Fallout, but in...Britain!!!

Mr Krepe

Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Plot: The game revolves round the city of London, the year 2177, a full century after the war that ravaged the world that we live in, but still war rages on in London, the once prosperous capital of the richest nation in Europe. But a new revelation has arisen in the broken streets, the Gauss Canon, a cross-continental hyper weapon that before the war was created as a joint operation by the pre-war alliance of Britain and Germany. Several factions throughout London know of the super-weapons' presence, but the question is, where is it? and what will you do with it. Each major faction will have a reason for capturing this weapon, but you will have to choose your allegiances wisely each major faction also has a variable.


Major Factions:-
The Observers: Based in the Greenwich Observatory, they believe London should be peacefully observed (yet they wish no one to find out their presence), so they can know when a force that will disrupt London occurs. But their ruling council is currently is in strife, one half of the council wishes to destroy the Gauss Canon as they wish no one to capture this monsterous war-machine although they will most likely be revealed to the public because of this, an anti to one of the Observers main tenents. The other half of the council wishes to leave the Gauss Canon alone, as they believe destroying it will attract unnecessary.

Iron Fist: A paramilitary group based in the BBC Studios, they are often seen as a fascist mercenary group by some, and a group knights in shining armour by others, they never have the skills to preserve their reputation as either. Their leader, Karl von Salzburg, who took his name from his town of origin (it's obvious where he is from), is currently in turmoil with himself, his heart wants to be compassinate and wants to help the people of London, but his mind believes that it would be best to capture the Gauss canon because that means he will be able to hold an Iroon Fist over th people of London.

The Underground Network: Based in London's many train stations and tube stations. They believe it is important to take the Gauss Canon any way possible so the peoples of London will not be exposed to it's power. Their variables are: to either capture the Gauss Canon and research it so they can think of ways to protect against it's power, but through this way the Gauss Canon's blueprints may still be stolen, the other variable is that they completely destroy it, in the hope no one will ever capture it and release it's powers ever again.

You: You personally can capture the Gauss Canon for yourself and bring London to it's knees, although you can incriminate yourself while doing this and many factions will dislike you for this. One good thing about this is deep inside St. Paul's Cathedral, deep in the catacombs of the cathedral is a small cybernetic army that were going to be unleashed on Europe before the great war. These cybers, Seakers, are humanoid robots, built on hydraulic legs, designed for leaping long distances and they are known for hunting down anything they are told to. Beware, the cybers are with AI, so they will stand up to the main character, if the player doesn't handle this correctly, you can bet your sorry ass you'll be in deep shit.


I'm not done yet, i'll probably do a few minor factions to deepen the story, and design a couple of towns.
I really love the idea of seeing what the war did to other countries. I'd definitely play this game.

The concept of the Gauss cannon and different factions scrambling to get it is very interesting, and I'd like to see what else you'd come up with.

What kind of person do you plan on the main character being?

Also, Vault Tec was exclusively American. Unless they expanded their business to the UK, you'll have to come up with how the people of Britain survived the war. Although, I'm sure they had bunkers as well.

Oh, and how will your main character get a pip boy? That might be a tough one to explain.
No Pip-Boy, I was thinking of a sort of visor that would be hooked to your ear, and the visor would be in front of your left eye. No vaults, most people lived in the underground tube/metro/train stations of the country, after all there is over 400 underground stations in UK.
Nice ideas, though I don't like some.
The cybernetic army the way you described it isn't really like Fallout to me.
The Gauss Cannon seems to me as a more or less, a classic McGuffin, and you have overdid it a little if you ask me, but still, it's a good concept...to the extent. The thing about it I don't understand, is it really supposed to be a cannon?
I can't really imagine a cross-continental cannon fight, no offense. Though, if it's something like placed in the Earth's orbit, would make some more sense to me.

Generally, I like the whole concept. You should expand it a little bit, e.g. the timeline, who are the main characters and stuff like that.
Thomas de Aynesworth said:
It'd be perfect - the UK is PA already.

Ahahaha, oh you funny fellow, AHAHA good joke ! Wow, you are the pinacle of comedy on these boards, I'm sure you can hear the raucaus laughter of you'r fellow forumites through your very screen it is so gargantuan!
Darn you Thomas and your witt.....to be fair there's this place where I live called Dawdon, it really is like Fallout, they're packs of stray dogs roaming the streets, boarding houses etc., mind the town i'm in is still recovering from the mining stuff margaret thatcher did, but hey i'm getting a bit off topic here.
Wouldn't London be a bit too crowded? Its so big its counted as a seperate from any county, so would this be an area and if so, which one?
Could do it like the L. A. Boneyard, mostly covered in ruins (and bandit/refugee hideouts) except for say, Barking or Hammersmith, or the city core (London, Westminster, Chelsea etc.).
I hav an idea about that. Have ghouls from pre-war fighting about whos footy team is the best. It would be amusing and you get a football kit of either team depending on which team you decide to help.
^^^^That would be great, like Chelsea v Fulham, or Spurs v Arsenal, that would provide humour to the British audiences. Yeah I was thinking the map would be more of a fallout 1/2 style one, not the new ones, because London is a large place and it would be even larger in 2077.

@Thomas: Photos of Dawdon? The funny thing is the main town is actually alright, it's just Dawdon/Parkside that ruins the town, it's like a bomb just went off in that area and no one bothered to tidy up, I can't find any decent ones, but i'll keep on searching. Coincidently if you type in on google images, dawdon shithole, the fourth picture along is my Mam's cousin.

Edit: Here's the only one that shows the terribleness of Dawdon, all of the other ones are just pictures of the new media center getting built down that way:


It's the signal box, the funny thing is, that was still used about a year ago. It may not look that bad, but the deeper you get into Dawdon it gets worse, my friend who lives in Dawdon, next door to his house all the windows are boarded up, the door has got a hole in it, and the a house down the road has a hole in the wall, it's crazy in Dawdon.
I kinda like the idea,
as for space, Could just be the main map is not above ground, but below ground. With the game space mainly being the tunnel systems? With smaller above ground areas ?
The london underground looks exactly the same pretty much, so I don't think people would like to go through the same tunnels again and again for most of the game. A good example of how to do the city would be Hellgate: London.