fallout 3


Vault Fossil
number one i think fallout 3 has to have a really good storyline wich both fallouts did have. You have to take a good look at fallout 2. The reason i think fallout 2 was as good as the origanal was that there was more to do. fallout 2 had a massive map with different quests to do in every town. fallout 3 needs to have a map double the size of fallout 2's map.

i also think you should be able to choose if your character was going to be good or evil. I think for those sick and twisted individuals you should be able to go evil and kill everyone that gets in your way (including certain vault overseers).

Also i think there should be a cool multiplayer mode. if any of you have played diablo 2 yet i think they have it down good for an rpg. you join a game through ip addresses or through battle net and you join a party and you all go off killing stuff and completing quests.

One more thing fallut 3 should have. i think their should be different classes of characters to start off with. for excample human men (the best character i think) should start off witha bonus towards small arms, melee, unarmed, and demolitions. human women should have a bonus of barter, speech (sex appeal pays off) and also steal and lockpick. Mutants should have a bonus to large guns, energy weapons and unarmed definatly. Robots should have a bonus towards science, docter, first aid and maybe small arms (i'd imagine that robots probably have a good shot becuase they could hold the gun perfectly still and wouldnt be affected by a recoil.)

anyway thats what i think should be included in fallout 3. anyone agree dissagree?
I agree, a multiplayer mode like Diablo 2 would be good. And anyone who doesn't agree can just play single player.

<<human women should have a bonus of barter, speech (sex appeal pays off) and also steal and lockpick.>>

Are you saying that Women are thieves? Seeing as they should have a bonus for steal and lockpick? Have you had some personal experience that makes you think women want to steal everything? :)
Bet he slept with one, and she stole his clothes and ran away, forcing him to walk through the streets naked until he could find a clothes shop... gaing a huge crowd of people with cameras and all this crap... and then showing him on TV... and hahahaha, that'd be so damn funny...
<<number one i think fallout 3 has to have a really good storyline wich both fallouts did have. You have to take a good look at fallout 2. The reason i think fallout 2 was as good as the origanal was that there was more to do. fallout 2 had a massive map with different quests to do in every town. fallout 3 needs to have a map double the size of fallout 2's map.>>

I agree completely with you. I don't see the point of those people that say that fallout 2 sucked compared to fallout 1.

<<i also think you should be able to choose if your character was going to be good or evil. I think for those sick and twisted individuals you should be able to go evil and kill everyone that gets in your way (including certain vault overseers).>>

I again agree with you. Why force you to be a "goody two shoes" when one probably thinks (Damn!! Why do I have to help that $#%@$ moron, why not just shoot him in the butt and take the stuff I need?!). Of course, evil characters should be able to benefit from his path of choice (In both Fallouts, if you became too evil, people ended shooting you on sight, maybe the raiders will be more eager to help you if they have heard that you are one mean sonuva...or mix some evil and good in your deeds...your character sometimes becomes too good in his approach and thus resorts to evil...Nicolas Machiavelo said that the ends justify the means...why not in Fallout?).

<<Also i think there should be a cool multiplayer mode. if any of you have played diablo 2 yet i think they have it down good for an rpg. you join a game through ip addresses or through battle net and you join a party and you all go off killing stuff and completing quests.>>

If you meant multiplayer as in "opposed to online", you have hit the nail on the head once again. I wouldn't want to play online because of all the hacking. I have my personal experience in Diablo to add to this: I was playing Diablo with some friends on a channel and I was in very early level (5 or 7) and they all tossed me a few items to help me in my quests...Archangel's Staff of Apocalypse, Godly Plate of the Whale, Dreamflange (yes, a dreamflange helmet) Helmet, Dragons Amulets and Rings of the Zodiac and some other weapons that were inmensely powerful...only when I saw someone that had ALL his equipment that were called Dreamflange, I realized that equipment could be hacked and that most of my equipment (if not all) was hacked. So an online game would have 11 year olds with some MEGA SUPER ULTRA CHAMPION EDITION SPEED LOADER SCOPED NIGHT VISION TURBO ALPHA MARK 3 GODLY ADVANCED POWER ARMOR OF THE GECKO that offered a 100% resistance against all damages and a VINDICATOR ROCKET PLASMA LASER PULSE RAIL SNIPER MINIGUN WITH INFINITE AMMO...it would screw up the Fallout universe.

