Making Fallout 3 did encourage Bethesda to improve in some areas, and was beneficial to them, although one can question whether they should have simply made their own IP. It's just not that important to me. The Fallout setting is just that, a setting. *shrugs*
Right now I'm mostly looking forward to future TC's for Fallout 3. Zombie apocalypse, stuff like that. I'd love to play the game as more of survival style game. All those traders just make it so easy.
And yeah, I don't think it has anywhere near the replay value of the old Fallouts. It's an alright game, and I did play it a long time, but it loses a lot of its charm after a while. Especially after you get a decent follower. I just hope Bethesda will keep moving forward and not take so many steps back like they did with Oblivion, with their next game.
I've played it over 100 hours (50+ of which was probably being bored, but oh well...) so it has been well worth the $50.
Also, a little OT, but I noticed some discussion on death threats and all that. I believe it is okay to disagree with other members' views, etc.. but against the NMA rules to insult and/or personally attack them.