Fallout 3 reviews round-up #47


Vault Consort
Staff member
Los Angeles Times, A.<blockquote>The engrossing game-play and magnificent graphics, combined with generally small load times, make it all truly spectacular. After you begin, it's hard not to want to explore more, a hallmark of a great outing like this one.

Yes, a lot of what Fallout 3 does can be compared to last year's amazing Bioshock, but the detail and precision with which this game was made shouldn't be missed.</blockquote>Kezins, 9/10.<blockquote>Unfortunately, your love affair with Fallout 3 will not be immediate as it takes a few hours to get into the groove of the game — especially if, like this writer, you haven’t played Oblivion before.

The atmosphere does its best to immerse you in a realistic disaster report world where you’re afraid to go out at night, but the story fails to do the same. It might be tied to the fact that you can make town-destroying decisions, but its still a short, linear path with a weak, anticlimactic ending that fails to conjure up any type of sympathetic emotion; something the atmosphere, as mentioned, excels at.</blockquote>The Niagara Falls Review.<blockquote>That said, gamers who have played Oblivion will feel immediately comfortable with the layout and story design of Fallout 3. From the interesting characters with branching dialogue trees that clue you into one of the myriad side quests available to tackle, to an engaging main storyline that sees you searching for your scientist father (voiced by Liam Neeson), Bethesda delivers another top-notch action role-playing game.</blockquote>Yahoo! Spiele, 89%.<blockquote>The weaknesses of the diagram engine are made by the mad tendency and the end time atmosphere, as well as the mad architecture of the capital and environment again.

Generally speaking full package, which tied Bethesda here, hides itself certainly the best role performance of the yearly. Only which is missing, is the certain prize drama and the Sahnehäubchen of unforeseeable idioms, to little love and hate little in the action, which to a by far higher valuation would help the play. But the size, which black humor, which makes style and the freedom from a play a world - a world into which one, despite death and danger, only to gladly its time spends.</blockquote>Gametactics, 9.<blockquote>Unfortunately the main quest makes doesn’t make much sense. Perhaps in an expansion they will explain certain key pieces and it will all click but there is no excuse as you why they weren’t included. But do not fret; the main quest is but a tiny piece of the game. The story of Fallout 3 is your story of exploration.</blockquote>Gamecell, 9/10.<blockquote>As a confirmed, long standing fan of western RPGs going back to the good old, fat manual and glossy A3 sized map in the box PC tradition, it strikes me that Fallout 3 evokes a strong sense of a bygone era. It's very much in the mould of classics like the original Deus Ex, System Shock 2 or Thief and has the obligatory big, bold, vividly-realised epic quality while maintaining a very strong sense of structure and purpose.

I assumed that this kind of old school grand design had been lost forever, given the elbow in favour of the modern, streamlined & dumbed down approach that leaves me so cold.</blockquote>German GameZone, 9.3.<blockquote>The main question for every German player seems to revolve around the delicate topic of censorship. As recently revealed, our version was approved as USK 18 and modified for Germany, thus cut. All the bloody scenes are missing, i.e. no exploding heads, nor any arms or legs falling off. Instead our guys are "merely" tossed around painfully, but keep lying around the landscape for eternity. Of course the import offers infinite amounts of wasted life juice, which paints the camera red more often than not. Additionally, depending on the weapon used, the bodies of the enemies are vaporised to dust. But seriously now - we tried both versions long enough to come to the conclusion that even without splatter effects there's the same well-executed atmosphere as well as the same fun.

Bethesda Softworks really did it! It's hard to stop writing about this piece of work, just how it's hard to put down the controller once you dive into the virtual future of Washington DC. The nights are becoming very long and the matresses will long for their owners who won't go to bed! Because there'll always be another prisoner to be saved and maybe you could send the next mutant to heck as well. Then there's also ... you see where this is going.</blockquote>
I assumed that this kind of old school grand design had been lost forever, given the elbow in favour of the modern, streamlined & dumbed down approach that leaves me so cold.

All bloody scenes are missing, want to mean that neither the heads burst, still the arms or legs to drop. Instead fly the colleagues only painful by the area, remain however eternally long in the landscape lying. The import version offers naturally infinitely wasted lifeblood, which dyes pretty often the screen camera red.

The nights will become very long and the mattresses their owners will after-mourn, who do not go to bed! Because a further prisoner, who wants to be saved always, expects us and whom to next Mutanten also still briefly one could send over Jordan. There would be… you also still see, where leads!
Okay, someone needs to pinpoint the changes done in the Japanese version to balance the game to work without the FATMAN, and combine them with the changes from the German version, which eliminate ridiculous death scenes, to create the best version of the game yet.
The Fatman isn't removed in the Japanese version, it just changes name.
The reviews translated by robots are 100x funnier than other reviews

I think I get too much joy out of broken english :D
The weaknesses of the diagram engine are made by the mad tendency and the end time atmosphere, as well as the mad architecture of the capital and environment again.
God damn Bethesda, that's so typical of them.
Ausir said:
Maybe to Meson Cannon?

Whenever you use it, your character does an elaborate spin against a backdrop of strobing lines and surrounded by glowing motes, strikes an absurd pose and shouts "Mesonu-Kannon!" before firing.

Enemy: _ _v
Yeah, and when shooting the Laser rifle, the character flies 10 feet up in the air and screams "Majikaru Bi----mu!!"

Wait, that would actually be better than the slo-mo as it is now >___<
Ausdoerrt said:
Yeah, and when shooting the Laser rifle, the character flies 10 feet up in the air and screams "Majikaru Bi----mu!!"

