Fallout BOS is NOT a Black Isle game

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RE: New Sheepclaw pictures...

Lol, itd look more at home in warcraft 3 than Fallout I think. :)

Still maybe its an evolution for the colder weather up north.

Or maybe not. :)
It's ba-a-a-a-ad....

Quite seriously, it looks like some DeathClaws came across a field in their journeys, forgot natural state of evolution, and then shagged some mutant sheep mixed with a good bit of human.

Scary implication, but these new DeathClaws are the result of that....

[font color=orange]
Dennis Leary stole my song! That...asshole!
"Robert, your time has come!"

"OOOH! Thank you, Master!"

"Don't mention it."

*Robert explodes in a shower of sparks*
It's me, Jack Brown! The wind-up ass-hole!
[font color=red]"The Brotherhood is not around to police the world. They're more like the mafia than any other organization. Your town needs protection? Fine. No problem. Just give us some of your children and a good percentage of your resources. Oh! Don't give us any *%$# or we'll burn your house down and put your family into one of our "Wasteland Famous" labor camps."(sic!)
[font color=green](You need to adjust your meds, Dan. Surreality is slipping through again.)

- Dan Levin on "Sellout Tactics: The Markethood of Game-Whoring
(The game may not fit into the Fallout Universe, but at least it has the Fallout name on it, and THAT's what matters! Pre-order now and get a free bag to conduct funeral services when you are done admiring how un-Fallout this game is!)"

[font color=red]"I think Dan was just getting a bit carried away with his analogy there.

There are aspects of the Brotherhood that are fascistic, especially our splinter faction, but they're not really comparable to the mafia."
[font color=green](Great that everyone's on the same level...please note the sarcasm.)

- Ed

[font color=red]"(Tony) I would redo the sprite of the Power Armor to make it more retro. Not that there is anything technically wrong with the sprite, it's a great piece of art. It's just that it is a bit out of place in the Fallout Universe. But bear in mind that we had to design it over a year ago and Interplay approved everything we did."
[font color=green](Odd, and Fallout Fans have done a much better job of capturing the style of art and all. And you call yourself a GAME ARTIST? I suppose it's like being a 'Counselor', where all you have to do is hang a sign over your door and you're in business. Shouldn't it have been obvious that retro was the theme of the game or was it a shocking revelation, playing the first two Fallout games and discovering this out?)

- Tony "I'll design and go with whatever gets approved, nevermind it's (ir)relevence to the subject matter at hand." Oakden

[font color=white]End Note: [font color=yellow]"To make the individual uncomfortable, that is my task." - Nietzsche

It has been my sole purpose to add controversey to this, a challenge. From the first day of seeing the screenshots, I knew it would take a lot of vehement protesting to make sure that the ball isn't dropped here. I've seen far too many times where the fans would just nod and moo, and the game is utter shit as an end product. A bit of a challenge is what's needed, to ensure, to prove me wrong is the purpose here. No direct, personal insult is meant by any this, but I am highlighting several of the most prevalent flub-ups so far. That's my point in all this.
Prove me wrong, I challenge you, team of Fallout Tactics.

Try Arcanum, by those who brought you the first Fallout:
RE: Fallout BOS is NOT a Fallout game

i really hope for its own sake that tactics isn't just a fallout cashin. im sure we all remember what phantom menace did for star wars. ruined it by dishing out truckloads of crappy merchandise. I hope fallout dosn't go the same way. it deserves better than that
RE: Let me get this straight

>iv got thick skin anfd an
>acsptence of the bad spelling,
>i do tend to get
>my point across ... besides
>i take solis in what
>i think are good ideas
Duely noted. However, if you want to go somewhere in this world I'd try working on your spelling. I don't want to put you down or anything. But I've caught myself skipping over parts of your messages because it's hard and annoying for me to read them. You make it harder for yourself to get your points across. If you're spelling errors are unintentional (maybe due to a form of dyslexia?) I suggest you take some extra writing lessons. If you don't already that is

Ummm.... it's "Duly" noted
not "Duely"... the word basically means "properly."
People really need to stop judging this game like it's an RPG Just like FF tactics was a spinoff game that was a good tactical game in it's own right. So is this. And it's also pretty good in it's own right. Now I wasn't expecting much when I purchased this game. I was buying it for what it was a STRATEGY game. I wasn't expecting any RPG elements, I just hoped it would need actual strategy and not just mindless killing.

