Fallout 4- Wasteland Workshop Trailer is out. Your thoughts?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
So the trailer for the new Fallout 4 DLC "Wasteland Workshop" just dropped today. What are your thoughts?

I don't even know what to say. Can I die already?
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I don't really understand any of the appeal for this. Why would I put my immortal companions in a deathmatch? Why would I set up elaborate death traps just for NPCs to wander into? Are there actual in-game justifications for why anyone living in my settlements would just agree to these cage fights? How is any of this better than a mod? This and Automatron were probably made in a week just to give them a nice little excuse to bump up the season pass. Can't wait for Far Harbor to have 20 settlements and a 45-minute main quest.
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There's a thread about this over on the news forum.
Anyway they had the fucking voiced protagonist voice it, the one people hate at that, and basically confirmed yet again that the male SS is cannon. Good work Bethesda, it's not like ambiguity has any place in RPG's :whatever:.
Quite ironic to see they use Wasteland Workshop as the name of this DLC after they once sued Notch for his game name "Scrolls", since inXile already owned the trademark of Wasteland back to 2003, but it also make me a little bit worry about if they gonna do some harmful thing to inXile.
Quite ironic to see they use Wasteland Workshop as the name of this DLC after they once sued Notch for his game name "Scrolls", since inXile already owned the trademark of Wasteland back to 2003, but it also make me a little bit worry about if they gonna do some harmful thing to inXile.
What would be funny:
Bethesda sues inXile, inXile wins and Bethesda has to pay them for the rights to use the "wasteland" name in any of their games. :lmao:
There's a thread about this over on the news forum.
Anyway they had the fucking voiced protagonist voice it, the one people hate at that, and basically confirmed yet again that the male SS is cannon. Good work Bethesda, it's not like ambiguity has any place in RPG's :whatever:.
Yeah, damned Bethesda declaring the canonical gender of their protagonist, WTF Kind of RPG studio does that. I mean Black Isle studio would never make a big deal about one of their protagonists being canonically male, especially not the Vault Dweller.

In all seriousness though, isn't it kind of obvious that the trained military professional would be the protagonist over a lawyer.
This would be pretty cool for a multiplayer game. But for a single-player game, it makes no sense. Who are you going to be using these traps on? Companions? Settlers?

In all seriousness though, isn't it kind of obvious that the trained military professional would be the protagonist over a lawyer.

All the more reason why they should have just had the veteran be whichever spouse you chose to play as, and let Ron Perlman do his omniscient thing for the opening narration.
Ah shit, I created an additional thread about this. My apologies. Didnt see this one.
What would be funny:
Bethesda sues inXile, inXile wins and Bethesda has to pay them for the rights to use the "wasteland" name in any of their games. :lmao:

That would be amazing.
All the more reason why they should have just had the veteran be whichever spouse you chose to play as, and let Ron Perlman do his omniscient thing for the opening narration.

Yeah, that was possibly one of the fucking stupidest things in gaming.

Anyway, I've said my opinion on the DLC, it looks better than the last but I hate Bethesda's direction on this game let alone the franchise. They are making a bad game worse with shit like this to be honest.

Edit: This just happened

So yeah, this is the last time I go in and buy a Bethesda game new.
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Yeah, damned Bethesda declaring the canonical gender of their protagonist, WTF Kind of RPG studio does that. I mean Black Isle studio would never make a big deal about one of their protagonists being canonically male, especially not the Vault Dweller.

In all seriousness though, isn't it kind of obvious that the trained military professional would be the protagonist over a lawyer.
Yes, I would be complaining about the male statue if this were 1998 but it at least makes more sense for them to confirm the gender of the Vault Dweller in the sequel and, not the very same fucking game, giving the middle finger to everyone who plays with a female character.
Besides they obviously realised their mistake by not revealing the Chosen One's gender in New Vegas.
I forgot about Mr. Bishop, still Marcus uses ridiculously gender neutral terms when you talk to him about the Chosen One. I'll consider Mr. Bishop a slip up, which is coincidentally what the wiki seems to believe in.
My thoughts? WHY THANK YOU FOR ASKING. Some of it looks potentially functional and less monotonous and boring, the settlement UI is a frustrating piece of shit that still doesn't even completely load on my machine, and editing stuff in Survival mode makes it even more tedious and repetitive trial and error against buggy pathfinding, placement, clipping, and what not--so hopefully it's some sort of marvellous overhaul.

