Fallout 3 reviews round-up #46


Vault Consort
Staff member
Boomtown, second review, 8.<blockquote>Despite the epic gameplay on offer here I do have a few major issues with the game. The initial atmospheric feeling is lost after a couple of hours as the game employs dark humor that falls flat. There is no fear of the wastelands and when it gets dark what little fear you have is never heightened. Games like S.T.A.L.K.E.R managed to capture this atmosphere perfectly, but Fallout 3 hasn't. Also, the open landscape level design is fantastic, but every metro station and underground area is identical making them repetitive and boring. The AI occasionally bats for team retard as enemies find it hard to navigate certain terrain and ducking behind cover confuses them.</blockquote>Games32, 91 (but offering a "second opinion" which, from the sound of it, wouldn't go that high).<blockquote>As a conclusion, I can only say that Fallout 3 won`t go by unnoticed. Most probably hated by Fallout veterans and adored by newcomers, Fallout 3 is indeed Bethesda`s best work, but definitely not suited to the Fallout universe. For me, I`m sorry to say, Fallout 3 just doesn`t cut it.</blockquote>Planet Notion.<blockquote>Gameplay is smooth and engaging, and the level system leaves you a great deal of choice over how your character will develop. Become a smooth talking sharpshooter or an alcoholic brawler, an expert with explosives or a genius with computers. Whatever you choose, the game will accommodate, and leave you with a satisfying and compelling narrative. Go and buy Fallout 3, you really won’t regret it.</blockquote>Games for Windows.<blockquote>Playing it, all complaints were wiped away. For all the charm of the isometric predecessors, Fallout 3 gives you a sense of realism unmatched in the earlier games. Now, the ruins of blasted freeways overshadow you as see the apocalypse through your own eyes.

While the Fallout series likes to put you in uncomfortable situations, looking someone in the eye and watching a bad choice unfold in Fallout 3 is something else. I’ve been coddled, I suppose, by games like Fable and Knights of the Old Republic, where you could easily infer the good or evil course of action. Here, in Fallout 3, Bethesda has turned morality on its ear.</blockquote>HellBored, 9.4.<blockquote>Went through the conversation tree and the end result was a gunfight with my supposed employer. Bam, killed him, but then had to flee the town as the entire populous was gunning for me. The problem now was I had to spend hours wandering the wastes doing little side missions for an age before I could return. Not the end of the world but an annoyance.

But really, those why find the missions a little repetitive are missing the point, because while Fallout 3 is certainly not perfect, the goods outweigh the bad to such a degree that the negatives really can be ignored.</blockquote>www.thepawprint.net/media/storage/paper694/news/2008/11/12/Entertainment/Fallout.3play.If.You.Dare-3539675.shtml]Paw Print.[/url]<blockquote>This game is not for the faint at heart; it's gorier than a chainsaw bloodbath from Gears of War and some of the quests demand you to do things far beyond even the moral boundaries of the Manson family. I suggest playing this game in a well lit room filled with teddy bears and close friends. If not, there's a strong chance of depression and loneliness.</blockquote>www.therotundaonline.com/media/storage/paper1354/news/2008/11/12/Entertainment/Fallout.3.Combines.The.Action.Of.A.First.Person.Shooter.With.The.Strategy.Of.A.R-3535934.shtml]The Rotunda[/url], 9/10.<blockquote>One surprise I received while playing the game was the rewarding of the character with perks. You gain a perk each time you gain a level and also sometimes from completing a quest. They are game changers that improve your character, making them even more individualized. This element in its own right gives you amazing replay value, not to mention the 200+ hours of game play if you include side quests.</blockquote>Maxim, 4/5.<blockquote>Also, while the presentation of the game seems to be first-person shooter intensive, there's a surprising amount of meticulous planning and maneuvering you'll have to do before jumping into fights. Great for those who have a lot of sit-down time, bad for those who just want to pick up and play.</blockquote>
Become a smooth talking sharpshooter or an alcoholic brawler, an expert with explosives or a genius with computers
Or max out all of those skills in the course of the game. Also, can you be addicted to alcohol?

Fallout 3 gives you a sense of realism unmatched in the earlier games
I don't think Fallout is all about realism.

Here, in Fallout 3, Bethesda has turned morality on its ear.
Sort of like giving out bad karma for killing psycopathic vampires?

the goods outweigh the bad to such a degree that the negatives really can be ignored.

One surprise I received while playing the game was the rewarding of the character with perks.

Also, while the presentation of the game seems to be first-person shooter intensive, there's a surprising amount of meticulous planning and maneuvering you'll have to do before jumping into fights.
Press V.
TheRatKing said:
the goods outweigh the bad to such a degree that the negatives really can be ignored.

Don't you see?! If you think the missions - a few exceptions nonwithstanding - are mostly trite dungeon crawls and repetitive in structure, then you're simply missing the point.

Hell, what? You dislike this game? Then you're completely missing the point!! There is no other explanation!
Go and buy Fallout 3, you really won’t regret it.

Is this sentence really necessary, wouldn't something like "Fallout 3 is worth the money" be a bit more proffesional? :whatever:
^ Maybe more professional... But it's not what Beth paid for ^___^

BTW it's hilarious how so many reviewers are astounded by the idea of perks. They must've not played any RPG games before if they managed to not learn of such a prevalent thing as perks/feats.
epic gameplay...atmospheric feeling...dark humor...open landscape level design...
Dance PR puppet dance. I'm suprised he forgot to mention immersion and visceral.

Character faces are also poor and at times they look very cartoon like, especially with Hispanic characters.
What does this mean, they look like Speedy Gonzalez?
God, I hadn't realised how bad the AI truly is until I'd had more of a chance to play. It seems as though it's just completely unable to account for obstacles. It can navigate around the ground plane, but put a tree, a fence, a fellow combatant - anything short of a completely impassable object (ie, you can't go over it) - between you and it, and it'll just butt up against it until it slides past.

Same goes for shooting. Hide behind cover, and enemies will just continually unload into the cover and you can just pop out while they reload, pop a few shots into their skull, rinse repeat.

Awful creatures.
I wonder how it is that we seem to be going downhill in terms of AI design. I remember being highly impressed with the enemy AI in the original Halo (released in 2001), and from what I can tell the AI in FO3 here is a big step down from a seven year-old game.

Yet, people still hail Bethesda as one of the "greats" of the gaming industry. Not to mention their god awful writing, quest design, animations, character models...
^ Well, maybe because FPS AI and RPG AI are very different (I have no idea really, but it would seem that way), and beth went ahead and used the generic fantasy-RPG AI. And it seems they forgot to add any kind of teamwork to enemy AI, makes all the battles the same.
Yes, in fact I already argued in a different thread that they'd be better off using a modern FPS AI akin to what STALKER has. However, Beth apparently got so "immersed" in the game-making process that their imagination played a trick on them and told them they were making an RPG.
TheRatKing said:
Also, while the presentation of the game seems to be first-person shooter intensive, there's a surprising amount of meticulous planning and maneuvering you'll have to do before jumping into fights.
Press V.

What?? I have to press keys? Too...complex......brain shutting.....down....... *death*

Or maybe this is how it happened? (Homage to clue)

You mean you have to use a keyboard? That's like a babies toy! (Homage to...well you should know)