Fallout BOS Vs Fallout 4


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
Since @AccountNameM recently made a thread comparing Fallout 1 and Fallout BOS, I decided a new comparison has to be made. You can't really compare a Cult Classic RPG with a Shitty Not-RPG Spin Off, but you can compare it with another Shitty Not-RPG Spin Off.

So I decided to compare BOS with Fallout 4:

  • Gameplay: Both have shitty Gameplay, and are completely against the style of the originals, but Fallout 4s gameplay kinda works as a First Person Shooter, whereas BOS sucks as a whatever the fuck it is. FO4 Wins
  • Graphics/Art Style: Both go against the unique and cool art style of the originals, but FO4 is slightly more true to it, and has slightly better graphics to compensate. FO4 wins
  • Dialogue: Fallout BOS has incredibly poor writing quality, and is saw awfully written that, however at least you get to see the whole of what you're saying, and aren't stuck with a shitty dialogue wheel. I'd say this one is a draw.
  • Lore: FOBOS dumps the Retrofuturism side of the lore, but it doesn't actively contradict anything. FO4 however, retcons all the adventures involving Myron and the Mordinos with Jet, Fucks up Power Armor far more than BOS ever did(Fusion Cores, T-60), and still follows the stupid: Mole Rats are now literal Mole Rat standard of FO3. FOBOS wins.
  • Roleplay: Both games allow no character customisation, and basically force you to feel the appropriate emotion, but at least BOS is honest about it, whereas Fallout 4 still tries to pretend its a Roleplaying game. Points go to BOS.
  • Player Choice: Both force you in to quests, have no consequences for actions, and basically expect you to play a goody two shoes, but I have to admit, Fallout 4 has SOME decisions, so this one goes to FO4.
  • Music: Fallout BOS has spipknot that feels shoehorned in, Fallout 4 actually made an effort to implement atmospheric music. While the radio CONSTANTLY gives too many Post-Apocalyptic sounding songs, music wasn't too bad. Points to FO4.
In total my review suggests:
4/7 For FO4
2/7 for BOS
1/7 = Draw.

Anyone else got points they'd like to add?
I honestly say Fallout 4 takes the cake. Everything 4 fucked up, PoS fucked up harder.
The best way to judge the two against each other is to ignore the lore completely and compare only the gameplay.

See, the thing about this is, Bethesda's concept makes for an okay game, if not that great. If it wasn't a Fallout game, I could see myself enjoying Fallout 4 a lot more - it's Borderlands combined with base management, and a narrative you have slightly more input in changing, which is not a world-changing game concept but I can see myself getting immersed in it pretty well, if only for the gameplay.

Fallout: BoS, on the other hand, has much less merits when considered as a non-Fallout game. It's gameplay is fairly generic and derivative (not to say that Fallout 4's isn't, but Fallout 4 combined different flavours of generic at least) and the format of top-down shooter has been done better so many times, not even counting how many top-down action games have already been released in the indie market during recent years.

They're both crap at being Fallout, but if I had only the two to pick from as the only game that I get to play for a month, I would rather pick the one that doesn't care about player intelligence rather than the one that actively drains player intelligence.
Actually, it is my opinion that, as stupid as Fallout 4 is, it's writing is leaps and bounds beyond anything BoS put out.
Wait, are post-apocalyptic songs bad for Fallout? I thought the irony of the up-beat songs about a fantasy-like nuclear arms race was clever?

Fallout 4 has character customization within faction choices, a few sidequests, and with the physical appearance of your character. Brotherhood of Steel is worse.

Yeah, I'd give Fallout 4 a 5/10 for Fallout-ness, but a 8/10 for the game by itself.
Wait, are post-apocalyptic songs bad for Fallout? I thought the irony of the up-beat songs about a fantasy-like nuclear arms race was clever?
Except that pretty much all the songs relate to nuclear warfare in some way. One or two songs referencing bombs would be alright but pretty much the entire soundtrack is dedicated to them. It's like if all the songs in GTA revolved around gang violence in some way as opposed to the beautiful musical selection it has now. It's weird basically.
As much as I joke around that F4 is worse than PoS, the reality is PoS is far worse.
As a Fallout Game, it's just a straight up insult to the franchise. I wouldn't even call it one of the worst games ever, it's just bland. At least with Fallout 4, we can have fun with how bad it is, and even then, there are things that most of us agree, we like about F4. I mean, Fallout 4 isn't good by any means by there's at least something we enjoy about the game.
PoS has interesting concepts, but they fall so flat that you may as well not bother.
I don't have much of a strong disliking to PoS as others, I mean my opinion of the game is that it's a pretty shit product.

No, Fallout 4 is a much better game, which doesn't even pain me to say really. Fallout 4 had some very good things going for it. They just fell flat, not as hard as PoS, I mean the combat is at least playable.

No, F4 we know would have been a good game if it was released under a different name ten years ago.
PoS would have always been shit.
I'm far more interested in playing POS than I'll ever be in playing Fallout 4, so it's got that going for it.
Let's compare shit.

Now class, look at this piece of shit and this other piece of shit. Which is the shittiest shit?