My complaints are solely on the story. I have no problem with it being set in the Fallout Universe and I have no problem with them adding a few things. But what I dont like is their changing things. The deathclaw for example. And it's also lost some of that old Fallout humour and feel. But then to the actual topic, it was not developed by Black Isle. Of course it will lose some of that feel but to Micro Forte's credit they really tried and it's really not as bad as I thought it would be.

Now if Black Isle had made this then I'd be complaining, but it's just Micro Forte's first time and I for one am willing to forgive the games flaws.
Fallout BOS sucks.

>Well, I think a game lumbered
>with such absurdly high expectations
>is always going to attract
>pessimists and those who claim
>the moral high ground in
>allegedly being able to tell
>Real Fallout fans from Phoney
>ones. And again - fourteen
>screenshots and two paragraphs `stand
>for everything Fallout 1/2 don't'
>??? How can you tell
>that Fallout BOS *doesn't* have
>an `enveloping dynamic story'? Gee,
>hold your horses, buddy. Take
>a chill pill! Don't yell
>at Santa til you've seen
>the booty at the bottom
>of the tree !!!

Hey, I really wonder what it feels like for you to have made an ass of yourself many months in advance.

What enveloping dynamic story? it was linear mission based ARSE, and to top it off, it completely fucked with the storyline of Fallout and Fallout 2. Vault Zero? Pffht.

As for Santa delivering crappy gifts? You know, if I knew Santa was going to deliver to me a really ugly ass chick for a girlfriend, I'd be yelling at him to stop, too.

I'd say "stop, you fuck, or ill shoot your reindeer down with a flak cannon."

P.S. santa isn't real, so don't use retarded analogies. That one was almost as retarded as making a reference to a character from Lord of the Rings.
2 years later, debunking the bullshit:

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Nov-11-02 AT 00:47AM (GMT)[p]
>Well, how can you guys *tell*
>whether it is `a Fallout
>Game' (define?) if all you've
>seen is a couple of
>screen shots and a brief
>summary or two?

I think the Predator PA and the SheepClaws were a good indication. The development time was a good clue, too.

>The important
>thing about Fallout and Fallout
>2 was the whole universe
>and the feeling of the
>game - i.e. the cool
>black humour,

Shit jokes. Lame easter eggs. More shit jokes. "Part of the Fallout setting"? That's COMEDY! Let's not forget the point of ignoring the setting and why the war happened in the first place, and other misc. things that were totally screwed. "Vault 0"? Hey, just another nice way of screwing with the setting. Did MicroForte intend to screw the setting, or did they just do their research with their eyes closed?

>etc. To me, the gameplay
>style was subordinate to that.

Yes, subordinate to skullfucking the universe and adding in shit jokes. Way to go! As long as the stupid shit is in there, who cares what the gameplay is like? Too bad it's not as it was billed as "JA2 in the Fallout universe".

>The point I was making
>was that from what I'd
>seen (which is, the engine
>in action) they have done
>a good job of capturing
>that universe and putting a
>different slant on it.

Lady, you were on some serious drugs when you either looked at what was happening, or when you wrote the above steaming load of bullshit.

"A good job of capturing that universe"? Could you have made a bigger lie?

>that what we want?

Spin it, baby!

>sure if Black Isle had
>put out Fallout 3 and
>it had have been exactly
>the same in every way
>as the previous two we
>would have all had a
>big complain.

No. It would have been much better than the ass-raping it turned out to be.

