Fallout 2 mod Fallout Battle Arena


First time out of the vault
I have got great idea to create fallout mod it will be Fallout Battle Arena in the game there will be 5 Arenas you must complete all fights to go to another arena the main conclusion is that there will be only melle weapons to fight i will create over 50 melle weapons which means knives clubs knuckles hammers and more that you can buy in merchant after fight if you win each fights you earn exp and coins there will be over 10 fights in one arena so all fights is 50 i already created menu i still didnt complete my previous mod Fallout Street Warrior i dont know why but nobody interest the mod only 2000 views


look at this man main menu i created today

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hard to be really intrested in an unreleased mod... Maybe finish your other project before starting a new one.
hard to be really intrested in an unreleased mod... Maybe finish your other project before starting a new one.


Don't bother with this guy.. he claims all his mods are: "..only missing scripting.."
The bonehead doesn't even realise that's like 90% of the project, and the hardest part at the same time ( mostly due to lack of scripters out there).
He constanlty sits in a limbo of multiple unreleased projects ,like the majority of my "homie Fallout community", I actually I am ashamed that such a dull person is considered my homie. Especially the quality of the work... that street warior stuff was based on mad max previously.. it's truthly distastefull for the janra to mix those two worlds just because: ".. muh gonna do muhself som post apo game mod, pretty fallout eh?..".

The fact He hasn't took the time to translate the mod into english, and yet he still wonder's why there were like only 2000 downloads, claiming there's no interest in the mod prooves my point.
Not only He's dumb enaugh to belive classic fallout tc's will make a huge download count, but by excluding the majority of the playerbase ( simply by not translating the mod into english, causes the possible download count to shrink considerably).

Not to mention the original mod's language, was pretty distastefull, like every other character in that demo literally called the player per "homie" in my local language equivalent of the word, which isn't my cup of tea when it goes for fallout janra.
You say 90 % of game are scripts so i can tell you man that i already created 630/1380 Fallout Street Warrior scripts so its nearly 50 % of them and it works good so this number is good you should say im returning honor to you mr Arkadiusz Balcerzak you should be happy for that thing and i have got 2000 views no downloads the game is not released yet. 50% game dialogue files completed for now there are 400 pages its more than writing a book if you wanna help to create Fallout Battle Arena somebody pls make for me frm files 10 knive 10 clubs 10 hammers 10 sword 10 spears
i think its passible to make them in adobe phootshop cs3 and after that convert to frm files with blue feeleng just like this

i was looking for washikazi animations in new animations 2 topic the link is broken so send to me frm sets of washiakzi to arekbaclerek2@gmail.com

This mods are not a joke so please stand by and wait what will be done
i can tell about myself that i never give up when im doing something so grip your thumbs on

pre alpha arena look

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We'll live, we'll see Mr. Balcerzak.

For now, carry on with the development. and Don't forget about english version, as *this* is the main culprit there are no downloads of your mods.. barely anyone here knows Polish, and of those that do, barely anyone here likes to play Fallout in Polish, and the rest simply does not understand it, so don't expect People to play a game with dialogues they don't understand, as of why Polish commuity failed your download expectations... I don't know, I'm not in contact with anyone there since schizma with a guy called Ovitz.
But from what I can see on local forums the community mostly fell apart, and forums died, Portals bearly breathing, same as here.
There is a mod in Fallout Tactic called Melee meltdown - Arena by Requiem (updated version v1.0.1).
A good mod for a couple of hours, and 400 pages and batons are not required there.

  • Several arenas.
  • A battle for survival.
  • One or more opponents.
  • The intensity of passions increases with each opponent!
  • Multi-stage melee battles.
  • And other interesting things.
Everything you wanted, but have not yet implemented, is already in this modification.
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