Fallout 4 + VR/bobbing for poop

The end of the world is coming, you have one chance to stay alive and two choices

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Moi. [You can click on the number of votes to see who voted for what.]

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I don't really inherently hate anything, it's too strong and vague a word, I like to analyze why I don't like something in particular.

And I really don't like Fallout 4 because... [queue all the usual complaints that have already been said about it]. Not an RPG. Designed-For-Console-Dialogue-Wheel. Designed-For-Consoles-In-General. Male Voiced Protagonist actor is a fucking pansy-ass "shoulda-been-born-a-female" retard millennial. No PC optimization whatsoever and still get charged full price. Pete Hines is an ugly goon. Bugs present in the first version are STILL in version 1.6. You know, usual Bethesda shit.