Fallout: A Hollow Flame - Fan Cinematic in Classic Fallout Universe


First time out of the vault

I've been a Fallout fan since the early 2000s, and Fallout 1 is really my favorite. I always wanted to contribute to the community somehow, and decided to make a short cinematic.
I love Fallout 2, New Vegas, but this horror, mysterious atmosphere from the first game - blew my mind, and stayed there ever since.

Lore-wise, this cinematic starts shortly after Master's defeat. You can read the backstory here: http://hollowflame.com/ (I created the site too:lol:). In a couple of words - some cultists did not reconcile with Master's death and decided to "revive" him. What happened after - that is what cinematic is about.

Hope you'll like it!

I haven't seen this 'til now, but very cool! Checked out the short and the website and dug it a lot.
horror, mysterious atmosphere from the first game
I think it's really cool; I like it.
*But it does have two issues (of course there is a but)...

First is the slippery feet; the armored figure seems weightless, and the feet slip/slide on the ground whenever they walk. This is fixable.
Second... well it derives straight from The Mark Of Chaos cinematic outright—not the first to do it either; later warhammer titles did this too. But it's a directly copied gimmick. In the OP's case, right down to the glowing hot hammer.

The Mark Of Chaos

Copied from above in Dawn of War 2 [less effectively done]
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Looks pretty good. I checked out the website and enjoyed the journal entries, as well. Hope this project gets bigger and gains more support.
I got more enjoyment from that short video than from Bethesda Fallout the past 16 years. I think 3d animation would be the way to go for a Fallout series to be honest. Also, this is how I'd see Fallout having looked if it had continued on into the mid 2000's with it's original art direction. Yes, there are some things like movement that needs some tweaking like Gizmojunk mentioned. Finally, while there is a trend in trailers that involve the lead charging at a monster with some sort of melee weapon, I'll admit it was neat seeing the classic Super sledge and how it might've been carried.

This is the stuff that makes me stay a fan of Fallout, people like you and the modders that either fix up the older games or outright create new stories within them. I know it's cheezy, but you guys are each a reason I fell in love with the classic series to begin with, that and a youtuber by the name of Dap642.
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