Fallout 3 reviews round-up #78

Psytech said:
See what I did there? It is called an opinion, and everyone has one.
Gee, I wonder who would've done a better job- the original creators and fathers of the franchise or people who "specialize" in completely different kind of genres.

You want to know a funny thing about opinions? They're like assholes- everyone has them. And they stink.
Psytech said:
There's no way that Interplay/Black Isle could have accomplished what Bethesda did to the series for me.
That's nice. But guess what? The Fallout series was not created to appeal to you then. And your opinion in no way negates the fact that it is perfectly legitimate to criticize Bethesda for making a sequel to the Fallout series into something else that has little to nothing to do with the original Fallouts asides from some superficial elements.

Let me try and make it nice and clear: if Bethesda had released their own post-apoc Oblivion reskin, then we'd have nothing to complain about except that the game is kind of crap (in my opinion of course). However, what Bethesda did was purchase the Fallout IP and toss it into their post-apoc Oblivion reskin, thereby preventing the Fallout IP from falling into the hands of someone who'd make a Fallout game that might, y'know, appeal to those who enjoyed the original Fallouts (and not for simply the post-apoc-with-a-50's-vibe element).
See what I did there? It is called an opinion, and everyone has one.
Yeah, that little "argument" has never been tried and refuted here, I dunno... 40598409584 times. Most don't, and shouldn't, really care if you enjoy Bethesda's little let's-explore-a-mostly-empty-world-style game. It's not about what kind of games you, or anyone (including myself) enjoy. It's about what kind of game the Fallouts were, and why Fallout 3 fails to meet any kind of rational expectation for what a sequel to those game could and should be.
Making Fallout 3 did encourage Bethesda to improve in some areas, and was beneficial to them, although one can question whether they should have simply made their own IP. It's just not that important to me. The Fallout setting is just that, a setting. *shrugs*

Right now I'm mostly looking forward to future TC's for Fallout 3. Zombie apocalypse, stuff like that. I'd love to play the game as more of survival style game. All those traders just make it so easy.

And yeah, I don't think it has anywhere near the replay value of the old Fallouts. It's an alright game, and I did play it a long time, but it loses a lot of its charm after a while. Especially after you get a decent follower. I just hope Bethesda will keep moving forward and not take so many steps back like they did with Oblivion, with their next game.

I've played it over 100 hours (50+ of which was probably being bored, but oh well...) so it has been well worth the $50.

Also, a little OT, but I noticed some discussion on death threats and all that. I believe it is okay to disagree with other members' views, etc.. but against the NMA rules to insult and/or personally attack them.
PaladinHeart said:
I've played it over 100 hours (50+ of which was probably being bored, but oh well...) so it has been well worth the $50.
When I'm bored for half or more of a game, I consider that game a failure and a waste of my money, particularly if I payed $50 for it. That said, I agree that it's a step up from Oblivion in many areas and you're time spent bored is a clear indicator of that. The other question to be asked is how much time did you spend wowed by it? The thing about Oblivion for me was that I was bored three-quarters of the time and when I wasn't bored, I was generally no better than entertained, which turned to mild entertainment after having to do the same damn thing over so much. I don't think that I was ever really wowed by it...
Well I'm not really sure how much I was wowed by it. All I can say is I found the game to be pretty fun (kleptomaniac issues aside) up until I recruited the ghoul from the underworld. I need to fire him... but I wish there was a nice way to do so. xD

I see a lot of potential in the game for a future mod. Not a "wow let's turn it into a real fallout game!" but more of a zombie apocalypse game. It has very good survival game elements, which are ruined by the extreme hospitality of the game.