Fallout 3 still in PC sales chart

Pretty interesting that it would stay on the PC charts but disappear from the console ones, considering the major gripe of many PC gamers and Fallout fans about the game was it's "console-ification" and new target audience - console gamers.


coliphorbs said:
Pretty interesting that it would stay on the PC charts but disappear from the console ones, considering the major gripe of many PC gamers and Fallout fans about the game was it's "console-ification" and new target audience - console gamers.

Ooof. Not to come off as harsh, but please do gather some information before jumping to conclusions. As I clearly hinted at in the newspost itself, the lower rotation is tradition of PC gaming for some time now; you come into the top 10 and you stay. Far Cry 2 is still there, as is Spore (not to mention the usual Sims-and-WoW couplings), it's just how PC charts work. It means nothing.

NPD-tracked PC retail sales are estimated about 10% of Xbox 360 numbers (hard to verify since stats are only available when paying for them) and the same will doubtless be true for Fallout 3 - it's no doubt still selling more on the Brick than on PCs, but there's not enough competing titles to kick it out off the top 10 PC games - whereas the console top lists are dominated by Wii and more recent releases (GoW 2, CoD:WaW).
Brother None said:
NPD-tracked PC retail sales are estimated about 10% of Xbox 360 numbers (hard to verify since stats are only available when paying for them) and the same will doubtless be true for Fallout 3 - it's no doubt still selling more on the Brick than on PCs, but there's not enough competing titles to kick it out off the top 10 PC games - whereas the console top lists are dominated by Wii and more recent releases (GoW 2, CoD:WaW).
I think it was closer to 20%. But yeah, PC game sales (as estimated by NPD) are pretty slow. Sadly, the WoW expansion is probably the only game that would even chart on the console top 10. Anyway, this reminds me that GTA4 is finally on PC. I might check that out.
One thing you have to remember about the NPD numbers is that they don't track online distribution at all.

Fallout 3 is currently sold on Steam and Direct2Drive, which every single person I know that bought the game, got one of those two versions, myself included.

In other words, with PC games having online distribution, the NPD numbers are pretty much worthless.
It really doesn't matter if you add online distribution, the only way for Fallout 3 to get over 25% sold to PC is with crazy east European numbers.
NPD doesn't cover sales outside the US either.

In Poland, FO3 is actually only available on the PC for now. It won't come out on the consoles until January, I think.
Well, that might be not Bethesda's fault, but the fault of the local game distributors and translators. One of my friends likes his games to be in Russian, he sometimes has to wait for up to half year extra to get the release.
It's not the fault of the translators. I know because I was one of them. The game was translated and the PC version was released on time. Only the Polish console versions were delayed.