Fallout Book?


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
I'm not sure if this is the best place to put this, but who else would like to see a fallout based novel. Theres enough material lying around to create aload. Whose with me on this?
We have Metro books, but a real Fallout one...hmm why not, Bioware has some about ME already.
Chris A could do it i think.
I think this creep would do a fair job at writing a Fallout story...

Fuck no, pick a good author for the Fallout novel. Admittedly, i don't know anyone famous for PA novels other than SK. Of course, SK can't write an ending for his fucking life, which is why I wouldn't want him.
.Pixote. said:
I think this creep would do a fair job at writing a Fallout story...


He would probably do a good Fallout 2 book. With ghosts and similar assortment :?

Anyway, Fallout is a game (was once a great turn-based RPG, now is a crappy FPS). I don't want to read it, watch it, or listen to it. I just want to play it