>It seems a
>little cynical to simply write
>off the game as a
>poor cousin before anyone even
>knows anything about it.

I think I called it quite well...over two years ago. That short of development time and that kind of spin? Try the other one, it's got bells on.

I really dislike it when people lie to me. And, lady? All you've done on this forum, along with some of your other coworkers, was spin and lie.
RE: Some comments to Xotor

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Nov-12-02 AT 10:32PM (GMT)[p]>Gee, Interplay can't win for losing.

Considering that they keep screwing over their dev houses, their fans, release games that are buggy and just get to half-assed patching, what do you think?

> You damn them for
>making the game, then complain
>because BI isn't involved.
>Why do you care if
>you don't really care for
>the game? First you
>don't want the game made,
>then you think it's a
>pity because BI isn't involved
>. . .

The people who should have been contacted went on to form Troika. It was also obvious that MicroForte didn't know how to do the job.

>"I think the game could have
>potential... under another game realm
>perhaps. FOT:BOS stands
>for everything Fallout 1/2 don't."
>Who is to say what Fallout
>stands for? I disagree,
>I think the game fits
>perfectly within the Fallout universe.
> I just don't understand
>your need to bash the

I don't understand why you're a complete moron, either. "Fits perfectly within the Fallout universe"? Are you blind or just inbred?

>This is incorrect. According to
>Chris Taylor, your responses to
>NPC's can affect whether you
>hav to fight or not.
> You can also go
>steathy and aviod fighting.

Oh, the spin...

>Not correct either. There are
>a total 0f 20 "have
>to do" missions, with another
>18 optional ones depending upon
>game decisions, interactions with NPC's
>etc. More than just
>which map to fight one
>out of a couple of

All rat mazes, and little variation. Again, NOT DYNAMIC.

JA2 was dynamic, this wasn't.

>Personally, I'd like it more
>open ended ala JA2 and
>Xcom, but I consider 38
>missions a fair bargain for
>a game. They don't
>have to follow the JA2/Xcom

Yeah, too bad it was compared to JA2 by MicroForte employees and said that it was going to be just like it, but in the Fallout universe.

Puts a certain tint to it, doesn't it?

>Well, if that isn't one of
>the most arrogant statements I've
>read in a while.
>Oh, let us bow before
>the great God Xotor of
>Fallout and seek out his
>wisdom that he may enlighten
>us! You don't like
>the game, great don't buy
>it. Just don't get
>on your high and mighty
>horse like you can look
>down on everyone else who
>disagrees with you. Like
>as another person said in
>this thread, as if you've
>got some position of moral
>superiority about a mere game.
> Geez!!!

Too bad you couldn't tell when you should shut up, right Moron-Boy?

>The game isn't rushed - why
>the need to distort the

Wow...you sure woke up a fucking imbecile the morning you wrote that. Did you have a clue about the development time before you wrote that load of shit?

>Nor is it
>a contradiction - it just
>isn't an RPG. There's
>nothing in the game that
>appears to be a contradiction
>in any major way to
>the Fallout universe.

If I ever needed a reason to think you were an idiot, this just confirms it beyond belief.

>Of course, I probably am not
>able to "appreciate Fallout and
>what it represents".

No, since you're a completely clueless idiot.
RE: Some comments back.

>>BIS makes RPGs, ONLY RPGs.
>> Thus by definition the
>>game would be an RPG.
>But it's not an RPG, so
>why would Black Isle be
>involved? You're complaint is
>illogical, like most of what
>you write below.

No, you're the one being illogical. At once, it would have been said that BIS would have known what Fallout is about. But more recently, it proves to have been Troika. They would have been involved in a consulting capability.

>Yes, that would be more accurate
>:) Unfortunately Black Isle
>is working on several other
>things at this time, as
>I'd rather have Fallout 3
>myself. You're inaccurate on
>a lot of other things
>below also, but accuracy doesn't
>seem to be one of
>your strong points.