<<One more thing fallut 3 should have. i think their should be different classes of characters to start off with. for excample human men (the best character i think) should start off witha bonus towards small arms, melee, unarmed, and demolitions. human women should have a bonus of barter, speech (sex appeal pays off) and also steal and lockpick. Mutants should have a bonus to large guns, energy weapons and unarmed definatly. Robots should have a bonus towards science, docter, first aid and maybe small arms (i'd imagine that robots probably have a good shot becuase they could hold the gun perfectly still and wouldnt be affected by a recoil.)>>

I agree but I have some different views that I will post in another thread...I just hope no one flames me..it doesn't have nothing to do with FOOL or FFPS crap...I will consider myself satisfied if Roshambo (the person whose way of ripping other people's arguments with almost flawless logic and a sniper-like detail make me shiver and not post any ideas) doesn't end up humiliating me. That leads me to believe that Rosh ain't human but an extremely advanced AI :)

<<anyway thats what i think should be included in fallout 3. anyone agree dissagree?>>

Ditto, give me feedback people.
1. F2 is as good as the first and i agree on the reasons you gave.

2. Do not agree with that. Fallout is as good (to me anyway) because it does not have any AD&D rules in it. You could deside during the game if you wanted to play a good or evil char. But choosing this from the start does not only sound like AD&d but it will also limit the possible things you could do. I mean that some quest will be closed off because of the choice you made in the beginning. You could play half the game as a good guy and then have a change of heart and become as evil as you want to be. I also want ot say that i do not have anything against AD&D but there have been a lot of games coming out lately that are AD&D or use those rules in some way. The great thing about Fallout is that it stands out and mostly that is because they do not use the AD&D rules.

3. I have nothing against multiplayer as long as it does not become a dungeon crawling experience which will leave its print in the single player.

4. Look at number 3.


Nunc ut nunquam
1 - Better storyline. No problem here. Unless, of course, you begin to define what is better and what is not. Sometimes just spending more time polishing dialogues to make it more fitting to the background. But I would definitely like to see more emotions and twists.

As for Fallout 2 being worse than Fallout 1... If you never played Fallout 1, you might think F2 has a great story, and I can't say that it's that bad. But if you did, you will see that it's drifting apart from Fallout 1. Of course F1 itself wasn't perfect (ex.-LA Boneyard, Necropolis), but look at the percentage of 'post-nuclearity' in F1 and F2. I didn't see much that would tell me that this is still end of the world. Without it, 'Fallout' game is 'Fallout' no more. And don't tell me that if it has Deathclaws, Ghouls and supermutants, it's still Fallout - it's not, it's a sellout worse than FOT. At least FOT is not an RPG, and its made by another team...

But what is done is done. And that's why I think it will be better if F3 took place before F1, and as further away from California as possible.

2 - Evil vs. Good. Who is Evil in Fallout? Right, foul-mouthed, trigger-happy asshole :-/ (please don't take offense, I'm not talking about in-game persona, not real 'you'). As for helping the 'evil'... I don't see why anybody would want to have business with somebody who shot 20 contractors after they payed him the money and told him to 'begone'. Not even mafia will want to mess with that guy who is obviously got hit in the head too hard when he was in tender age.

But being 'evil' can also mean that you belong to the 'evil' organization/sect/gang or something like that (like if you joined The Master, the game wouldn't stop). But it also means that there is no 'evil' per se - only conflicts between ideas, and you will seem 'evil' only to those who don't like your views.

[img align=center" src="//redrival.com/aptyp/ftclogo-t.gif]

[font color=#FF0000]
No trash-talking, lower-case prone, ignorant, self-centered, 'in-your-face', 'i-am-always-right-so-you-can-suck-my-dick', 'shit-for-brains' idiots allowed.
>I agree but I have some
>different views that I will
>post in another thread...I just
>hope no one flames me..it
>doesn't have nothing to do
>with FOOL or FFPS crap...I
>will consider myself satisfied if
>Roshambo (the person whose way
>of ripping other people's arguments
>with almost flawless logic and
>a sniper-like detail make me
>shiver and not post any
>ideas) doesn't end up humiliating
>me. That leads me
>to believe that Rosh ain't
>human but an extremely advanced
>AI :)


[font color=orange]
Dennis Leary stole my song! That...asshole!
"Robert, your time has come!"

"OOOH! Thank you, Master!"

"Don't mention it."

