I'm currently busy making one, but i'm waiting on some parts (buttons and such) to complete my mod. '
My case mod in short:
I wrecked an old compaq case, so the only thing left was
the frame of it.
I bought a few pieces of wood, and with some help from
dad, a wooden case was born.
The left side of the case can be opened, and when closed
it is locked with 2 sliding locks.
On the topsurface of the case i've build a 120 mm fan
(230 volt

) to blow away the hot air, and inside
the case i've got another fan on 230 volt, 90 mm, right
under my hard disks (without, they get frigging hot

Things to do:
Make a little window on the left side (the "door").
Make a baybus (a little place with the buttons and a lcd
One the right side, paint Pip-boy 2000.
And paint the whole case rusty.
I'll try to get my hands on a webcam or something
simular, and make a few pics
And something i found surfing:
And this one, not a fallout mod, but could pass as one: