Fallout: Ashen Earth


First time out of the vault
The game takes place in the western side of Beijing city, including a portion of lands further west of the city. The center of Beijing city is cut off from the rest of the city, "covered" by the huge metal box that is supposed to protect the inner Beijing from any nuclear assaults. Unfortunately, the bombs drop before this "Great Wall" is completed, the bombs went through the only not-covered-up hole in the massive box and exploded right inside the box, resulting in the metal parts falling and sealing the box forever. With the fate of government unknown, many survivors began to build their own settlements, wanting to survive in a wasteland that is forever covered in snow because of the extremely low temperature caused by the Nuclear Winter that have befallen on China.

The year is 2175, 98 years after the "Armageddon War(大破灭战争)".

PRC - People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国
Leader:郑兴华主席 Chairman Zheng Xinghua(Xing Hua = Rise of China)
A psuedo government established by the surviving military force stationed in Beijing. The new republic is by far the strongest and most influential organization in Westside Beijing. Under the command of Chairman Zheng Xing Hua and General Lu Xiang, the new republic is able to regain much of the Beijing terrirtories.

Pangu Corporation 盘古集团
Leader:杨胜天 Yang Shengtian(Sheng Tian = Better than the Sky)
Created by Yang Tao, Pangu Corporation is one of the most well known post-war faction in Westside Beijing. It mainly operates in Old City, and said to be having a large amount of American technologies salvaged from the pre-war American spies.


The year is 2078, those who survived "Armaggedon War" by hiding in the Gucheng Metro Station left their shelter, wanting to find a place that is suitable for a settlement. Among the forty three survivors, there was one individual called Yang Tao. He was a brilliant businessman before the war and was able to motivate people to move on. Eventually, the group found Fangdi Building, a skyscraper thats not severely damaged by the war. However, most of the people in the group didn't make it here due to the lethal radiation lingering in the air.

Yang Tao and his remaining followers settled in the building, salvaging any resources they can find within the skyscraper. At the same time, the surviving followers find themselves mutated because of the radiation. This included Yang Tao, whose apperance did not change much, but with DNA altered.

Three months after that, Yang Tao accepted survivors from other places to settle in Fangdi Building, but the radiation is still a huge problem as it continues to kill the residents of Fangdi Building. During a salvaging mission, Yang Tao's group found a lot of medicines and radiation suits within Tai Kang Hospital, with all these and the help of Doctor Guo Tai Neely, Yang Tao managed to keep the remaning people alive and ready to build a new civilization.


Yang Tao 杨涛
First CEO of Pangu Corporation, grandfather of Yang Sheng Tian. Yang Tao is an ambitious man and wanting to prove himself even after the world is destoryed by the nuclear war. He is well known for being assertive and savvy.

Yang Shengwu 杨胜武
Elder song of Yang Tao and father of Yang Sheng Tian, Yang Sheng Wu is a peace-loving young fellow. He was sent to the Summer Palace with his twin brother. He was later killed by his power-hungry twin brother who is jealous of him.

Yang Shengwen 杨胜文
Younger brother of Yang Sheng Wu. He is ambitious but not able to achieve anything big and important. He is jealous of his older brother who is intelligent and much liked than him. He later killed his own brother when they were sent to the Summer Palace in search of the underground facility housing Huang Di.

Yang Shengtian 杨胜天
The current Chief Executive Officer of Pangu Corporation, the company formed by Yang Tao after the Armageddon War shattered the Chinese government at 2077. He is renowned for his alliance with People's Republic of China after Yang Tao's disapperance and deemed traitor by some of the Pangu Corp members.

Doctor Guotai Neely 倪国泰医生
A Canadian doctor that moved to China eleven years before the Armaggedon War. He is a friend of Yang Tao and an advisor to him.

Veiled Dragons 隐龙

Elite soldiers of the Pangu Corporation, they are trained by Yang Tao using the pre-war method of training Crimson Dragoons. They wore a piece of Hei Gui Stealth Armor at all time and armed only with shocksword. They’re agile, elusive and merciless, answering only to the CEO of Pangu Corporation.

History –
Established after a betrayal orchested by Yang Tao’s second son who was leading a portion of Pangu Corp military and the Gold Tigers Gang. Yang Tao felt that he needed soldiers that would only be loyal to him and no others, in this way, he could be ready for another betrayal with the men that would only answer to him.

Yang Tao took several orphans from settlements owned by Pangu Corporation or from the street, he locked them in the basement of Fangdi Building, then strated training them using the method of training Crimson Dragoons.

Leader:指挥官巴尔登·霍姆斯 Commander Barden Holmes
The remnants of American military invading Beijing during the "Armaggedon War".

Golden Tiger Gang 金虎帮
Leader:王虎 Wang Hu (Wang = King, Hu = Tiger)


Player's Character: People's Comrade 人民的同志

You are an inhabitant of Westside Beijing who decided to join PRC army. You are interviewed by Sergeant Jiang who will ask you to fill out a sheet(Filling in your name, gender and tag your skills as you choose which camp you are going to). You will also be photographed so they can put you in their enlistment file(character creation). Once you are in the camp, you will need to do several training that will affect your skills and you also need to do some quests to get your traits. Once you are done, you will find yourself in a rebellion after waking up from your barrack. Once you go out, a fellow recruit will talk to you about the situation and hand you a DragonBoy(A modified PipBoy), he tells you that your chance of survival is greatly increased with it. You can then pick up a Pistol from a dead officier and continue the quest. It is revealed at the end of the quest that your fellow recruit is the cause of this rebellion. He took the DragonBoy from the dead Lieutanant and gave it to you so he can blame everything on you. You then would have to kill him. After the battle, you can leave the training camp and explore the Westside Beijing.

The player can soon discover Chi You(蚩尤), a super weapon that have been fought for by the Pangu Corp and PRC. The player will decide the fate of Westside Beijing, and the post-war China.



Character Creation


Not long after the player's enlistment into the PRC army at Dongshan Military Encampment, a rebellion led by several unknown recruits started. The player will wake up finding Liu Junyu, a male recruit, putting something onto the player's wrist (DragonBoy). Liu Junyu will tell the player that he/she got shot during the gunfight and passed out, he put the DragonBoy on the player in order to heal him/her.






Chi You "蚩尤"
Chi You is one of the two grand projects the Chinese government had been working on during the Armaggedon War. It is titled "The Sharpest Spear That Will Shatter Any Shield", they did completed the satellite weapon but soon failed to activate it and used it on USA because some techinician activated Huang Di (Super computer managing the facility)'s failsafe system which grants him the A.I. that will erase any human it sees within the facility. The Chinese government is unable to retake the facility due to the robots guarding the facility being too strong and they can't really spare any troops fighting the Americans. Chi You is lost for 98 years before it is discovered again by the People's Comrade.

Great Wall "长城"
The other project Chinese government had, "The Impenetrable Shield That Will Block Any Attack" it is titled. It is supposed to protect a large portion of Beijing City(Inner Beijing) from nuclear attack and the radiation. It wasn't completed on time, resulting in the nuclear bombs dropping through the Skyhole(天洞), forever sealing the Inner Beijing from rest of the world.


Phoenix Feather "Feather" 羽毛
Infamous souvenir given out by PhoenixTech. The "Bottlecap" in Westside Beijing.

DragonBoy 神龙小子
DragonBoy is developed by the Phoenix Technology during the war. It is a modified Pip-Boy(Stolen from the Americans) providing Chinese interface and additional features. VATS is kept and renamed "AutoAim", the Pip-Boy icon is replaced with DragonBoy, the new mascot of Phoenix Technology.

Phoenix Technology 凤凰科技
PhoenixTech is one of the most influential pre-war companies of China. Its products include the famous DragonBoy(With AutoAim included), energy weapons, and several power armors under development. Phoenix Technology is actually a company under the control of American agents, and most of the products they have are either harmful in some way or in bad condition.


NOTE: Firearms and their ammos are extremely rare in Westside Beijing. Most firearms that common people can obtain are either salvaged or bought from Pangu Corporation.


5.8mm Pistol
9mm Pistol
7.62mm Pistol
9mm SMG
7.62mm SMG
Riot Shotgun
Type 56 Assault Rifle
American Pistol
American Assault Rifle
American Shotgun
Anti-Material Rifle


American Laser Pistol
American Laser Rifle
Gauss Rifle


Dao (Sabre)

Zhanmadao (Anti-Cavalry Sword)

Liuxing Chui (Meteor Hammer)

Sanjie Gun (Triple Staff)

Gun (Staff)
Jian (Sword)
Qiang (Spear)
Hook Sword


Nu (Crossbow)



Chángquán (simplified Chinese: 长拳; traditional Chinese: 長拳; pinyin: Chángqúan; literally "Long Fist") refers to a family of external (as opposed to internal) martial arts (kung fu) styles from northern China.

The forms of the Long Fist style emphasize fully extended kicks and striking techniques, and by appearance would be considered a long-range fighting system. In some Long Fist styles the motto is that "the best defense is a strong offense," in which case the practitioner launches a preemptive attack so aggressive that the opponent doesn't have the opportunity to attack. Others emphasize defense over offense, noting that nearly all techniques in Long Fist forms are counters to attacks. Long Fist uses large, extended, circular movements to improve overall body mobility in the muscles, tendons, and joints. Advanced Long Fist techniques include qin na joint-locking techniques and shuai jiao throws and takedowns.

The Long Fist style is considered to contain a good balance of hand and foot techniques, but in particular it is renowned for its impressive acrobatic kicks. In demonstration events, Long Fist techniques are most popular and memorable for their whirling, running, leaping, and acrobatics. Contemporary changquan moves are difficult to perform, requiring great flexibility and athleticism comparable to that of gymnastics.

Long Fist's arsenal of kicks covers everything from a basic front toe-kick to a jumping back-kick, from a low sweep to a tornado-kick. Specifically, typical moves in modern Changquan include: xuanfengjiao (旋风脚; "whirlwind kick"), xuanzi (旋子; "butterfly jump"), cekongfan (侧空翻; "side somersault"), and tengkongfeijiao (腾空飞脚; "flying jump kick").


Xingyiquan (Chinese: 形意拳; pinyin: Xíng yì quán; Wade–Giles: Hsing I Ch'üan) is one of the major "internal" (Wudang) Chinese martial arts (an even broader term encompassing the internal arts is nèijiā). The word translates approximately to "Form/Intention Boxing", or "Shape/Will Boxing", and is characterized by aggressive, seemingly linear movements and explosive power. There is no single organizational body governing the teaching of the art, and several variant styles exist.

A practitioner of xingyiquan uses coordinated movements to generate bursts of power intended to overwhelm the opponent, simultaneously attacking and defending. Forms vary from school to school, but include barehanded sequences and versions of the same sequences with a variety of weapons. These sequences are based upon the movements and fighting behavior of a variety of animals. The training methods allow the student to progress through increasing difficulty in form sequences, timing and fighting strategy.


Phoenix 凤凰镇
A settlement built on the ruins of PhoenixTech HQ. The inhabitants are able to salvage technologies the PhoenixTech stored and trade it with other factions. It is the richest settlement in Westside Beijing.



Phoenix is a settlement built around and inside the ruined buildings of PhoenixTech HQ, one of the most influential Pre-War companies in China. During the Armageddon War, the Chief Executive Officer of PhoenixTech asked his employee to ship all the best products to the HQ, wanting to provide to American agents the equipments they might need. However, the unexpected nuclear attacks disrupted his plan and all the techs are locked inside the underground storage beneath PhoenixTech HQ building. After the war, those who survived working in the underground PhoenixTech facilities emerged, finding the city in ruins. Christopher Burton, the leader of the PhoenixTech researchers left the HQ, looking for other survivors. Thus, the HQ building is deserted and forgotten after Christopher and his group died because of the lethal radiations.

At the year of 2087, a group of survivors from the south settled around the PhoenixTech HQ, and eventually found the underground storage with a large amount of techs stored in it. Liang Chang, the leader of this group, ordered his followers to move into the underground storage. He then gave them all the energy weapons they found in the storage, telling them that this would be a great opportunity for them if they want to survive. Under Liang’s leadership, the group started to trade with another group to the north, they were able to obtain medicines and radiation suits from the deal. Liang also met with Yang Tao, the leader of the group occupying Tongxin Hospital. Yang agreed to help Liang and the two went into a long-term partnership.

With the help of Yang’s group, Liang was able to build his town swifter. When the town is finally completed with all the essential infrastructures, Liang named the town “Phoenix”. Liang established his bank and started using “Feathers”, a small souvenir made by the PhoenixTech. At the year of 2100, Yang established the Pangu Corporation, Liang’s banking company was the first to join him.

Gucheng 古城
Gucheng "Old City" is one of the largest settlements in Westside Beijing. This place is established and managed by the Pangu Corporation. Because Pangu Corporation does not really care about other people's race, so this is one of the few towns in Westside Beijing with inhabitants that are descendants of foreigners.



September 10: Huang Di's failsafe system was accidentally activated, resulting in Huang Di gaining AI that tells him to kill all the human within the underground facility. One of the researchers managed to complete an emergency notice before getting killed. Huang Di then cut off the network, so the emergency notice was not able to get out.

October 23: "Armaggedon War" is over, Skyhole Incident destroyed the power generators within "GreatWall", sealing the whole Inner Beijing due to the malfunctioning of all electric gates.

October 23: Daniel Vancouver, along with his fellow Americans survived the war by hiding in the underground bunkers beneath the PhoenixTech HQ buildings.

October 23: 8th Regiment stationed near Beijing survived the war in their military base north of Beijing.

October 25: General Shen of the 8th Regiment sent out three squads to find out what happened on the surface since theres no responses from the radio.

October 27: Yang Tao and other survivors emerge from Gucheng Metro Station. The group started moving east in search of a safe shelter, many died during the journey.

October 27: Only two of the three squads General Shen sent out returned. They brought the news of Beijing totally destroyed by the bombs. Many soldiers shot themselves shortly after hearing the news.

October 28: General Shen tried to communicate with the central government but failed. Lieutanant Zheng told him that they should get out of the military base and get to Beijing as soon as possible to find out what happened to the central government.

October 30: General Shen remained at the base and sent Lieutanant Zheng south with a company of 126 soldiers.

November 4: 70% of Yang Tao's group were killed because of the lethal radiation, almost all the surviving members were mutated, including Yang Tao.

November 7: Yang Tao became the leader of the group, he killed those who gave up and told the others that they will have to keep moving if they want to rebuild China.

November 10: Yang Tao's group arrived at the Fangdi Building, a skyscraper that is not severely damaged by the war.

November 12: Christopher Burton and the PhoenixTech researchers left their nuclear shelter without knowing the American remnants deeper underground.

November 15: Yang Tao's salvaging party retrieved a large amount of medicines and radiation suits from a nearby hospital. With the help of Doctor Guo Tai Neely, Yang Tao successfully saved a lot of his followers from dying.

November 20: Lieutanant Zheng's company arrived at Peking University, he established his base there with what men he have after losing many to the lethal radiation.

November 21: The huge amount of smokes that built up in the Earth's atmosphere eventually caused a nuclear winter. Sunlight is blocked and the weather got colder and colder.

November 24: Lieutanant Zheng's son Zheng Chong Yang is born at the Longbei Military Base. Zheng's wife died shortly after giving birth to the child.

November 26: Lieutanant Zheng killed several deserters caught while they were trying to sneak out of the university. Zheng decided to move on and finish his mission as soon as possible before worse things happen.

November 30: Zheng's company is down to 50 men, he had to gun down his own captain who decided to run away.

December 1: General Shen was murdered by Colonel Cao, afterward Cao declared himself the new Emperor of China. His reign ended shortly as a sniper managed to pierce his head with a bullet.

December 2: Colonel Zhu took over the regiment, he ordered the troops to take with them any resources that they can find in the military base and evacuated the base.

December 4: Christopher Burton, the only survivor of the PhoenixTech researchers, found his way into the Summer Palace. He discovered the underground facility the Chinese government used to develop Chi You.

December 5: Christopher Burton got into the facility without being killed by Huang Di since he is mutated to an extent that Huang Di did not consider him to be a human.

December 5: Lieutanant Zheng and his men arrived at the China Central Television Tower, took over it and tried to communicate with those within the "GreatWall". Christopher was surprised that someone was actually sending out signal requesting communication. He connected to the network through the intact computers inside the underground facility. Lieutanant Zheng did not really expect someone would reply but still have conversation with Chris. During the process, Chris' computer automatically sent out an emergency notice to Zheng's computer regarding Huang Di and the event that happened within the underground facility. However the two were not able to communicate with the network quickly disabled.

December 6: Christopher Burton found out that the facility is linked to Chi You, a satellite weapon orbiting Earth. He hacked Huang Di and ordered it to destroy Chi You. Chi You's self-destruct system was activate and all the parts fell into different parts of China. After doing this, Christopher Burton was killed by Huang Di who recognized him as an invader.

December 7: Lieutanant Zheng found the file inside his computer. He never thought that a satellite weapon will be orbiting Earth, and the best part about it is that the weapon is intact and ready to use. He orders 20 men to leave the tower and head straight to the Summer Palace, hoping that he will gain control of Chi You.

December 10: Colonel Zhu and the 8th Regiment arrived at China Central Television Tower. Lieutanant Zheng killed the colonel right infront of the whole regiment. He gave a speech about the government not even helping its own people after the crisis, he announced the establishment of the new PRC, and himself the chairman of the nation. The soldiers was totally caught off-guard and later agreed to his proclamation.

December 11: Chairman Zheng gave out orders to his troops, he wanted them to annex any settlements they can find in the ruins.

December 20: Yang Tao and some of his followers left Fangdi Building in search of more resources and more survivors in Westside Beijing.

December 27: Yang Tao found a settlement near Tongxin Hospital, he convinced them to join them. Joe Rivens, the leader of the small settlement agreed in exchange for resources and right to settle in Fangdi Building.

December 30: Liang Chang and his group of survivors moved into the Westside Beijing in search of safe shelter. They encountered a couple of mutated humans that they called "Corpse People".
I think this is really good, I like how your going to china as no one has thought about there yet (as far as I know).

But one thing, when will people realise a nuclear-winter is when it rains ash, not SNOW!
Mr Krepe said:
I think this is really good, I like how your going to china as no one has thought about there yet (as far as I know).

But one thing, when will people realise a nuclear-winter is when it rains ash, not SNOW!

A nuclear winter = massive temperature dropping because of massive amount of ashes in the atmosphere, which block out the sun. Thats hypothetical, though.
Mr Krepe said:
But one thing, when will people realise a nuclear-winter is when it rains ash, not SNOW!

Fallout physics are different, in the real world radiation does not turn you into a nearly immortal Zombie-like creature either.
Oh crap I've been exposing myself to radiation every day hoping to become immortal! Now you tell me! :wink:

I like the idea, but I'm a little confused: the inner city was sealed off by a box with a hole in it. Then a bomb dropped through the hole and destroyed everything inside the box? Is that right?
ncr_insurgent said:
Mr Krepe said:
But one thing, when will people realise a nuclear-winter is when it rains ash, not SNOW!

Fallout physics are different, in the real world radiation does not turn you into a nearly immortal Zombie-like creature either.

Their different to a degree, ghouls are in the series because people in the 50's thought thats what you would turn into if exposed to radiation. Saying that radiation makes a nulcear winter have snow instead of ash is retarded.

Great Idea, but what happens if you want to be african-american or casucasian, maybe you could add a backstory saying your descended from a tourist? Anyway, its a great idea and I like the chinese goverment. I like how you add chinese translations next to them, shows you've researched and put effort into them.
Yeah I think that if you created more back story with all of the characters I think this could come onto something great if you worked on it, but I don't think you'll be looking for that sort of commitment just yet, but yeah I like the rebellion idea it's different but in a good way.

Little Robot: They didn't manage to finish before the bombs drops, so thats why there's a hole in the roof, because they mustn't of gotten round to there by the start of the great war.
No offense but 'another' satellite weapon?

BOMB001 would have been great for a one time use, but now it seems there are loads of weapons in orbit.
Highwater-Trousers, Hercules-Bradley, ARCHIMEDES II.
Mr Krepe said:
They didn't manage to finish before the bombs drops, so thats why there's a hole in the roof, because they mustn't of gotten round to there by the start of the great war.

I got that, but I'm confused as to why the "fate of their government is unknown" when they were nuked in an enclosed space with no escape...
The bomb that actually went through the hole and exploded inside the box was not powerful enough to wipe out the population of inner city. Many survived but with the power generators destoryed by the bomb and all the radiation trapped inside the sealed box, they aren't able to escape with the electric gates disabled. So it is unknown that if the government survived or not.

The ARMY is consist of pure humans that survived the war by hiding in undeground bunkers built by American agents. They have access to high techs and is actually one of the main factions in Westside Beijing. Their only goal is to return home.
Hmm... lethal radiation from atomic bombs (both heat and gamma rays or whatever) I think is a pretty large radius, even without possibly bouncing off the interior of the box or something. How large is the giant box?
I am not sure how large it would be.......

The area outlined in black is the Westside Beijing and the game map.
The area outlined in red is the area the massive box covered.



Phoenix Feather "Feather" 羽毛
Infamous souvenir given out by PhoenixTech. The "Bottlecap" in Westside Beijing.

DragonBoy 神龙小子
DragonBoy is developed by the Phoenix Technology during the war. It is a modified Pip-Boy(Stolen from the Americans) providing Chinese interface and additional features. VATS is kept and renamed "AutoAim", the Pip-Boy icon is replaced with DragonBoy, the new mascot of Phoenix Technology.

