Fallout 3 system specs


First time out of the vault
not a suggestion, nor an idea. just something i read on Total PC Gaming, a British gaming magazine.

they did a preview of Fallout 3 on their latest issue. According to their "Spec-ulation", Fallout 3 will require a dual-core CPU, 2 gigs of ram and... brace yourselves... a "GeForce 8600". hmmm...

and i was thinking that i'd need a monster of a PC with quad-core, quad-SLI and quad gigs of ram just to run it on medium settings.
As far as I remember, you won't need a Crysis-grade rig to run the game. It's rumored to be able to work on mid-to low range computers.

Won't work on Per's Altair 8800, tho'.
i couldn't find the interview, but i read one of the producers saying
that much like Oblivion, Fallout 3 will challenge the current hardware
standard on its release.

to me, that sounded like a warning. by the time Fallout 3 is released the 8600 would be substandard.

i just don't want to have to upgrade my video card and my power
supply, which is a must for the new generation of cards, just to play
a game that i'm not sure will live up to the originals. that's all.
Heh. subjectb, I was talking about the Altair 8800, not an Nvidia GeForce 8800 chipset.

And Per, no. To be able to play games these days, you have to own a Hypothetical Computer of The Future.
generalissimofurioso said:
Wooz said:
To be able to play games these days, you have to own a Hypothetical Computer of The Future.

One that costs at least $3000 to buy for each and every game that comes out.

I disagree. I built a Crysis ready (1680x1050/High/30) machine for $1300.

I need to find a job before my 8600 is completely obsolete (it was already crap when I got one)
I think the more appropriate comparison for system specs is something like if you can play Oblivion on highest settings, then you can play FO3 no problem. The screenshots out so far don't "look" like they would be very taxiing as opposed to a game like Crysis.
Taskeen said:
I think the more appropriate comparison for system specs is something like if you can play Oblivion on highest settings, then you can play FO3 no problem. The screenshots out so far don't "look" like they would be very taxiing as opposed to a game like Crysis.
You're assuming that Bethesda knows how to optimize software (I had to download 3 different mods to get the game to run better)
maybe i'm behind the times, but i have yet to even see with my own eyes a pc as powerful as the ps3. my pc is just less than 1000 mhz. the only "new" fallout i'll be seeing for a while will be thanks to teamx and the beardude. love those guys, hate vista.
Geforce 8600 runs great. COD4 runs perfect. Quake 4 runs perfect. Crysis runs pretty well, same with assassins creed. If games don't work as well on the 8600gts, its because the game developers made a piece of shit game engine and the drivers suck.
I have an NVIDIA 8600 in my 3 GHz P4 with 2 GB of RAM and it runs the games I have very well. I don't have many that are what I'd call cutting edge.

Bioshock and Company of Heroes would be the most demanding I think. I have them both maxed out.
That's the nice thing about today's hardware market. Most parts are such ridiculous overkill that even budget parts make a decent gaming PC.

Anyone spending $600 on a video card these days has either too much money, or too little sense.
I hope my Vostro runs it, I sure as hell ain't updating any desktop machine in range just in order to play F3.
I just built the following:

Asus P5Q deluxe M/B
Intel 8400

Bitch is fast as hell.
Mine is a

Medion Erazer
Intel E8400
3Go Ram
2*Nvidia 9800 GT Sli

It's not that great but shit it plays pretty good after five years of Athlon 3000+ with Radeon 9800 pro...

Oh and if Fallout 3 does not run perfectly on it while Cryis does ok on Very High, I'm gonna be pretty pissed off ( especially since Fallout 3 does not look really incredible ). They better come with normal system recommandations.