*Robert explodes in a shower of sparks*
It's me, Jack Brown! The wind-up ass-hole!
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-01 AT 05:27AM (GMT)[p]>number one i think fallout 3
>has to have a really
>good storyline wich both fallouts
>did have. You have
>to take a good look
>at fallout 2. The
>reason i think fallout 2
>was as good as the
>origanal was that there was
>more to do. fallout
>2 had a massive map
>with different quests to do
>in every town. fallout
>3 needs to have a
>map double the size of
>fallout 2's map.

Agreed. Along a more personal note, I noticed the second one seemed to have a lack of the dark feel of the first one. I suppose it was the fact it was the sequel, and you've played another game before, but then again, no. I've gone back through and played the first Fallout (again, even), and it still has a much darker, and a survival aspect in it than the sequel. I think it might have been the shitload of easter eggs.

>i also think you should be
>able to choose if your
>character was going to be
>good or evil. I
>think for those sick and
>twisted individuals you should be
>able to go evil and
>kill everyone that gets in
>your way (including certain vault

If you are talking about choosing a good line or a bad line, I disagree with that AD&D-esque classing entirely, and I loathe that concept.

However, and a big point, is how Fallout 1 had good/evil. You could do evil missions and such, but admittedly not that many. Now, I don't like being held in a rigid 'you are good' or 'you are evil' template, so to speak. I would like to be able to make the decision as the occasion arises. Perhaps I don't care for Vault City, and I want to wipe them from the map, but I would do good deeds for another city. Now, word would get out about the decimation, but that's a consequence you have to deal with.

I agree there should be an option to play an 'evil' character (or as Wasteland GURPSers call them, survivalists - I only care about my survival). But not as in 'you are good' or 'you are evil', but in a way of deciding on a situational basis on what would profit you the most.

From what I hear, Arcanum may feature that as well.

> Also i think there
>should be a cool multiplayer
>mode. if any of
>you have played diablo 2
>yet i think they have
>it down good for an
>rpg. you join a
>game through ip addresses or
>through battle net and you
>join a party and you
>all go off killing stuff
>and completing quests.

Two flaws here. Diablo 2 is a slashfest. It's not an RPG, period. It lacks what makes a game an RPG. There are stat systems and swords in fighting games. However, not all RPGs have stat systems.

A better example would have been perhaps Baldur's Gate 2, possibly, though I've rarely seen a multiplayer game that didn't suffer in some aspect due to it.

The second flaw, if it could be considered such, is the connection of a slashfest game when talking about Fallout. 'All go off killing stuff and completing quests' isn't what makes up Fallout. There's been a lot of arguments over the years about this, and unfortunately it all points to the strong storyline of a single-player game that Fallout has had. It also requires decisions based upon the player. With a multiplayer group like that, there has to be a leader. Look at Baldur's Gate 1&2. One person would be making the speech decisions, and everyone else is there to act as cannon fodder and really stand there with their heads up between their legs or endlessly chatter out what should be said, sold, etc. Usually dissolves into a fit of bickering and such. And then with a group, when one or more have to leave....where does that leave the game? In limbo? You'd have to get everyone together again, start over or go to one of the save games if possible, etc. Played like that with Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, and it's not too fun. It feels more like Diablo sessions than the single-player of Baldur's Gate 2.

Nah, I'd rather have them focus on the quality of the game aned stick to the basis of the game first before adding anything else. If you've noticed, they had a hell of a time getting Fallout 2 out, and it still isn't fully stable - probably because they tried to put TOO MUCH extra crap in there. I'd rather have them do something like the first one. Strong and in it's place.

>One more thing fallut 3 should
>have. i think their
>should be different classes of
>characters to start off with.
> for excample human men
>(the best character i think)
> should start off witha
> bonus towards small arms,
>melee, unarmed, and demolitions.
>human women should have a
>bonus of barter, speech (sex
>appeal pays off) and also
>steal and lockpick. Mutants
>should have a bonus to
>large guns, energy weapons and
>unarmed definatly. Robots should
>have a bonus towards science,
>docter, first aid and maybe
>small arms (i'd imagine that
>robots probably have a good
>shot becuase they could hold
>the gun perfectly still and
>wouldnt be affected by a

I disagree with this. Instead of a Vault Dweller, you're a...Vault Robot? Want to know what happens when you put too much into something, it becomes like Daggerfall. Great play, but the story and plot is rather weak and pathetic. End result: a game that's fun to play for a while, but essentially is crap.

