Fallout 3's Ending Could Have Been Better.


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
I can't understand why the producers didn't tell what happened to all those towns and other settlements in the ending like what happened in 1, 2, or even New Vegas.

Fallout 3 Should have followed the examples of its predecessors and successor. Perhaps using a bit of both.

Let's use this thread to make our own endings. I'll start

Vault 101 - Voiced by Amata

1. Do Not Return to the vault

The distress call she sent out to the Lone Wanderer went unanswered and Amata was left to wonder whether her friend had either ignored the message or if he/she had met death in the Capital Wasteland by then. She would never know. The situation continued to deteriorate until at long last, Vault 101 joined the long list of vaults whose purpose had failed in the grand social experiment.

2.Do Not Get Past Gomez/Armstrong

Though the Lone Wanderer answered the call and returned to vault 101, a friendly security guard explained the situation to him/her, informing the Lone Wanderer that the situation described by Amata was even worse than she had told him/her. Out of respect for the Lone Wanderer's father, the guard offered to allow him/her to leave the vault and in return, he would keep silent about his/her short-lived return. The Lone Wanderer realized that he/she had nothing to return home to and chose to accept the guard's offer. The vault door closed behind him/her as he/she returned to the wasteland.

True to his word, the guard never revealed that the Lone Wanderer had come and left so quickly. Time passed and the situation within vault 101 worsened. Still, the guard kept silent. Even in the final days of life in vault 101, he never said a word about the secret he alone knew, though he had begun to doubt whether he and the Lone Wander had made the right choice together. In the end, before he died, his last thought was the belief that the Lone Wanderer could have made a difference.

3.Leave the Vault Without Resolving the Crisis

Though Amata had hoped her friend would help save the home he/she had grown up in, the Lone Wanderer came to realize that he/she had nothing to return home to and the loyalists had made it clear he/she was no longer welcome. Having come to terms with his/her true past, the Lone Wanderer accepted his/her status as an outsider and turned his/her back on his/her former home and the people he/she had grown up among, returning to the wasteland.

There were mixed feelings among the residents of the vault when news of his/her final departure was spread. The loyalists rejoiced while the rebels were in shock. Their disappointment soon gave way to anger and disgust at what they considered to be a betrayal on the Lone Wanderer's part. Vowing never to think of or speak of her former friend again, Amata decided that she and the rebels would solve the problem without the Lone Wanderer's help.

But they never had the chance. After the first midnight following the Lone Wanderer's departure, a team of security guards most loyal to the overseer attacked the rebel camp, determined to seize control of the vault through any means necessary. Taken off guard, the rebels were slaughtered down to the last man and woman. It was not until morning when the rest of the vault learned of what had happened.

If Alphonse is Overseer

The loyalists were horrified by the senselessness of the massacre, but no one was more horrified than Alphonse. After berating the security officers responsible for the foolishness of what they had done, Alphonse retired to his chambers to ponder the future of the vault. The sorrowful silence of the vault was suddenly shattered by a lone gunshot. Those who hurried to the overseer's chambers found Alphonse dead from a single gunshot wound to the head. Opinion was divided over why he had taken his life. Some believed he had despaired over the death of his daughter. Others believe he blamed himself for what had happened. But popular opinion agreed that further blame was to be cast on James and the Lone Wanderer. With no one to succeed Alphonse as overseer, the residents chose to await their end in the vault, continuing to hide from the outside world as they had done for two centuries since the war.

If Allen Mack is Overseer

Though the loyalists were horrified by the senseless slaughter, Allen Mack praised the security officers for their actions. With the rebels gone, he tightened his grip over the vault and controlled the residents even further under martial law. The despairing loyalists eventually had enough and joined together with security guards who did not participate in the midnight raid. The resulting revolution cost many lives on both sides of the conflict, but eventually Allen was overthrown as overseer. With no one to succeed him and the residents still unwilling to face the outside world, vault 101 faced an imminent doom. In the end, all the midnight raid accomplished was hastening the inevitable end of the vault.

4. Kill Everyone in the Vault

Enraged at the injustice of being branded a scapegoat for the vault's problems, the Lone Wanderer went on a rampage and slaughtered the residents one by one. No one was spared. Not loyalists. Not security guards. Not the overseer. And not the rebels. Not even those who had been friendly to the Lone Wanderer were spared when they attempted to defend their home. Satisfied with having destroyed his/her false past and ending what he/she had never started, the Lone Wanderer left his/her former home behind. What was once long ago a thriving community had become a graveyard.

Scavengers who entered the vault who horrified at the sight of radroaches and molerats feasting on the flesh and blood of the dead, but they could not decide what appalled them even more: the evidence of a recent massacre, or the fact that there were still people living in a vault two hundred years after the war.

5. Sabotage the Vault

Disgusted with the xenophobia of the residents, the Lone Wanderer took matters into his/her own hands. Flushing the vault's water chip rendered the water purifier and air filtration system inoperable, forcing the inhabitants of vault 101 to evacuate. This decision, however, proved disastrous as many did not survive the horrors of the wasteland. Those few who did were forced to integrate themselves into other communities. Unable or unwilling to adapt to life without the luxuries they had grown accustomed to in the vault, and shunned by many for their inability to adjust to the outside world, those residents spent the rest of their lives cursing James and the Lone Wanderer, each dreaming of the chance for revenge, which would never come.

