Fallout 5 should have breast sliders.

Why not, PC users will just end up modding it in anyway so why not just allow us it in character creation.
It'd be neat if we could get a perk that the more radiation we contract the bigger they grow and the more they start to glow.
Eventually you won't need a pipboy light.

Shadman style. I like it.
Well, if you have a companion that is also a giant tit then you can motorboat NPC's.
As for male characters, they can play as a sack of nuts, however that is hardcore mode as everytime you do anything straining it will hurt your character immensely (such as falling off a ledge, bowling into enemies or taking a deatchlaw swipe).
Well, if you have a companion that is also a giant tit then you can motorboat NPC's.
As for male characters, they can play as a sack of nuts, however that is hardcore mode as everytime you do anything straining it will hurt your character immensely (such as falling off a ledge, bowling into enemies or taking a deatchlaw swipe).

Walking one hit kills you because your nuts scrape. If you jump your scrotom explodes and you die.
Vehicles confirmed
Screw the tit I want to play has a nipple. A big bloated lactating nipple, with a single big strand of hair.
Now that would be a good quality game.
From a non-objective perspective.
I agree. Some people will be offended, but more options are better and Bethesda is so bad at making female modes, they always have massive shoulders or if it is Oblivion, you could literally fit a person in their arm pit. Better models, more customization and boob size. It does seem rather strange how the sliders work. I also hope they go back to actual sliders in stead of consolitus triangles.

New game recipe
20 new writers and level designers, not 20 writer/level designers
Add 150 more sliders,
200 more options,
2 pinches of better/more realistic bodies
Make sure not to add any Emil as that will ruin the dish.