Take the amount of dialog options available for a human in Fallout and then multiply that amount by the number of races. That's how much more work they would have to probably do. Not to mention reactions and the such.

1. The story would have to be different for each one. Or have a Nox or Arena-ish intro into the main storyline, which I didn't like. It seemed like the beginning was nothing more than something to introduce your character into the main story. Nothing truly unique about any of them. If the story was unique for each one, again, think of the dialog options and then apply it for story. Ouch. I don't think you can put a robot or a mutant into the place of the Vault Dweller or the Chosen One, right?

2. The reactions would be completely different. Notice in 9/10s of both Fallout and Fallout 2, you didn't see any mutants/ghouls? What about robots? You'd be immediately an outcast and feared as something the people haven't seen in their lives. And where in Fallout 1 or 2 was there a place with mutants, humans, robots, and ghouls all living happily with each other? Different starting positions just brings it back to the Nox/Arena scenario. Not in any of the villages that were struggling to survive. Also notice in Fallout 2 a good deal of prejudice and fear of other races. Gecko, Broken Hills, Vault City. Even in the Hub, you could see some, if you talked to Harold, I believe his name is. It would be highly unlikely to find one single place where they all coexist together. Even then, it would have to be possibly a large city with divisions, and then starting in a big city gives you access to more trade possibilities and other flaws in game mechanics with starting in a huge city I'm not going to go into, though to say it's unlikely in the wasteland.

3. It sets up a 'template' to work against. The main feature about the character system in Fallout (SPECIAL system) is the ability to be what you want. You choose a race, it's just throwing you into a rather detestful AD&D situation with classes. Who's going to want to be a mutant scientist, even though they are smart? If you don't include the bonuses, then the difference could just well be a superficiality.

So that leaves either a Nox/Arena-esque 'intro city' for each, or perhaps the dialog options and superficial reactions you get in Daggerfall. "Good day (insert race here), would you like a room?"

All in all, far too much work to do and still hope to keep a tight story and setting for each one.

Again, I'd rather have them focus on one, strong story and character to work with, and with options to make a few survivalist or 'evil' choices.

[font color=orange]
Dennis Leary stole my song! That...asshole!
"Robert, your time has come!"

"OOOH! Thank you, Master!"

"Don't mention it."

*Robert explodes in a shower of sparks*
It's me, Jack Brown! The wind-up ass-hole!
Well, what i would like to see in F3, is F3!
extreme possibility of non-existance aside, all i think F3 should have is more... its that simple.. more quests more weapons, specific graphics for EVERY armor and EVERY weapon, MORE CONTINENTS/ISLANDS! (The world doesnt end at america people!) more NPCs more skills more perks moire traits! more enemies, choice of realtime or turnbased (like FOT) multiplayer co-op modes! (over LAN and so on, similar to the Diablo 2 realm servers, whats lag gonna do in a turn based environment? ohhh no its taking a whole 4 seconds to do this action, but it doesnt matter, all it would do is take the 4 seconds, no consequence :D
also, character creation should stay as original Fallouts, as should character advancement, but also implement a pseudo UO character-looks creating thing, that was very nice about UO, how your guy could look diff to everyone elses

and if it HAS to be MMO, make it bloody well FREE, other than the box of course, sure you can whinge you need money till the cows come home, but take a look around, so many succesful MMORPGs that you dont even have to pay for a box, you just download and play, minimal lag, D2 also has very little lag and its free to play online

anyway thats my 2 bottle caps, although i doubt there ever will be a Fallout 3, unless that fakie screenshot turns out tro be real
fingers crossed people, this ride's gonna get bumpy :)
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-01 AT 09:29AM (GMT)[p]>Well, what i would like to
>see in F3, is F3!
>extreme possibility of non-existance aside, all
>i think F3 should have
>is more... its that simple..
>more quests more weapons, specific
>graphics for EVERY armor and
>world doesnt end at america
>people!) more NPCs more skills
>more perks moire traits!

more != better
bigger != better

Fallout 1 was better than number two, due to it's presentaion. Fallout 2 had more stuff. So it's arguably the presentation is what matters instead of how much ph4t l3wt and tour guides they can jam in.

