CT Phipps
Carbon Dated and Proud

If we're talking about the player in this case then they have no reason to care about him as he was only in the intro for a couple minutes as an uncanny babydoll with no emotional attachment. The son is nothing more than a mcguffin forced on the player just for the feels and nothing more, with the first two Fallouts you didn't have anything to get emotionally attached to and nothing forced on you.
You can ignore the main plot of the two games but it's still the primary objective. As for me, I wanted a roleplaying reason to give a shit whether the Institute was destroyed or not.
Voiced protaganist makes it harder for you to believe that you are the player character yourself. It rather makes you feel like you are playing someone else story. Mass effect and witcher series doing it is fine as that is what you want from those series. It’s not something people wanted in fallout. Voiceless protagonist worked fine for fallout and most people preferred it that way.
I think many people were excited about having a voiced protagonist. The problem was the dialogue choices were poorly done and not at all like previous games.
Power armor is something that should be rare and highly valuable in the fallout universe. It’s something that you get introduced to in the mid-early game but can’t use it yet. It creates a sense desire and fascination with it. Then you finally get it and learn how to use it after working your ass off, only then can you fully appreciate the power armor and get a huge sense of in game accomplishment from obtaining it.
I think one of the few things which Fallout 4 did right was increase the power of the Power Armor and its aura. Power Armor went from merely being one of the best suits of armor in the game to an entirely new experience requiring upkeep but also having many customization jobs. You could go from regular power armor to having rocket boosters and more.
Deathclaws should be high level enemies who you should have no chance of fighting in the early game. Same goes for powerful weapons (ie chain gun). Giving you both the start of the game kind of destroys the pacing of the game. It makes you not fear deathclaws or make you realise the value of high powered weapons if they are introduced at the start and are so abundant.
On the contrary, I felt it gave the Deathclaws a sense of greater menace as you realized just how much punishment they could take but I suspect it may have had a different effect for most PCs. It's not an unarmored PC with a rifle versus a Deathclaw but one which can tear through you even in a tank.
So you are saying you want the same dog to magically appear in all fallout games? It makes no sense how the same dog happens to or it’s lineage happens to be in every game the player character is in. Dogmeat is history and that is how he should stay. I honestly preferred Rex much more especially due to his cyborg ish aesthetics
I don't consider Dogmea an Easter Egg, I consider him an important part of the game's lore and aesthetic.
Honestly I didn’t like the random encounters in original games either. I mean how stupid was the player character was to suddenly out of nowhere find himself in the middle of a radscorpion orgy? It was kind of funny but really annoying.
I think it's necessary to make sure you don't think of the Wasteland as a civilized safe place but a dangerous one which could kill you in a hundred ways.
You are forced into a main quest in all fallout games (almost in all rpg games) but this is based on what an ideal fallout game would be in my opinion.
I don't disagree. I'd prefer a Bethesda, "prisoner" approach.
Preston garvey makes you the general then keeps on giving you orders like you are his bitch. And his awfull raidant quest automatically being added to your quest lists without you even agreeing to it.
I think he acts as your secretary versus giving orders but this is an annoying bug, yes.
Weapon condition gave a survival and realistic aspect to the game which made me like it better.
To each their own.
I mean there should be lots of location to discover but evenly spaced out. In fallout 4 and NV there some are areas with congested with locations.
I think Fallout 4's biggest problem was it was one gigantic swamp, generic farms,and Boston.
Why do you think Nuka world is awesome?
Nuka World basically corrected one of the major flaws of the game for me, which is the fact the Commonwealth is utterly devoid of interesting places to visit. One of the most exciting places to visit is fucking Hubris Comics and if that's the highlight of your day then you've done something seriously wrong. Nuka World gives you a large amount of eye-candy, interesting "dungeons" to explore, a return of Fallout's trademark humor, and a tragic story with Oswald the Magnificent.
There's also the fun sidequests in the Grandchester Mystery Mansion and Hubologists. After the grossly underdeveloped Commonwealth, it was a breath of fresh air. Also, if you are a fan of Coca Cola's history or Disneyworld, there's literally hundreds of in-jokes including the fact they replicate Space Mountain and Epcot Center's Riverboat Ride.
Plus, one of my basic Fallout enjoyment tests is how much I get to be like Mad Max. The return of Raiders to prominence and the option to become Lord Humungous was something I've wanted in Fallout for decades.
Honestly, Nuka World could have been its own game if they'd expanded it to maybe 3 times its size and given more options.
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