Fallout 3 : The New Beginning.MOD for FALLOUT 2


First time out of the vault
I working on this mod for fallout 2 wich will be what i think fallout 3 should look like
Part Of The Story:

When the chosen one defeted the Enclave they started a new city called VAULT 13 CITY wich later becoma capital of NSA.The chosen one had 2 sons.1 was raised by him and later become president.The other one was lost on birth and was raised by a Brotherhood Of Steel General and later become Sargent in BoS.Before Chosen died he send a holodisk to son nm.2 saing that he is the rightfull hair and should take his role of president.You play as son nm.2 as he fights for his righteus place as the president.And later when he finaly gets his position he another problem as the so called president of the UNEA [United Nations of Europe and Asia] declaires war agains NSA[New States of America] ...
That's great. What have you got done so far? Complete storyline? Dialogues? Any new models? Maps?
I have done 2 things.A test storyline [only a few things needs to be changed] Some of the map [Plutionium armour research center[plutonium is the armour UNEA soldier will wear] dialoges [most of them].But i am looking for talented minds to help me design new weapons and armours
Hey this sounds really cool, I truly hope you finish this; although waiting for FIFE might be a better option. I geuss you can move it accross to that engine as FMF plans to.
Dude101 said:
although waiting for FIFE might be a better option

I don´t think so. It could take a long time, till you can use FIFE right your way you like it.
Okay I wanted to write a long reply here but I decided to close the Firefox tab by accident :-/

Okay here's the stuff I wanted to tell but in a very brief form
1. Progress is slow ATM
2. That prolly won't change till the end of the year when our lead coder finishes his diploma
3. It's not worth considering FIFE if you want to create a mini-mod for Fallout 2
4. If you go for an total conversion anyway (that seems to be the case here)
4.a) You can start writing the story, making gfx (save them as png to have better quality with FIFE later), etc.
4.b) Start mapping as soon as FIFEdit is ready
5. We hope that the editor will be almost fully usable till the end of the year (don't sue me if not)
6. As I said: the current progress is slow but the good news are that we've got some new coders interested in the project
6.a) If they decide to stay, there will be more progress in the next months
6.b) If they decide that FIFE is not their cup of tea, we'll continue at the current rather slow rate