Fallout 3 to be shown at GC

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This ghoul has seen it all
Fallout 3 has been confirmed at RPGVault to be at the GC in Leipzig, Germany (Europe's E3). Pete Hines:<blockquote>I'll be going to Leipzig to show off the Fallout 3 demo to press folks in Europe that didn't get to come and see it at E3. Our setup is pretty much the same as there - small theater, couple demos a day, etc.

I hope to take some time to walk around during the show, but giving a really long demo four or five times a day for three days, with people asking lots of questions in between sessions, tends to get really tiring after a while. I went to Leipzig last year to show off Oblivion PS3 to some folks, and really didn't get to see much of anything, so I'm hoping for a bit more walking around time than before.</blockquote>Bill Roper will also be there for Hellgate. Expect a lot of non-English reviews after the Game Conference, we will try to cover and translate it at NMA via our international sites, as best we can.

Link: RPGVault Developers at Games Conference 2007 - Part 1.

Spotted on RPGWatch.
Hmmmm, one could hope that he would have shown something new, rather then the same old stuff he's showing everyone else.

Get prepared for another avalanche of "Ohhhhh my god, it's the second coming of Jesus, in GAME form!"
I don't know. I've read the Russian previews, and while they're positive, none of them are *gushingly* positive. Like the PC Gamer one, noting it looks fine setting-wise but unproven anywhere else, which makes sense to me.

I think we can expect similar things from the rest of Eastern Europe, and as we leave bigger magazines/sites for smaller ones, we can expects more snideness.

Dunno about Western Europe.
Major magazines (like CD Action) and sites (like Gry Online) in Poland were also gushingly positive.
Yeah, but everyone knows how fast you Poles roll over and take it up the rear end from anyone. You're the easiest country to conquer since France.
Most smaller gaming sites in Poland have previews based on previews in Western magazines and sites, and because of that some of them are actually better than the original ones, like the one at Gery.pl:


They make some mistakes and are generally positive, but also have stuff like:

Another change is that you won't find a turn-based combat system here. We'll get the active pause option, where we can decide what should happen next on our screen. After all, however, the whole fun will happen in real time. Fpr some it's a sacrilege, for others an interesting change. Naturally, it's open for discussion.
polish troll bait? sheesh
I hope we get a video after this show, cause frankly I was more dissapointed in noone having snuck a video camera into E3 fallout showing. Cmon people, at least copy their alpha off the demo pc.
Bethesda is pretty strict in that, but their Oblivion E3 demo did "leak"/was released (don't remember which, I think both) a few months after the showing.

It's pretty easy for them to keep track of people filming, especially in a small room. So don't expect it.