Fallout 3 reviews round-up #86


Vault Consort
Staff member
Maxishine, 9.3/10.<blockquote>This game is a very neat game, you can play your own style and the game has HUGE content. The graphics are good and the sound is average. But, you have to like RPG's a bit to fully enjoy the possibilities of Fallout 3</blockquote>Static Multimedia, 4/4.<blockquote>Fallout…Fallout never changes.

I’m glad it doesn’t. Welcome to Eric M. Martin’s official vote for Game of the Year 2008. This game is everything I wanted it to be and a whole lot more.

Whenever your company takes its time to make a survival guide manual that’s chock full of those high school safety video illustrations, that’s a team that’s committed to their product and to the fact that they aim to sell primarily by product strength rather than a bloated reliance on advertisement buffer and peripherals.</blockquote>Deaf Gamers, 9.0/10.<blockquote>Despite its shortcomings, Fallout 3 is arguably one of the best RPG's on the PlayStation 3 to date. Some diehard Fallout fans won't be happy with the game and will simply label it as a post-apocalyptic Oblivion rather than a true sequel to Fallout 2 and in some respects that's a fairly convincing argument. The important thing to remember is that if you ignore the Fallout heritage for a moment and take the game for what it is, you have to admit that it's actually a very impressive RPG. Some of the Fallout flavour has been retained thanks for the most part to the skills and perks used during the development of your character, the V.A.T.S. combat system, which is excellent, and the interface artwork but it's still an Oblivion-like RPG.</blockquote>The Rebel Yell.<blockquote>“Fallout 3” is the best thing since sliced bread.

In fact, it’s better. From now on, when comparing how good something is to something else, you say, “It’s the best thing since ‘Fallout 3.’” Sliced bread is out, because at best, sliced bread can serve as one of three parts of a sandwich. If you don’t have meat, or mustard, or cheese, or a tomato or even lettuce, you’re screwed. Bread can no longer help you, sliced or otherwise. “Fallout 3” doesn’t require some unholy confectionary produced by even the most mediocre of sandwich artists – just a game system advanced enough to run it.</blockquote>Eurogamer.nl, 10/10.<blockquote>Where Fallout excel 3 further in the way is all characters reach life, particularly the quality of the talked into dialogues. Bethesda a heap excelling voice actors to the work has not only put, also the things which is considered effectively said its malignant and sometimes even terrible humoristically. However none flat joke, but more earlier black humors and gekkigheden critical of the social structure expect.

Another minpuntje which are traditionally linked to the games of Bethesda are the fact that characters move on themselves rather woolly. Especially when an antagonist comes in a trot to your run see you that asperities in the subsoil have little to no impact on its or its attitude.

And nevertheless these minuses cannot prevent that Fallout 3rd history will go in as of the best game ever.</blockquote>Gamer Limit review, 9.5.<blockquote>The game itself looks good, but the Oblivion system’s aging does show through. The characters look much more impressive than Oblivion, but they still have a subtle creepiness to them. Graphics aside, the game is jam packed with technical glitches, hiccups and finicky geometry. Characters will disappear, and things will behave incredibly awkwardly (Every time I exited a certain town, a body went flying into the wasteland).

For all of it’s technical short-comings, Fallout 3 is completely unique. It’s an experience every gamer should have. Regardless of what you’re looking for in a video game, Fallout 3 probably has it, and it probably has it in spades.</blockquote>Grupo 97.<blockquote>Anyway, that is not a Fallout does not mean that it is an evil game. At least, not by that reason. It has a great putting in scene, is adult and it invites to the exploration of his more than 80 places of interest, some of which deserve to visit themselves. Account with a main history relatively long, and stupid, for the present standard and multitude of secondary adventures that are ramifican as well in that they are one of his strongpoints. The truly bad thing is the depth that was lost with respect to the previous games, something that surely will not matter to the consoleros that have approached this series for the first time.

Although it can seem a negative analysis, in fact I believe that Fallout is a good game. From Morrowind it is the best thing than Bethesda has done, and is one that even thinks that from Dagger Fall. He is funny, it entertains, it is tuna and it has some very good things. A pile can really be done of things.</blockquote>
Fallout…Fallout never changes.
Uhh what?

In fact, it’s better. From now on, when comparing how good something is to something else, you say, “It’s the best thing since ‘Fallout 3.’” Sliced bread is out, because at best, sliced bread can serve as one of three parts of a sandwich. If you don’t have meat, or mustard, or cheese, or a tomato or even lettuce, you’re screwed. Bread can no longer help you, sliced or otherwise. “Fallout 3” doesn’t require some unholy confectionary produced by even the most mediocre of sandwich artists – just a game system advanced enough to run it.
:clap: Nice. Last time I checked, sliced bread is a lot better and more useful than Fallout 3.
Soon they will be saying tha FO3 is better than a fresh made pizza in an italian restaurant in San Marino or in the other italian place, in which I have never been except San Marion, though San Marino doesn't actually belong to Italy, it's an enclave right?

What I was saying?
Whenever your company takes its time to make a survival guide manual that’s chock full of those high school safety video illustrations, that’s a team that’s committed to their product and to the fact that they aim to sell primarily by product strength rather than a bloated reliance on advertisement buffer and peripherals.

I laughed. Hype is one of Bethesda's primary products. They probably spent more money on the advertising budget than they did on the entire quest design staff.
Well Bethesda cleary as company has not that much interest in their products considering how fast they are with cencoring their "own" work when it comes to something that might eventualy hurt sales in one form or another. I know no artist that would cencor his work that fast an willingly without at least trying to defend it. :crazy:
The sliced bread thingy reminds me of George Carlin...

" I believe there are few expressions we take for granted :

"The greatest thing since sliced bread."

So this is it? A couple thousand years.. sliced bread? What about the Pyramids? The Panama Canal? The Great Wall of China? Even a lava lamp, to me, is greater than sliced bread. What's so great about sliced bread? You got a knife, you got a load of bread. Slice the fuckin' thing!! And get on with your life. "

With that in mind.. I'd still take sliced bread over Fallout 3 anyday.. In fact, I do it pretty often.
Sliced bread is shit. Because of being already in sliced form for several days till consumption it looses most of the flavour and that nice crisp of freshly baked loaf. Convenient, yes. But dreadful from a gastranomic point of view. It would be the same as keeping beer in a vessels which are not hermetically sealed. It would get fucking close to water in no time. Ah, it aready has. :lol:

They should've compare Fallout 3 to sex or being on dope and explain how it's a way better thing? Srsly, what's this nonsenss about stale chunk of breadstuff being so bloody genius invention just because somemone was bothered to chop it for you? Then why aren't they marketing ''poured whiskey''or ''grained onions'' for example? How about already dygested food you don't even have to eat?