OTOH it's pretty disgusting and confirms the game is catering towards right-wing libertarians and nothing is of any ethical consequence whatsoever. It almost makes me miss the Karma system, which I already hated for being so linear and absolutist. Pitting animals against each other--look I'm an asshole vegan, I know, but it's not just me who finds that ethically sketch except right-wing assholes. All over the world people have problems with people organising bloodsports between animals, unless they're like Mike Tyson or disgraced NFL football players and whoever the fucking fuck--again except, a few wild-west "buy bitcoin and gold and prep for Rapture now!" etc etc types. I mean Fallout used to have quite a bit of jokes against this kindof nonsense--fuck even Fallout 4 made jokes about it--now it's embracing it because they're catering to who the fuck is buying the game? Morons.
OTOH it's pretty disgusting and confirms the game is catering towards right-wing libertarians and nothing is of any ethical consequence whatsoever. It almost makes me miss the Karma system, which I already hated for being so linear and absolutist.

What in the holy fuck are you talking about girl? I'm a right-wing libertarian and I sure as Hell don't support animal abuse. No one that's of sound mind supports animal abuse, and certainly not half the fucking country. A lefty can be just as likely to abuse an animal as a righty, do you know why? Because it isn't a political thing, it's a sanity thing. You do understand that don't you?

For that matter, if you're referring to the DLC with your strange ramblings, cage fights/arena matches are nothing new in this series. New Vegas and FO2 had arenas too. The problem with this DLC is that it shouldn't exist. They should've spent this DLC restoring cut content like East City Downs and The Combat Zone instead of more settlement crap that should've been in the base game.

For that matter Fallout's pretty much always had a karma system, save for the 1st one. Fallout 2 had it, 3 had it, New Vegas had it, but 4 decided to shove morality into our companions for no reason. I prefer the karma system. Fallout 3 did okay with it, Fallout New Vegas did a better job with it, but I haven't really played enough of Fallout 2 to see how its karma system works.
I think I'll pass on this one. I mean, Automatron JUST came out. Is it basically RobCo certified wrapped up in the idea of a paid mod? Yeah, pretty much. But I REALLY liked RobCo certified, and it let me turn Codsworth into a Mr. Gutsy like I wanted to from the start, so I went ahead and got it. Now with the survival beta basically being the Hardcore mode from New Vegas like I wanted, I can play Fallout 4 as a generic survival game with settlement building. So long as I avoid the main quest, I can enjoy myself.

Also installed a mod to let me save whenever I want to, because FUCK only saving in beds. That's just a bad idea. It would have even been better if it was limited to autosaving as normal. That's even how I'm using my manual saves, just to get in the spirit, as it were.

As soon as it's out of beta and I get my mods back, I'll continue my policy of not caring about the rest of the DLCs have to offer, I've already got the only one I wanted even slightly.
I think I'll pass on this one. I mean, Automatron JUST came out. Is it basically RobCo certified wrapped up in the idea of a paid mod? Yeah, pretty much. But I REALLY liked RobCo certified, and it let me turn Codsworth into a Mr. Gutsy like I wanted to from the start, so I went ahead and got it. Now with the survival beta basically being the Hardcore mode from New Vegas like I wanted, I can play Fallout 4 as a generic survival game with settlement building.
That's pretty much my reason for revisiting Fallout 4. I think if you play it as a generic survival game with settlement building then it's actually pretty good. The issues come up when you actually try to play this game like you would expect if you were playing an RPG or a Fallout game - which explains a lot of the reviews essentially saying "Fallout 4: good game, awful Fallout game."

So now that I'm treating the game as the stupid mess that it is and not caring anymore about the fact that Fallout RPGs are pretty much finished unless Obsidian does another New Vegas, it's entertaining at times and I may check out some of the DLCs.

What I am hoping for is the success of Fallout 4 will lead to another partnership with Obsidian leading to New Vegas 2 that would play more like an actual Fallout RPG rather than a Borderlands with crafting.
hahaha more QQ on this post too. LEARN TO DEAL WITH IT. Fallout is lost as you remember it from the old days.

BSG own the IP and they wont let it go since it make them million and millions (since really ppl complaining is a shitty minority like on this forums hahahhahahahah) Go play other game bc Fallout is what it is now and wont be changing with any DLC.

And really someone post in another threat, if you QQ so much about the game and the DLC why you keep buying it. You are your worst enemies hahahhaha omg this forums are for laugh and laugh
"this forums are for laugh and laugh"


You definitely bring the laughs with your broken english and your pitiful attempt at stirring a pot with it.

Here's a hint: the pot was stirred when you were still in diapers, and it won't stop being stirred anytime soon. Some people actually care about things and do so for long periods of time (greater than your few second attention span), and on that note let's talk about something I care about: Trolling.

You aren't being a witty troll when you post something stupid and people respond and tell you that it, and you by extension, are stupid. Actual Trolling consists of getting people to do something they WOULD NOT have normally done, by use of your wits and fooling them into it. Making idiotic or inflamatory statements trying to get attention that mommy didn't give you, is not trolling.

You're just being.. well.. stupid. Not witty or trollish, just stupid.