Having a clue doesn't seem to be one of your strong points, either.

>That's what I don't get.
>WHO are you to say
>what should and shouldn't be
>in the universe? Who
>made you the Fallout God?
> You still haven't answered
>that question? Yours is
>just an opinion, and a
>pompous arrogant one at that.

It takes no genius to figure out that a lot of FOT didn't fit into the universe. Of course, given your cluelessness, I'm not surprised you didn't get that.

>>Oh wow, this will have about
>>as much plot depth as
>>selecting which map to go
>>into in Command and Conquer.
>> All this does is
>>change your SET path in
>>the game. Big whoop.
>Get over it, its a strat
>game, not an RPG.
>Given that fact, your argument
>is irrelevant and illogical.

No, you're proving yourself to be an inbred twit again. Plot depth and non-linearity are not exclusive to CRPGs. Your argument is flawed and irrelevent because you are clueless about game design.

>But of course, in the end,
>the game is combat based.
> It _is_ Fallout Tactics.
> It is a tactical
>game - not an RPG.
> So your criticism of
>the game because it does
>not have heavy RPG elements
>is silly. It's like
>me complaining that the original
>Fallout didn't have a flight
>sim mode.
>Say it with me - this
>game is a tactical battle
>game, this game is a
>tactical battle game . .

Say it with me, compared to games released 2 years previous, this is a shitty tactical battle game.

>Again, not true. Interactions with
>NPC's can affect whether you
>have to fight or not
>in certain areas like I
>said and you ignored.
>If you spent as much
>time learning about this game
>as bashing, you might get
>the facts correct sometimes.
>But it's just easier to
>not know any better.

You know, it's amusing to see how much of a complete fool you've made of yourself after all this time. After your shit at V13, I'd say it's safe to say you're still a moron.

>>Also, a mere 18 "optional" missions?
>> Is that all the
>>"dynamics" the game has to
>Wrong, as indicated above. But
>frankly, I don't care, it's
>not an RPG :)
>Dynamics are irrelevant for the
>most part in a strat

No, it isn't. Try playing JA2 sometime or another game like that and GET A CLUE.

>But then again, you keep treating
>it like it is an
>RPG, which is illogical and

No, he kept treating it like a QUALITY tactical game.

>>I take it the multiplayer capabilities
>>make up for this lack
>>right? If in doubt,
>>throw in multiplayer capabilities to
>>give the game a LITTLE
>>more replay value.
>LOL! When you don't have
>an argument, just belittle others
>in an attempt to confuse
>the issue. A lot
>of people have been asking
>for multiplayer, and here it
>is. That and the
>editor will help alot with

That's all it has going for it...multiplayer. In all else, it failed. Oh, hey...it's no longer on GameSpy anymore.

>And interesting enough, you can set
>up a multiplayer game between
>yourself and the AI.
>You don't actually have to
>find someone if you don't
>want to mess with that
>- you can play in
>teams with or against the
>AI. Nice trick -
>one I haven't seen in
>a game other than RTS

Still clueless. Wow, no surprise there.

>Of course, because the game isn't
>an RPG that last fact
>is totally irrelevant to you
>:) No matter what
>I say, you won't like
>it or will belittle it
>because Fallout Tactics is not
>an RPG.

Of course it isn't a CRPG, dipshit. But it certainly wasn't a quality tactical game, either.

>It is quite clear that your
>arguments are based upon emotionalism,
>with very little logic.

And you've always based your arguments upon blind speculation, because your head was up your ass.

(snip the rest of the bullshit)

Of course it's not a CRPG. It wasn't a very good tactical game either, because of the points. Too bad you were too stupid that you couldn't come up with any other argument than "IT"S NOT AN ROPG!!!", when in fact our argument was that it wasn't going to be a good tactical game.

Thank you, Grifman. There are definitely some universal constants you've proven over this time. Like FOT being a sub-par tactical game, and that you've always been a clueless twit.