fallout case mod


First time out of the vault
Has any one in the past done a theme case mod on fallout? would be intresting to do or see if some one has.

And if some one has any one have links or pics?
the idea crossed my mind and i've made some blueprints for it but i borked a case (wasnt as solid as i had hoped) and i got sidetracked by so many other things... :(

i hope to review the project again by end this year, make some alterations and start it up again.

as for your question: never saw one, although it's very probable someone made a simple pipboy cut out with some ccfls behind it. but thats not really the kind of mod you are looking for i guess.
yeah yeah, we all know piloux' HL2 and Sky's Doom3 mod i think. :)

although i would say the HL2 mod would be better suited as a reference to how a FO case would look like. anyhow, if mine ever gets started/finished it will take a different angle to it.
good theme for a fallout case would be the water chip, you could have a watercooled system and have the water chip as the center piece theme etc, wouldn't be that hard to make something that looks just like the waterchip from the game, and you could have a small lcd/etc display on the case to show "water levels" and days left etc :wink:
I recently got to thinking about a fallout case mod. i wanted to have a rusty old post apoc case look. for fancies i wanted to make swappable hard drives that looked also rusty and awesome and as much as like to holodisks as possible! the waterchip idea i think is pretty awesome! i still might do the case mod.
you take a computercase and you modify it

hence: the casemod

anyhow, the waterchip thing might not be a bad idea, but it's not my style. i have some other ideas up my sleave.
oh... i've seen clear cases with neons in them =] you could make a new reno one and put welcome to new reno:biggest little city in the world and have little neons and flashy lights around the place. :D

i tend to dislike 99.9% of the window + CCFL (or neons, as you put it holy) kits out there. so fucking uncreative & badly done.
im not really picky haha i dont really understand that sort of stuff anyway, though it seems like more effort than its worth? you could try and make a mini fallout 2 super computer =] they look pretty damn cool, but you'd be drilling holes in your floorboard. mum: WHAT ARE YOU DOING ?!? :evil: :evil:

on second thought...
holyrebellion said:
i dont really understand that sort of stuff anyway, though it seems like more effort than its worth?

most people want to do it to get attention or score with chicks (bwaha as if thats ever going to happen), but this is mostly the guys who put in buttugly CCFLs and go "oh man look at my huge blowhole".

real modders almost do it for the sake of modding itself. it's pretty amazing to see what you can do with some tools and some spare time.
SuAside said:
holyrebellion said:
i dont really understand that sort of stuff anyway, though it seems like more effort than its worth?

most people want to do it to get attention or score with chicks

*edit ahem...so ... the meaning of life...
*edit2 no um the meaning of case mods... i thinks its pretty sad actually :? too much free time
Shouldn't that be "ROFLMAO?" Then putting "*on the floor*" makes it all rather redundant. Anyway, Holyrebellion, think about your posts before you write them, do they add anything to the topic at hand? Your last post was rather pointless.

Carry on, back on topic now.
I once thought abouot making a case of briks...would be kinda neat...but...

also, if I had enough spare time...and the will, I'd definatly make a fallout case mod...would be sooooo cool
I'm currently busy making one, but i'm waiting on some parts (buttons and such) to complete my mod. '

My case mod in short:
I wrecked an old compaq case, so the only thing left was
the frame of it.
I bought a few pieces of wood, and with some help from
dad, a wooden case was born.
The left side of the case can be opened, and when closed
it is locked with 2 sliding locks.
On the topsurface of the case i've build a 120 mm fan
(230 volt :lol: ) to blow away the hot air, and inside
the case i've got another fan on 230 volt, 90 mm, right
under my hard disks (without, they get frigging hot :evil: )

Things to do:
Make a little window on the left side (the "door").
Make a baybus (a little place with the buttons and a lcd
One the right side, paint Pip-boy 2000.
And paint the whole case rusty.

I'll try to get my hands on a webcam or something
simular, and make a few pics :twisted:

And something i found surfing:

And this one, not a fallout mod, but could pass as one:
if you're using lots of wood, dont forget to earth most of your equipment through the PSU... (but be careful not to earth the wrong things, some harddrives fry if you earth them)

anyhow, i got a budget case i might mod into a fallout case, but now i got a mate telling me he's probably going to sell his ubersweet case to buy some uberugly "look at my leds and my huge blowhole"-case. so my project is still on hold, as it was before :)

btw why the 230V fans? isnt it so much easier to have 12V fans on a rheo feeding off your PSU?
euhm yeah ...

but earth means exactly the same, my little american friend: behold! the dictionary! \Earth\, n. (Elec.) The connection of any part an electric conductor with the ground;(Chiefly British) :)

ow yeah, this also turned up my texan friend:
earth, TX (city, FIPS 21928)
Location: 34.23349 N, 102.40843 W
Population (1990): 1228 (469 housing units)
Area: 3.1 sq km (land), 0.0 sq km (water)
Zip code(s): 79031