Fallout 3 TGS Trailer

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Not a lot of new material in the Tokya Gameshow trailer: instead, they just recut the old one, though I think one or two scenes are new, including a very isometric view of the game in one shot.

Thanks (and well done) Humpsalot.
It is a very small difference besides those 2 shots, didn't think this would even make the news section, it is that unworthy, but thank you. But it will only take a minute out of your life so, why not.

Is also labeled as the "PS3" trailer.
It's identical footage so I doubt it's actually from the PS3.

I think the isometric shot will get some (apologist) interest, tho'. Maybe. People are kind of distracted on other topics now
Considering folks are now a mere click away from Youtube or a billion other places where they can watch new footage with locations and situations never seen before...

Bethesda's going to have to stop being shy about letting the occasional bit of new info out. They need to show a few new things, professionally played and filmed so that it portrays their game in the best light possible.

Otherwise, most people's opinion of the game will come from watching live-streams or Youtube videos of players who seemingly have trouble figuring out which end of the gun to hold. People who 'get their game early' and tape their exploits are almost invariably horrible players.