessness necessary to collate and compare each single sample to the stylized whole.

If a classical allusion to horse sh-t shoveling applies, Per is Hercules rerouting a river to flush out a mythic stable.

'Ride the horse in the direction it is going', wouldn't have it any other way.

Game reviews. Note the use of ""epic"' and ""classic"'.

""Epic"" , ""classic"" may be the clue signature words pinning this scripted format as professional writers laboring with equestrian shovels.

Recently bought a lunch box from Amazon and found a 'free' game inside.

Amazon e-spam now piles higher and deeper.

Sampled some book pages.

Noted the continuing use of ""epic"' and ""classic"'.

Can see the same style of game reviews as in book reviews, 2 samples:


The 'sameness' of styles between game reviews and book reviews, reading the deceiving can foster believing.
The transient informational value gets pummeled into a latent stupor by the drum beat of sales talk superlatives.
The 'sameness' of styles between game reviews and book reviews, lead me to consider how shallow a pool of cognate transparency these writings reflect.

Two hacked cliques follow:

Reviews are merely the continuation of commercials by other means.

No business like show (and tell) business.

Ride on Per!

Hmm...NPCs having the AI of toasters seems to be a common complaint.

...Now why do stupid NPCs sound familiar. Oh shi- :shock:
(Come on. They had to follow the original games in THIS direction?)
You're gonna get the chance of confronting that assumption in 2 days tops, we're translating as we speak.
I've given up believing any media reviews. If I want honest answers to games, I'll come here and inquire of the people that have the same tastes in games that I do.
Re: Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way

4too said:
Sampled some book pages.

Noted the continuing use of ""epic"' and ""classic"'.

Can see the same style of game reviews as in book reviews, 2 samples:


Rather irrelevant question follows. Did you only coincidentally link to two books recently featured on the Book Covers (reviews) website?

I won't delve any deeper into possible overly obscure (nonexistent) allusions, though I have.
I recently attended a reading by Dexter Filkins, real awesome guy and he's got a lot of great stories about the Middle East.

As for the reviews, it's nice to see a few more critical reviews come in.
But Fallout 3 is actually more than a game.
Yeah, it's a phenomenon. It's an epic saga. It's like Ulysses mixed with TinTin and The Beatles. It's godlike.

New to the mix is the V.A.T.S. aiming mode, which turns "Fallout 3" into a turn based shooter.
How do these guys land jobs as game reviewers? Seriously. If you don't know what turnbased is, how can you get a job like that? Oh yeah, because turnbased games have pretty much disappreared, no one cares about it anymore.


there really wasn't much to work on in Oblivion, and what there was has been noted and improved
I was under the impression that Oblivion was full of bugs and that it only became an entertaining game after amateurs modded the hell out of it. That was obviously not true.

The characters details are so damn good too, as you can see someone's teeth, the proper mouth movement and just little things that remind you that Bethesda worked so darn hard on getting the visuals right.
Being able to see npc's teeth is now a defining character of a good game. That's progress for you, right there.
A Future Elements Of Style

A Future Elements Of Style

@ Jabu

Choice of book review samples - accidents of distraction, with a happy concept connection that ties in tangentially to Per's tour de farce.

Ignored the previous Amazon e-spams.

Scanned this 11/9/08 e-spam and "The Forever War" title jumped out. Recalled a sci fi title by John Haldeman.
Curious enough to spend a click and a tick, or two. Title a sad and appropriate comment on American hubris.

Scanned 'review' abstracts, noted the attempts of empowerment by the power of positive prose.

"The Lazarus Project", wondered if it was another hysterical - historical conspiracy fear monger wanna be. Soon to be a major action / adventure / jiggle physics video rental near you ... No.

Culled the text treatments for the book's genre and saw more of the same solicitous sales soliloquies.

See a pattern of shadows on my mind's cave wall. Another candidate for doctoral and business exploitation, another doctrinal 'Reviewer's -- "Elements of Style".

Made me leap at an image, these 'reviews' could be out sourced to some robo-script and digitally generated after a few tedious details, just fill in the blanks. Superlatives akimbo ... !

A haiku is a written format, 4 lines with a given number of syllables. The murmur of place holder words, an interesting soft shoe tap dance.

Now expand to prose structure with a white toothed Pollyanna smile and a brilliant shoe shined misdirection discipline.

A 'review', before boiled down to text filler line items in advertising spreads, has a commercially and socially dictated structure of sugar coated sales enhancing intentions.

Grasp the power of a Pulitzer to incite the artistic break away of this text art from the shadows of lucrative commerce!

    New to the mix is the V.A.T.S. aiming mode, which turns "Fallout 3" into a turn based shooter.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Oh god my sides hurt.

Fallout 3 has all it takes to be a mainstream, yet special RPG, that appeals to a wide audience.
Making Fallout mainstream was its downfall.