Some comments back.
>You said:
>"More's the pity that BIS had
>nothing to do with what
>originated from them."
>Gee, Interplay can't win for losing.
> You damn them for
>making the game, then complain
>because BI isn't involved.
>Why do you care if
>you don't really care for
>the game? First you
>don't want the game made,
>then you think it's a
>pity because BI isn't involved
>. . .
BIS makes RPGs, ONLY RPGs. Thus by definition the game would be an RPG.
Maybe it should be rephrased: "Too bad BIS isn't making Fo3 right now and FOT:BOS never existed."
>"I think the game could have
>potential... under another game realm
>perhaps. FOT:BOS stands
>for everything Fallout 1/2 don't."
>Who is to say what Fallout
>stands for? I disagree,
>I think the game fits
>perfectly within the Fallout universe.
> I just don't understand
>your need to bash the
You an a racer game could fit under the Fallout universe game, and hell a flight sim with Vertibirds, so what's your point? Yeah, it CAN fit into the Fallout universe *somehow* but it SHOULDN'T.
>"Why it won't have an enveloping
>*dynamic* storyline:
>"#1: The game is combat oriented.
>You can't, for instance, negotiate
>out of battle."
>This is incorrect. According to
>Chris Taylor, your responses to
>NPC's can affect whether you
>hav to fight or not.
Oh wow, this will have about as much plot depth as selecting which map to go into in Command and Conquer. All this does is change your SET path in the game. Big whoop.
> You can also go
>steathy and aviod fighting.
Go stealthy and avoid fighting? How is this dynamic gameplay? All you're doing is timing out your movement. It's about as dynamic as good unit management in Warcraft. Worse, its still purely combat based.
>"#2: The battlemaps are pre-rendered. Because
>this game is combat-oriented it
>would be a BITCH to
>have to make a whole
>lot of different maps just
>to make the game some-what
>dynamic. It will be as
>dynamic in plot paths as
>Command and Conquer
> where you
>can choose which map to
>fight in."
>Not correct either. There are
>a total 0f 20 "have
>to do" missions, with another
>18 optional ones depending upon
>game decisions, interactions with NPC's
>etc. More than just
>which map to fight one
>out of a couple of
It's still the same, but with a different interface. Instead of clicking on the nice arrow you're answering a question. You have no choice as to picking your own fights.
Also, a mere 18 "optional" missions? Is that all the "dynamics" the game has to offer?
I take it the multiplayer capabilities make up for this lack right? If in doubt, throw in multiplayer capabilities to give the game a LITTLE more replay value.
>"#3: The game is mission-based, hence
>LINEAR GAMEPLAY. Or wait.. maybe
>they're have a list of
>campaigns you can go on
>from a cluster. REAL DYNAMIC.
>Almost as dynamic as the
>missions in Commanche."
>I described above the degree of
>linearity and dynamism. Point
>of matter, in a strat
>game, the linearity isn't as
>important. In an RPG
>you don't want this, but
>lots of strat games use
>a campaign tree. Problem is,
>again, your looking and criticizing
>it from an RPG standpoint
>for the most part.
Exactly, and Fallout should never be made into a strategy game. It contradicts all that Fallout represents as an RPG. It doesn't even have dynamics like Xcom in the way of buildings stuff. You just *fight*. It's like letting babies perform great plays.
>Personally, I'd like it more
>open ended ala JA2 and
>Xcom, but I consider 38
>missions a fair bargain for
>a game. They don't
>have to follow the JA2/Xcom
What, with little replay value aside from multiplayer capabilities? The game better be bundled with a hell of a good map maker (if any) or this game will die sooooo quick.
>"Well good for you, but I
>have to wonder if you're
>the kind of person who
>even appreciates Fallout and what
>it represents."
>Well, if that isn't one of
>the most arrogant statements I've
>read in a while.
>Oh, let us bow before
>the great God Xotor of
>Fallout and seek out his
>wisdom that he may enlighten
>us! You don't like
>the game, great don't buy
>it. Just don't get
>on your high and mighty
>horse like you can look
>down on everyone else who
>disagrees with you. Like
>as another person said in
>this thread, as if you've
>got some position of moral
>superiority about a mere game.
Hey I won't buy it. Perhaps I expect a game that is better than your usual schmeel with the name Fallout attached to it. Fallout represented a high standard of RPG gaming, one that most RPGs are based upon. Now it falls prey to the whims of an overzealous parent company bent on sole profits, though detached from their games. They see Fallout as a franchise, a motif to be milked as a cash cow. No longer concerned with quality they go for quantity. Hell just make a game based on another in an entirely different genre and sell it to cattle gamers. Who gives a damn about the previous games, sell the game as a franchise.
It's like making a video game out of Calvin and Hobbes. Bill Waterson is adamant in preventing his comic from becoming commercialized as so many have become. Why? Because it spoils it. It makes it an icon rather than something to be admired for holding out on its own.
This may sound pompous but real RPGs don't appeal to the less intelligent gamer. Why do you think so many people complained about the abundance of words in PS:T? Because average gamers want games that don't involve their brain as much as their reflexes. Why do you think Fallout had such a powerful theme? Because of the depth of storyline.
FOT:BOS makes Fallout out to be a big bad battle against supermutants. People will start thinking that the whole Fallout series is just the epic war between human and mutant, good vs evil. How cliché is that?
No, you won't get the feeling of a dire destroyed world. Instead you see a bunch of armored guys with submachineguns, flamers, and bazookas fighting mutants with the same. Who's in dire straights? Hell this game could take place in a techno future and it wouldn't change.
So let me ask you something, why wouldn't I be upset?
>"Do you actually expect that we
>think BIS would even stoop
>so low as to make
>a rushed Fallout
> contradiction like FOT:BOS?
>BIS doesn't deal in ANYTHING
>other than RPGs and it
>makes some
> damned
>fine ones."
>"That's the sad thing Interplay gave
>BIS's game to someone else
>to make a derivative. So
>The game isn't rushed - why
>the need to distort the
>facts? Nor is it
>a contradiction - it just
>isn't an RPG. There's
>nothing in the game that
>appears to be a contradiction
>in any major way to
>the Fallout universe.
It contradicts the entire gameplay of Fallout. Emphasis on combat rather than dynamic storyline. One-dimensional roles rather than character developement. Yeah, it fits into the story, but hell Interplay could find some way to fit ANYTHING into Fallout's universe.
>I really don't know what the
>problem is. The game
>is not a replacement for
>Fallout 3 - Interplay has
>said so. They've been
>up front from the begining.
>They named it "Tactics" so
>no one would be confused
>about it being an RPG.
Of course it isn't an RPG, and that's what's so wrong with it. It is so one sided, so innane in topic. Fight this, kill that. Big deal. No character developement, no dynamic storyline, no choices other than what to shoot and where to move.
FOT:BOS could be the replacement for Fallout 3 if it is popular enough. Hell BIS may even be pressured into increasing the amount of combat in their Fallout 3.
>Geez, the way you're going on
>about this you'd think they
>were rewriting the Holy Scriptures
>or something. I really
>can't see why you're having
>a cow about this game.
Look above.
>Of course, I probably am not
>able to "appreciate Fallout and
>what it represents".
From what I'm getting you don't. I take it you played a guy who shot first and asked questions later? Maybe you're a Diablo-RPG person? A Starcraft-RPG person?
>Come on fella, give it a
>break. Go play a
>good RPG, or give FO2
>another run through
But meanwhile sit back and see as another game series is ruined by cross-genreization.
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