Phoenix Technology 凤凰科技
PhoenixTech is one of the most influential pre-war companies of China. Its products include the famous DragonBoy(With AutoAim included), energy weapons, and several power armors under development. Phoenix Technology is actually a company under the control of American agents, and most of the products they have are either harmful in some way or in bad condition.


Phoenix 凤凰镇
A settlement built on the ruins of PhoenixTech HQ. The inhabitants are able to salvage technologies the PhoenixTech stored and trade it with other factions. It is the richest settlement in Westside Beijing.
Aradin said:
The bomb that actually went through the hole and exploded inside the box was not powerful enough to wipe out the population of inner city. Many survived but with the power generators destoryed by the bomb and all the radiation trapped inside the sealed box, they aren't able to escape with the electric gates disabled. So it is unknown that if the government survived or not.

The ARMY is consist of pure humans that survived the war by hiding in undeground bunkers built by American agents. They have access to high techs and is actually one of the main factions in Westside Beijing. Their only goal is to return home.

Would they all be descendants of the original American army? If so then you get a gold star.
Thomas de Aynesworth said:
Aradin said:
The bomb that actually went through the hole and exploded inside the box was not powerful enough to wipe out the population of inner city. Many survived but with the power generators destoryed by the bomb and all the radiation trapped inside the sealed box, they aren't able to escape with the electric gates disabled. So it is unknown that if the government survived or not.

The ARMY is consist of pure humans that survived the war by hiding in undeground bunkers built by American agents. They have access to high techs and is actually one of the main factions in Westside Beijing. Their only goal is to return home.

Would they all be descendants of the original American army? If so then you get a gold star.

While the military sector is mainly consist of the descendants of the original American army, most members of the ARMY are refugee (tourists, foreign traders, foreign workers, immigrants and even mixed blood) who survived the Armageddon War, they joined the ARMY seeking protection. (Most Chinese in Westside Beijing, especially the PRC despises Americans, or simply foreigners with different skin color).

Gucheng 古城
Gucheng "Old City" is one of the largest settlements in Westside Beijing. This place is established and managed by the Pangu Corporation. Because Pangu Corporation does not really care about other people's race, so this is one of the few towns in Westside Beijing with inhabitants that are descendants of foreigners.


The year is 2078, those who survived "Armaggedon War" by hiding in the Gucheng Metro Station left their shelter, wanting to find a place that is suitable for a settlement. Among the forty three survivors, there was one individual called Yang Tao. He was a brilliant businessman before the war and was able to motivate people to move on. Eventually, the group found Fangdi Building, a skyscraper thats not severely damaged by the war. However, most of the people in the group didn't make it here due to the lethal radiation lingering in the air.

Yang Tao and his remaining followers settled in the building, salvaging any resources they can find within the skyscraper. At the same time, the surviving followers find themselves mutated because of the radiation. This included Yang Tao, whose apperance did not change much, but with DNA altered.

Three months after that, Yang Tao accepted survivors from other places to settle in Fangdi Building, but the radiation is still a huge problem as it continues to kill the residents of Fangdi Building. During a salvaging mission, Yang Tao's group found a lot of medicines and radiation suits within Tai Kang Hospital, with all these and the help of Doctor Guo Tai Neely, Yang Tao managed to keep the remaning people alive and ready to build a new civilization.


Yang Tao 杨涛
First CEO of Pangu Corporation, grandfather of Yang Sheng Tian. Yang Tao is an ambitious man and wanting to prove himself even after the world is destoryed by the nuclear war. He is well known for being assertive and savvy.

Doctor Guo Tai Neely 倪国泰医生
A Canadian doctor that moved to China eleven years before the Armaggedon War. He is a friend of Yang Tao and an advisor to him.
Even cooler: what if Vault-Tec stole the Pip-Boy from China?

As far as black and white characters, what if the British East India Company never collapsed, in the Fallout universe? Descendants of the merchants pilot a bullet train-city. Now all they need is a special purpose...

Hell, they're just greedy.

Maybe these merchants unwittingly carry coordinates of a lunar base, hidden on the dark side of the moon? The small colony is where Chairman Cheng and a select of the Party wait for transit to Earth.

From Fallout 2:
"... their spirits becoming part of the background radiation..." Perhaps ancestor worship should reflect this? The government, long preparing for the conflagration, prepared its people psychologically. Irradiation, they were taught, was communion with the ancestors.

Hope this helps!
I don't understand the notion of how a giant metal box would adequately protect against nuclear weapons, but maybe I am missing something here.