6. Throw the Vault Into Chaos

They say madness is like gravity. All it takes is one little push. And that is exactly what happened in vault 101. Though the rebels hoped the Lone Wanderer would restore life to normal, instead he/she sent the vault over the edge into chaos. Satisfied with his/her handiwork, the Lone Wander left his/her former home, dispatching anyone who tried to exact revenge.

As the days passed, the vault fell further into anarchy and lawlessness. By the time the vault residents realized that the vault door was left open, it was too late. The Enclave invaded the vault, killing any who resisted and rounding up the survivors. Those residents spent the rest of their lives as guinea pigs in the Enclave's experiments. Vault 101 became one of the few vaults whose true purpose in the grand social experiment had succeeded.

7. Kill Amata

Amata had hoped her friend would help them save the vault, but she was taken off guard when the Lone Wanderer turned on her. Rebels who attempted to avenge her were also slaughtered by the Lone Wanderer.

If Alphonse is Overseer

Disgusted with the Lone Wanderer's actions, Alphonse exiled him/her, but the damage had been done. Just as he had ordered the death of Jonas, a friend of the Lone Wanderer, so too had the Lone Wanderer played a role in the death of someone close to his heart. Alphonse never truly recovered from the death of his daughter and died soon after. The rest of the vault soon followed.

If Allen Mack is Overseer

Allen Mack praised the Lone Wanderer for his/her actions and rewarded him/her. After the Lone Wanderer was sent into exile, Allen tightened his grip and control over the vault but was met with resistance from surviving rebels who joined forces with loyalists and security guards who had enough. He was overthrown, but not without casualties on both sides of the conflict. With no one to succeed him, the remaining residents, still unwilling to face the outside world, chose to remain in the vault, each ruing the day when the doctor from the outside brought his child to the vault.

8.Amata Stands Down

Though Amata had hoped that the Lone Wanderer would help her and the rebels convince the overseer to open the vault, she was taken by surprise when her friend sided with the overseer. Using the knowledge of what he/she had experienced out in the wasteland, the Lone Wanderer succeeded in convincing Amata that the outside world was just too dangerous and that it was not worth the risk to the vault.

If Alphonse is Overseer

Pleased with the Lone Wanderer's efforts, Alphonse rewarded him/her before imposing exile. Still, in the end, Alphonse had finally come to develop a new sense of respect for the Lone Wanderer. The loyalists were grateful to the Lone Wander, but they blamed him/her too much for everything to show their gratitude. The Lone Wanderer left his/her former home, never to return, convinced that he/she had made the right choice and that his/her friends were safe, even if he/she never saw them again.

However, as time passed, vault 101 once more began to stagnate on its own isolationism. Even the loyalists realized that the vault would not survive another generation without external output. By the time Alphonse realized this, he was dying. He passed his mantle on to a worthy successor, but Amata's timing could not have been worse. A band of raiders and slavers had made camp outside the vault door, and when it opened, they invaded. Most of the residents were killed and those who remained were dragged off to become slaves. Vault 101's purpose in the grand social experiment had failed, a mission that had been doomed to failure from the very beginning.

If Allen Mack is Overseer

Allen Mack begrudgingly thanked the Lone Wanderer before exiling him/her. Even with the surrender of the rebels, he did not loosen his grip over the vault or ease his control. A new rebellion formed, composed of the rebels, loyalists, and security guards who sympathized with their cause. In the ensuing revolution, Allen Mack was overthrown, but not without heavy casualties on both sides of the conflict. With no one to succeed him as overseer, and the residents still unwilling to face the outside world, vault 101's fate was sealed. In the end, Vault 101 died, a victim of its own xenophobia.

9.Kill Alphonse

Though the rebels were hoping that the Lone Wanderer would restore peace without bloodshed, it was not to be. Saddened by the death of her father, Amata realized that things could never go back to the way they were between herself and the Lone Wanderer and she was forced to exile him/her for the good of the vault. His/her vengeance against Alphonse complete, the Lone Wanderer returned to the wasteland. Those who met the Lone Wanderer outside the vault were friendly, but he/she was never again permitted to enter the vault where he/she had grown up. Though she would come to forgive her former friend and wish the Lone Wanderer well, Amata never saw him/her again. And to her, that was just as well.

10.Kill Allen Mack

Though the rebels were hoping that the Lone Wanderer would restore peace without bloodshed, it was not to be. Though the death of Allen Mack brought an end to an era of the vault closed off to the world, Amata realized that things could never go back to the way they were between herself and the Lone Wanderer and she was forced to exile him/her for the good of the vault. Those who met the Lone Wanderer outside the vault were friendly, but he/she was never again permitted to enter the vault where he/she had grown up. Though she would come to forgive her former friend and wish the Lone Wanderer well, Amata never saw him/her again. And to her, that was just as well.

11.Alphonse Steps Down

Just as Amata had hoped, the Lone Wanderer was able to bring her father back to his senses and restore peace. Alphonse retired as overseer and passed on the burden to his daughter. Though Amata was overjoyed with the fact that she now had the power to change the vault's future forever, she still knew that many still blamed the Lone Wanderer for everything that had happened. With great reluctance and regret, she was forced to exile her friend. Amidst the sorrowful farewells of the rebels and the hateful jeers of the loyalists, he/she returned to the wasteland, bidding goodbye to his/her former home and false past, to fulfill the destiny awaiting him/her.

Those who met the Lone Wanderer outside the vault were friendly, but the Lone Wanderer was never again permitted to enter the vault he/she had once called home. Amata came to wish her friend well, even if she never saw him/her again.
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