
  1. Z

    Fallout 1 upscaled cinematics

    I found all the Fallout 1 cinematics upscaled and they look amazing so I copied them to Fallout\data\ART\CUTS only to realize they're format is .avi while the Fallout videos are formatted in .mve Does anyone know a solution or where to download high resolution cinematics already in .mve format?
  2. gepi13

    Fallout: A Hollow Flame - Fan Cinematic in Classic Fallout Universe

    Hello! I've been a Fallout fan since the early 2000s, and Fallout 1 is really my favorite. I always wanted to contribute to the community somehow, and decided to make a short cinematic. I love Fallout 2, New Vegas, but this horror, mysterious atmosphere from the first game - blew my mind, and...
  3. Traplord209

    ITT Post videos of people doing insane shit in any Fallout Game

    I love videos of people abusing the gameplay engine of the various games or just any feat of skill within them, maybe even funny dialogue. Please post some of your favorite moments here! I'll start with a video I saw years ago that still has relatively few views.
  4. ramblelime

    Fallout 1/2 Video Critiques

    Hey guys, long time reader first time poster. I've always though there's been a severe lack of fallout 1/2 content on youtube, so I made two videos of my own. I'll link them here, feel free to watch if you want, or link other fallout 1/2 content you think is great. Always looking for more!
  5. cratchety ol joe

    I made a thing... [video link]

    I'm just starting up a new RPG sesh with some pals and decided every Fallout game deserves a Fallout intro... so I made my own! I hope you enjoy.
  6. Risewild

    Van Buren Tech Demo Trailer + Power Armor video 2018-10-20

    A .rar file with a short video showcasing Van Buren's Power Armor and the tech demo trailer. Van Buren was the code name for the unfinished Black Isle's Fallout 3.
  7. TerminallyChill

    "No Todds, No Masters" Creator Disappears

    YouTuber MisterCaption, best known for his 3 hour critique of Fallout 4 titled "No Todds, No Masters" has apparently disappeared under mysterious circumstances. His videos and social media accounts have been deleted, and there is evidence he was under severe emotional stress leading up to the...
  8. TerminallyChill

    Post The Funniest Video You Can Think Of

    Remember kids, don't derail a thread (however justified you think you are) with stupid videos like I did. Post them here instead! This definitely isn't the best I've got, but a bunch of good ones I shared just got put into the Vats. :vatted: Oh well! Hopefully others can learn from my mistake...
  9. D

    Ahoy looks into one of the most prevalent video game urban legends: Polybius.

    Ahoy, general quality game lore maker, looks into the mythical Polybius UL. I hope he makes a video about Fallout, one day. He'll do it justice.
  10. W

    So I was playing Fallout 4 when this happened

    So yesterday I was playing a bit of Fallout 4 when this happened, I've never had this happened before and have no idea what was going on. I managed to capture it as a highlight though so I put it on Youtube with some edits. Has this every happened to you guys or is this something rare that just...
  11. cratchety ol joe

    Everyone, stand back... I just 'had fun' playing FO4.

    Deep breath everyone, sit down if you need to. I know this comes as a shock, but I just enjoyed Fallout 4. I'm going through my 2nd play-through (because steam achievements drive my existence) and while powering through the game and ignoring everything, clicking through 'conversations' with...
  12. X

    My friend and I started a Fallout series about two dude becoming raiders. Tell us what you think

    It's hard to survive in the wasteland. It's harder to do it in heels. Raiders is a comedy about two guys, Avery and Mac, who decide to become raiders. We present to you Episode 1: Dress to Suppress. Sometimes people have very different ideas about professional attire. We really love...