Fallout 5 news?


Still Mildly Glowing

I know this is the kind of stuff that MrMatty does, because this isn't exactly solid proof, however I might be bringing you information about Fallout 5. Fresh from Italy.

A user on the Bethesda Italy Instagram page asked under the Fallout 4 5th anniversary post "what about Fallout 5?"
Bethesda replied with a winking emoji.

Now of course according to Bethesda's current schedule a Fallout 5 release any time soon seems very unlikely and the emoji is honestly too vague, however I thought it was worth reporting it here.
With Microsoft buying BS I could see them reassigning a few IPs because Bethesda has solid gold in financial IP potential but their release schedule is glacial at the moment.It would make sense for Microsoft to get TES, Starfield and Fallout all in gear at once.

Perhaps I'm being too hopeful
Don't Bethesda usually wait until like they are months out before they announce a release, barring the latest Elder Scrolls game. I mean I don't think I even heard of Fallout 4 until months before it came out? though that could have been me just not giving a shit.
gamebryo in space, which if the leaks that predicted its existence and name a year in advance are to be believed, will bridge the TES and Fallout universes into one.
No no no no no, that can’t be right. That’s just lazy fanon Bethesda fanboys like to believe. Bethesda wouldn’t actually be stupid enough to do that, right? I mean, what’s next, getting rid of skills? A voiced protagonist? Retconning the invention of jet, or the motivations of the brotherhood of steel?

Cmon guys, Bethesda isn’t that stupid
No no no no no, that can’t be right. That’s just lazy fanon Bethesda fanboys like to believe. Bethesda wouldn’t actually be stupid enough to do that, right? I mean, what’s next, getting rid of skills? A voiced protagonist? Retconning the invention of jet, or the motivations of the brotherhood of steel?

Cmon guys, Bethesda isn’t that stupid

I'd prefer not to think about it as well, but the original leak that claimed that was also the first place to mention that BGS was making a sci-fi RPG called Starfield. Well over a year before its official declaration.

They said they'd try and say that the Nirnroot on the Prydwen in Fallout 4 was the first hint they were the same world.
If you do the math and read how Bethesda development works, then you know Fallout 5 won't happen until the half or end of the decade.

Here's how they do it: Its actually pretty smart and efficient. You see, most devs have the concept and devs working at the same time, and then the concept guys get fired and hired again for the next game. Not Bethesda. Devs work on the current game, the Concept guys are already thinking up the next game, making concept art, designing, etc. When the current game finishes up (AKA last DLC done), the devs go to the next project and the concept guys to the project after this one.

This way, both the devs and concept guys are always working. Its very smart.

For example, the Devs are finishing Starfield right now. That means the Concept team is working on TES VI right now. When Starfield releases the last DLC, the Devs will work on TES VI and the Concept guys will work on Fallout 5.

Bethesda games are out every 3-5 years. Starfield will be out in 2021 for sure. Then an year or two of DLC. Then they start working on the next game.


Starfield - 2021 and 2022
TES VI - Development time between 3-5 years. Which means launch at 2025-27. Maybe 2024.
Fallout 5 - In 2030?!

One flaw with my reasoning is that I can't believe they will let mainline Fallout titles sit on a shelf for literally fifteen years and pretty much skip the current gen. Fallout 3 and 4 have seven years of difference, and I suspect Fallout New Vegas is a thing because Bethesda wanted to keep the franchise fresh in people's minds during that interval.

I did hear they expanded and hired more people some time back. So they may have extra teams or something. TES VI may be in parallel development alongside Starfield. I think that's likely to be the case. Which might mean that Fallout 5 might be out in 2023-2025.

And I would not be a surprised if we have an spin-off, New Vegas-style, to have a new-gen Fallout.