Fallout 3 : the Glow, an alternative soundtrack


Vault Fossil
I'm working on a Fallout 3 alternative soundtrack because it seems that we will need one...Here are three short excerpts :


I'd like to have some feedback on these excerpts and especially on the general direction and style of my alternative soundtrack so I can modify it to the taste of the majority as much as it can be done. I know that it may be stupid since Fallout 3 won't be moddable when it's released and we don't even know if it will be someday but I'm still doing it in case someone ( other than me ) would be interested...
some of the sounds are a bit too exaggerated and could be less repetitive. The guitar loop is cool but a bit annoying. Maybe tweak it a bit to be more of a fade-in-from-the-left-fade-out-on-the-right-thing, like it being carried by the wind and have more ambience "behind" it. Kill yer darlings. Cool sounds though. Keep it up!
Yeah I know what you mean. Some parts are litteraly too concrete and would rapidly get on one's nerves while ingame, especially if looped like that. Will work on that. Thanks :)
monsharen said:
some of the sounds are a bit too exaggerated and could be less repetitive. The guitar loop is cool but a bit annoying. Maybe tweak it a bit to be more of a fade-in-from-the-left-fade-out-on-the-right-thing, like it being carried by the wind and have more ambience "behind" it. Kill yer darlings. Cool sounds though. Keep it up!
Yea I agree it would be better if the guitar would sound like it came with the wind. Also the radio speaking should have this kind of effect, but maybe not so strong.
But I like the sound :D Good job there.
The radio speaking won't make it in the final track anyway. Working on fixing these guitars and on two new tracks.
The first and especially the last excerpt are the best, IMO.
The looped guitar part sounds awesome, but it's as Fallouty as my left foot. Plus: I think it would seriously get on my nerves if I'd be hearing that for, say, 15 minutes on end. Get rid of the radio sample as well.

Otherwise: nice work.
Thanks for the nice words :)

alec said:
The looped guitar part sounds awesome, but it's as Fallouty as my left foot. Plus: I think it would seriously get on my nerves if I'd be hearing that for, say, 15 minutes on end..

Yeah..I guess it does not really feel Fallouty. I wanted to do a track that would sound a bit like Inon Zur's Megaton track but coupled with dark ambient sounds à la Fallout 1 soundtrack. I'm not sure if I achieved that but overall I wouldn't see such a track in Fallout 1/2. Still trying to fix it and make the guitars less present. Will probably use vinyl distortion effects with some delay and equalisation to make them sound as if they would come from a distant radio from time to time and not use them as a "riff" around which the whole thing is built as it's the case now.
alec said:
The looped guitar part sounds awesome, but it's as Fallouty as my left foot.

I disagree: the music track in Redding in fallout 2 has guitar, it's just less frequent, lower tempo, and more distorted. It's more the fact that yours is looped and so repudiative: if you made it less frequent and more distant sounding, it'd be a little more fallouty.

I like this a lot. I think that it has a lot of potential. Also, I think I'd like you to look at the thread on my movie and consider trying your hand at motion picture scoring.


EDIT: Hah, you beat me to my own thread.