Fallout 3 reviews round-up #77

Slaughter Manslaught said:
So I'm not the only one with RPG Kleptomania, too?

RULE 2 IN RPGS: Collect any item that's not either nailed or on fire... hell, screw that, break that nail! And the fire only burns you a bit, you big wuss! I NEED LOOT BITCHES, and it's not a little fire or some nail lthat's going to stop me now!
Break it? What a waste, pry it out and sell it with the rest of the loot :D. It was hard for me to break the habit for Diablo and Diablo clones but I learned that it was more profitable and efficient not to pick up anything that wasn't magical after the first area of the game. That said, Diablo and Diablo clones are ARPGs and, like most MMOs (EVE being the sole exception I can think of), have absolutely no reason to limit the player's inventory. Hell, STALKER's limited inventory pissed me off for the same reason, it just makes the game too damn slow (I'll give Diablo that it actually had town portals to speed up it up somewhat).
I actually like the idea of limited inventory space, but not in the Diablo method. I felt STALKER did it best by having an inventory that was absolutely massive, but restricted you by weight. I would've preferred it to be less of a binary system though (overloaded/not overloaded), and had thresholds instead.
Trithne said:
I actually like the idea of limited inventory space, but not in the Diablo method. I felt STALKER did it best by having an inventory that was absolutely massive, but restricted you by weight. I would've preferred it to be less of a binary system though (overloaded/not overloaded), and had thresholds instead.
Agreed, I just don't like restricted inventories for ARPGs and the like. STALKER had a good reason for it (limiting how many weapons for use you could carry around) it's just that you get so many guns, which are generally fairly valuable, that I hate to just throw them away.