Wait, that would actually be better than the slo-mo as it is now >___<

I would love to see you mod that into the game :mrgreen:
Online translations suck! If you find a german article next time, send it over to me, I'll translate it PROPERLY!
Typhoon said:
Online translations suck! If you find a german article next time, send it over to me, I'll translate it PROPERLY!

Yeah i can do that for swedish and finnish articles too if you want some human translations
A quick attempt at translating the quoted babelfish mess. I wasn't trying very hard, but I think it's still easier to understand.

German article said:
Die Hauptfrage eines jeden deutschen Spielers dreht sich wohl um die heikle Zensur-Thematik. Wie unlängst bekannt, wurde unsere Version mit dem USK 18 Siegel für D-Land angepasst und daher geschnitten. Es fehlen sämtliche blutigen Szenen, will heißen, dass weder die Köpfe platzen, noch die Arme oder Beine abfallen. Stattdessen fliegen die Kollegen „nur“ schmerzvoll durch die Gegend, bleiben aber ewig lang in der Landschaft liegen. Die Importversion bietet natürlich unendlich vergeudeter Lebenssaft, welcher nicht selten die Bildschirmkamera rot einfärbt. Zudem vaporisieren je nach eingesetzter Waffe die Körper der Gegner zu Staub. Aber mal ganz ehrlich – wir haben uns recht lang sowohl die deutsche Cut-Version als auch das Original zu Gemüte geführt und kommen zu dem Ergebnis, dass auch ohne den Splattereffekten dieselbe gelungene Atmosphäre sowie derselbe Spielspaß vorhanden ist. Das virtuelle Blutbad ist teils vollkommen übertrieben, wie sonst könnte+ nach einem Pistolenschuss beide Arme und Beine wie auch der Kopf gleichzeitig vom Körper getrennt werden? Wer also nicht gerade als Vampir auf die Welt kam und von daher gezwungenermaßen blutabhängig ist, dürfte auch mit der deutschen Version viele vergnügliche Stunden verbringen!

The main question for every German player seems to revolve around the delicate topic of censorship. As recently revealed, our version was approved as USK 18 and modified for Germany, thus cut. All the bloody scenes are missing, i.e. no exploding heads, nor any arms or legs falling off. Instead our guys are "merely" tossed around painfully, but keep lying around the landscape for eternity. Of course the import offers infinite amounts of wasted life juice, which paints the camera red more often than not. Additionally, depending on the weapon used, the bodies of the enemies are vaporised to dust. But seriously now - we tried both versions long enough to come to the conclusion that even without splatter effects there's the same well-executed atmosphere as well as the same fun. The virtual bloodbath is sometimes ridiculously exaggerated, how else could a pistol shot simultaneously seperate both arms and legs as well as the head from the body? Anyone who doesn't happen to have been born a vampire and is thus necessarily addicted to blood should be able to spend some happy hours with the game.

Bethesda Softworks hat es tatsächlich geschafft! Man möchte fast schon gar nicht mehr aufhören, über dieses Werk zu schreiben, genauso wenig man den Controller weglegen wird, sobald man in die virtuelle Zukunft von Washington DC eintaucht. Die Nächte werden sehr lang und die Matratzen werden ihren Eigentümern nachtrauern, die nicht zu Bett gehen! Denn stets erwartet uns ein weiterer Gefangener, der gerettet werden will und den nächsten Mutanten könnte man ja auch noch kurz über den Jordan schicken. Da wäre ja auch noch ... Ihr seht, wo das führt!

Bethesda Softworks really did it! It's hard to stop writing about this piece of work, just how it's hard to put down the controller once you dive into the virtual future of Washington DC. The nights are becoming very long and the matrasses will long for their owners who won't go to bed! Because there'll always be another prisoner to be saved and maybe you could send the next mutant to heck as well. Then there's also ... you see where this is going.
All the bloody scenes are missing, i.e. no exploding heads, nor any arms or legs falling off

That's kind of unfair, the germans got a better version of the game :lol:
By the way, apparently Edge gives Fallout 3 a 7/10.
This months Edge scores:

Left 4 Dead - 9
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts - 7
Gears of War 2 - 9
Fallout 3 - 7
Call of Duty: World at War - 6
Resistance 2 - 6
Mirror's Edge - 5
Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning - 7
007: Quantum of Solace - 5
Tomb Raider: Underworld - 8
Guitar Hero: World Tour - 7
Animal Crossing City Folk - 7
Ninjatown - 6
Namco Wii Megapack - 9
Command & Comnquer: Red Alert 3 - 7
Manhunt 2 - 4
Silent Hill: Homecoming: 6
Tom Clancy's Endwar - 8
Socom Confrontation - 5
Valkyria Chronicles - 7
Need for Speed Undercover - 3
Shaun White Snowboarding: Road Trip - 7

Ouch for Mirror's Edge; I was going to pick that up today, but I think I'll wait a while now.
Wait, I'm kinda confused...The Japanese are :censored: because they were bombed by nukes, yet the game is localized in America, where the Americans where crushed by the Chinese and....what the fuck is going on here?
Mungrul said:
Ouch for Mirror's Edge; I was going to pick that up today, but I think I'll wait a while now.

Based only on the Edge review? I love Edge, but I don't love 'em enough to blindly trust them.

Mirror's Edge has been getting the kind of reviews that tell me it's one of those games that can be hard to get into but that are incredibly enjoyable if they click for you. It doesn't mean they'll click for everyone, and for those it doesn't click it's garbage, but I prefer those kind of games to easily-accessible mediocrity like BioShock. Still, it's probably a try-before-you-buy game.