>enemies, choice of realtime or
>turnbased (like FOT) multiplayer co-op
>modes! (over LAN and so
>on, similar to the Diablo
>2 realm servers, whats lag
>gonna do in a turn
>based environment? ohhh no its
>taking a whole 4 seconds
>to do this action, but
>it doesnt matter, all it
>would do is take the
>4 seconds, no consequence :D

It would have to be a choice. Otherwise it would alienate many fans. Also, notice how there's a definite lopsided balance issue with FOT? Exactly.

>also, character creation should stay as
>original Fallouts, as should character
>advancement, but also implement a
>pseudo UO character-looks creating thing,
>that was very nice about
>UO, how your guy could
>look diff to everyone elses

Looks should be changable, I agree.

>and if it HAS to be
>MMO, make it bloody well
>FREE, other than the box
>of course, sure you can
>whinge you need money till
>the cows come home, but
>take a look around, so
>many succesful MMORPGs that you
>dont even have to pay
>for a box, you just
>download and play, minimal lag,
>D2 also has very little
>lag and its free to
>play online

Servers cost money. Blizzard and Battle.net makes money through other ways. Other gaming companies make it through subscriptions like AC, UO, and EQ. It's extremely hard to keep constant server maintenance and ISP charges satisfied unless you enter into deals with other companies. That's a whole new headache. And the only real MMORPG games I notice that are anywhere near successful and don't require a box or subscriptions are MUDs.

[font color=orange]
Dennis Leary stole my song! That...asshole!
"Robert, your time has come!"

"OOOH! Thank you, Master!"

"Don't mention it."

*Robert explodes in a shower of sparks*
It's me, Jack Brown! The wind-up ass-hole!
>extreme possibility of non-existance aside, all
>i think F3 should have
>is more... its that simple..
>more quests more weapons, specific
>graphics for EVERY armor and
>world doesnt end at america
>people!) more NPCs more skills
>more perks moire traits! more
>enemies, choice of realtime or
>turnbased (like FOT) multiplayer co-op
>modes! (over LAN and so
>on, similar to the Diablo
>2 realm servers, whats lag
>gonna do in a turn
>based environment? ohhh no its
>taking a whole 4 seconds
>to do this action, but
>it doesnt matter, all it
>would do is take the
>4 seconds, no consequence :D

To save me and you precious time, consider yourself flamed. I hope you were joking, otherwise you are a great example of people who are responsible for the downfall of Fallout.

[img align=center" src="//redrival.com/aptyp/ftclogo-t.gif]

[font color=#FF0000]
No trash-talking, lower-case prone, ignorant, self-centered, 'in-your-face', 'i-am-always-right-so-you-can-suck-my-dick', 'shit-for-brains' idiots allowed.
As my English teacher said...

The broader the subject covered, the less meaning provided. The more coherent the subject covered, the greater the meaning.

It is an odd reversal, and one that applies to most everything.

I think a great RPG could situate itself in a single city. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing Fallout 3 take place within a large, very detailed city.

Forget travelling around the wasteland. Most of it was useless space with randomly encountered raiders along the way. Don't you really mean you'd rather have more cities, e.g. more detail, and not just a larger map?


[div align=center]

RE: As my English teacher said...

I'd also like to have more cities, but I'd like to have more "areas" of the map, that is, places with multiple cities that interact with each other and where choices in one affect the others, etc. This would probably require a larger map, and it would be great to have a gigantic gameworld with many of these areas, just not so much that the "Fallout" aspect is gone (I do agree that Fo2 wasn't as falloutish, largely due to the overabundance of mutants and dethclaws and ghouls).

And for this character crap? I think that it wouldn't be RIGHT to pick whether your character is a thief, or a sharpshooter, or good or evil. Your choice of skill points (yes, the tag skills too, but tags aren't CLASSES) should dictate your character's skills, and your choice of actions should dictate your character's moral allignment. I always hated the restrictions you got in AD&D games.
RE: As my English teacher said...

100% agree. I also want to add that skills should be equally important - for example, if you are Gambler, you can afford to hire yourself bodyguards, Throwing will win you knife-throwing competitions in dirty villages and bring you extra cash, Science and Outdoorsman will help you to make rare drugs/medicines for sale, as well as making various poisons and gas traps/grenades and other nasty stuff, Speech will help you to get other people do stuff you wouldn't, not just wiggle out of unpleasant situations (talk Rangers into attacking nearby raiders' camp if you are not skilled with guns). Game should force you to choose between 'professions', you can't be jack of all trades, and Small Guns should not be an absolute must to learn.

