Fallout Ammo in 3D

Morpoggel said:
Well, I got the 50 from here.
it's not per clip, but per ammo unit (used for easy handling in your inventory).

looking at the image, i'd say it's a 20 bullet doublestack magazine.
Something like that... when I've finished rendering the current animation I'm rendering (some futuristic rifle resembling the machine guns from C&C Renegade, firing particles :P) I'll start making the clip. With 20 bullets in it.
Hotel California said:
You mean 5 not 50. The .223 pistol had a clip size of 5. I suspect it was a hunting rifle.

Not really, because the .223 pistol is not a Rangemaster hunting rifle. You should know that after visiting NMA for a while :twisted:

20 rounds in one clip sounds right though. How about laying some single rounds around in front of the clip too?
Well, my hangover is almost gone, so I'm gonna find a tutorial for getting the materials correctly, like you guys said it should be.

Even if I have to rip the internet a new one, I will find it!!!
que bueno que esta, de verdad, que programa utilizaste morpogell, porque estan de verdad muy buenas, y el que no me entienda que se joda, porque no se escribir bien en ingles y me cuesta un toco, hablarlo es facil, pero escribirlo es mas dificil que levantarse a una baca preñada no? jaja
Xtreme said:
el que no me entienda que se joda, porque no se escribir bien en ingles y me cuesta un toco, hablarlo es facil, pero escribirlo es mas dificil que levantarse a una baca preñada no? jaja

Mira, putete. O empiezas a escribir ingles, o te largas.

That's your last warning.
Anybody wanna translate that?

Anyhoo, busy with school and stuff, so I haven't worked much on this 3d model... if anybody comes across a way to get the material right though, please let me know...
Does anyone know if the .223 ammo in Fallout is the same as the real life .223?
st0lve said:
It probably is, since it's .223 :o
don't act as is a stupid question, because for once it isnt.

might i point out that .30-03, .30-06, .308W, .300M, .30 US and so on and so forth are all ".30", the case diameter is the same, the length isnt.

and even if it were, it doesnt mean they're equal. so, the question is indeed valid.

as for the question, the .223 does look like "our" .223 / 5,56x45 NATO. but there is no way to be sure.