First time out of the vault

Yes Fallout 4 Is great Game & Overall I would put It 3rd Best in whole Series if Only There's Was Better Role playing In Fallout 4 It Could have Been up with Fallout NV.
I think it's kind of hilarious that I actually love Fallout 3 and think its one of my all time favorite games but think of Fallout 4 as having lost most of what made that game great.
The Fallout 3 hate is so great here, people react to said statement as me stating that the Joker is much worse than Bullseye.
They don't see the differences so I can't explain why Fallout 4 pisses me off so much.
Fallout 3 was my intro to Fallout at large, definitely love it for that, but Fallout 4 doesn't seem to loose much over 3. Honestly really curious as to what really gets to you about Fo4 in direct comparison to Fo3. Unique settings? Strong art direction?
I'll never play FO4, and NV is just making the best of what they can do with a game based upon FO3 as its foundation.NV did the best job overall, having a story, choices and consequences and a great gameplay - a hybrid of Classic Fallout and Fallout 3.
I'll never play FO4, and NV is just making the best of what they can do with a game based upon FO3 as its foundation.
They did an impressive job with what they had to work with, IMO.
However, They are all examples of the wrong game, without the right gameplay; regardless of how good the new gameplay might be, it's simply that... Mortal Kombat Mario is not going to be a proper sequel to Mario Bros; no matter how good it is. So too with FO3, 4, and NV.![]()
*Though NV was not pushed as one; the others have no excuse for how poor they are.
It's a fine example of spin-off territory. I would have loved a Bethesda style Fallout spin-off having combat comparable with SuperHot.I think there's some merit to exploring the world of Fallout in a first person perspective but even if you agree with that premise, Fallout 3/NV are awful first person shooters in terms of gameplay.
You made good point but you came to a wrong conclusion.I can agree with the rest and what you're saying makes sense, but I think you're making a mistake conflating the settings of FO4 and the FOB. Fallout is set in a retrofuturist world. It takes (how the people of the 90s saw) how the people of the 50s saw the future, sets that as the cultural and technological baseline, then develops a world around that by imagining how that world would work (then collapse to see how it would work then). It's not the 50s, it's the future shaped through the lens of the 50s, then elaborated.
There's a difference between the 50s' idea of the future after a nuclear war, and the 50s after a nuclear war and there's robots and stuff, which is what Bethesda and FO4 in particular uses. There are literally mobsters in post-apocalyptic Boston. Slacks, bowler hats, letterman jackets and suits are everywhere. Ect ect. That's what makes the narrative so boring, because it's not actually creating anything new in terms of considering how society and people could develop, it's just jamming tropes into a dead, static, soullessly unimaginative world. And then they jam even more shit in for no good reason and like you say none of it fits together and you have to take everything with a metric ton of salt up the arse.