Personally, I don't like Fallout system very much, but I reserve my ideas for my own game, he he he ;-) I'm more a fan of 'external generation', like in Wasteland. I agree, of course, that you can't change the system completely, it wouldn't be Fallout anymore.

[img align=center" src="//redrival.com/aptyp/ftclogo-t.gif]

[font color=#FF0000]
No trash-talking, lower-case prone, ignorant, self-centered, 'in-your-face', 'i-am-always-right-so-you-can-suck-my-dick', 'shit-for-brains' idiots allowed.
RE: As my English teacher said...

Skills should slowly taper off if you don't use them often enough, and instead of giving worthless amounts of experience (10 points for disarming a trap? Come on!) for using your skill, it should provide skill points, but only to a certain level, or maybe only for a specific type of object. For instance, in the temple of trials you can disarm about ten or so traps. Those should give you a few generic traps skill points but also some mastery of that kind of trap.


[div align=center]

Radiation Rulez :-)

More radiation. It was dangerous in Fallout 1, but only at one location, the fameous The Glow. And the only place where radiation was dangerous in Fallout 2 is the reactor room. Bah! Maybe some areas on the world map are affected with radiation, and to know whether it is, you have to carry a Geiger counter in your inventory, like a motion detector.

[img align=center" src="//redrival.com/aptyp/ftclogo-t.gif]

[font color=#FF0000]
No trash-talking, lower-case prone, ignorant, self-centered, 'in-your-face', 'i-am-always-right-so-you-can-suck-my-dick', 'shit-for-brains' idiots allowed.
RE: Radiation Rulez :-)

>More radiation. It was dangerous in
>Fallout 1, but only at
>one location, the fameous The
>Glow. And the only place
>where radiation was dangerous in
>Fallout 2 is the reactor
>room. Bah! Maybe some areas
>on the world map are
>affected with radiation, and to
>know whether it is, you
>have to carry a Geiger
>counter in your inventory, like
>a motion detector.

Yeah but Fallout 2 took place, what, 120 years after the war? There wouldn't be any high-level radiation left over after that time. In fact, there probably wouldn't be any harmful radiation at all.

Maybe situate Fallout 3 before Fallout 1 or maybe ten years after the war. There wouldn't be enough radiation to kill you by walking around, but there would be pockets of radiation which would need to be watched for.


[div align=center]

NOW you see, he he he

It (radiation pockets) worked in Wasteland, why not in Fallout 3? It will bring back the true meaning of 'fallout'...

I would also like to see better inventory system - I'm tired of scrolling through 40 items, and usage of 'containers' is too confusing. Window similar to that in FT would be nice.

[img align=center" src="//redrival.com/aptyp/ftclogo-t.gif]

[font color=#FF0000]
No trash-talking, lower-case prone, ignorant, self-centered, 'in-your-face', 'i-am-always-right-so-you-can-suck-my-dick', 'shit-for-brains' idiots allowed.
RE: NOW you see, he he he

>It (radiation pockets) worked in Wasteland,
>why not in Fallout 3?
>It will bring back the
>true meaning of 'fallout'...
>I would also like to see
>better inventory system - I'm
>tired of scrolling through 40
>items, and usage of 'containers'
>is too confusing. Window similar
>to that in FT would
>be nice.

And also have a "space" factor. I mean, with enough strength, you could carry a set of power armor, a few miniguns, and still tote a flame thrower. I mean who has that kind of space in their backpack or their back for that matter?

But they shouldn't have a system like Planescape Torment where even a needle and thread took up a slot.


[div align=center]

RE: NOW you see, he he he

Funny you mentioned that... I talked to one guy here, that's what he does - he designs inventory system and items for one game. He proposed a pure 3-dimensional system, with numbers like 50x10x10. But it's too complicated and hard to get used to and will be just as unrealistic as anything else (remember, I'm not telling you everything). I'm thinking what you said is the best way - weight and volume values for each item.

What about rations? Good ones will help you regenerate faster, good Outdoorsman skill can help you eat less frequently, and excellent Outdoorsman skill will allow you to live without rations at all! Of course their use will be automatical (one ration for one day).

[img align=center" src="//redrival.com/aptyp/ftclogo-t.gif]

[font color=#FF0000]
No trash-talking, lower-case prone, ignorant, self-centered, 'in-your-face', 'i-am-always-right-so-you-can-suck-my-dick', 'shit-for-brains' idiots allowed.