fallout case mod

SuAside said:
if you're using lots of wood, dont forget to earth most of your equipment through the PSU... (but be careful not to earth the wrong things, some harddrives fry if you earth them)

anyhow, i got a budget case i might mod into a fallout case, but now i got a mate telling me he's probably going to sell his ubersweet case to buy some uberugly "look at my leds and my huge blowhole"-case. so my project is still on hold, as it was before :)

btw why the 230V fans? isnt it so much easier to have 12V fans on a rheo feeding off your PSU?

The grounding is taken care of, and i took the 230 volt fans, because my dad got them for free from his work.
I've connected both fans on 1 plug, and because both the monitor
and the pc use a dual plug (2 connectors, one plug), the whole
thing only uses 2. like a "normal" pc.
unless you show us pictures soon we will have to sell you to Roshambo for target practise (he could use some exercise after his accident).
SuAside said:
unless you show us pictures soon we will have to sell you to Roshambo for target practise (he could use some exercise after his accident).

SuAside said:
euhm yeah ...

but earth means exactly the same, my little american friend: behold! the dictionary! \Earth\, n. (Elec.) The connection of any part an electric conductor with the ground;(Chiefly British) :)
Not just that, it's hardly used anymore, and it's not in my dictionary.
can you blame me for learning the origins of your language rather than the bastard version? :twisted:

anyhow, i got intrigued by you calling it an old and unused word, so i looked it up in a somewhat special dictionary, rather than the online thingy i first used: Longman Dictionary Of Contemporary English. :)
in that book they of course tell you the various meanings but it is clearly marked that is it often used in british english, but almost never used in american english. so it isn't quite right to say it's hardly used anymore Dove, it's just hardly used on your continent. of course the americans think the sun revolves around them, so i shouldn't be that surprised :P

on a side note: how did we get off topic so fast? barf
Dove said:
Not just that, it's hardly used anymore, and it's not in my dictionary.
It would be if you spoke a decent language. ;)
It's used pretty much exclusively over here (meaning that no other words (such as "ground") are used here).
According to the The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition:
earth 8. # Chiefly British. The ground of an electrical circuit.

And that's an American[/b[ dictionary. Tsk.
Not Webster's though, and that's much more widely used here. Most people wouldn't wipe their asses with the American Heritage dictionary.

The sun doesn't revolve around americans...

It revolves around ME!
... enough grammar class please...

some of the mods ive seen so far on this thread are pretty sweet... infact, i think im going to make my own in my spare time using an old NEC full tower of mine
You would be surprised how far a thread can get derailed here.

I also like a lot of the case mods, but none really get the Fallout feeling quite right. One would need to be made of either rusted steel, and old toggle switches, or fashioned to look like an old television or radio set from the fifties.
i was actually thinking some vacuum tubes would be neat... but then i realised that they get really hot and might interfere with the operation of the internals. maybe some small lightbulbs?

... i'm just hoping not to get into the water-cooling thing
well i did some research on that subject some time ago. turns out there are some kind of lightbulbs that pretty much look the same (about the same shape, but without the little molten glass tip on the top), problem is they need an adapter and stuff to make em work, so it might not be the best option.

i've also found some fake vacuum tubes that would be prefect (they remain cooler than a normal lightbulb and stuff), but unfortunatly those seem to be hard to come by and pretty expensive...

keep us up to date if you find something more suited...
im actually thinking if i cant find a suitable replacement for vacuum tubes, i might fabricate a 3-step plasma transformer or a maybe a water chip for a center-piece... or just use real vacuum tubes... just not hooked up
see the "rusted" and blown out look is way overdone (not for fallout) but just as in a general casemod in itself.

If I were to do one Id go "vault tech" or BOS mabye vault tech, would be fun to try and make of the those giant ass consoles all over fallout :D
Jeez, thinking of how long this will take has me realizing: Why not do it in BTX? That way, you don't have to do another one with your next upgrade. (BTX is the next case form factor, like ATX is now)
BTX will still take quite some time to reach is tbh (yes i know that cases like the CM Stacker are already compatible with both standards, but those cost heaps of cash)

intel was planning introduction this month on their roadmaps but they entirely pissed off all motherboard and case manufacturers so they are taking their time just to annoy intel. the first bunch of BTX cases should be here by x-mas, but the real push will probably not happen before summer next year.

anyhow, still havent decided on a case... (yes i fuxxored the case i originally had in mind)
I don't know if the product is still available, but this is obviously the perfect motherboard...


Anyway, I remember a class of computer called a "lugable"; a large metal box with integral screen and detachable keyboard. Long before fallout and such, I had envisioned one of these being gutted and stuffed with a much more modern computer. The only obstacle in my way, as I have access to nearly limitless modern (if outdated) motherboards and such, was finding a display of the right form factor. Nothing suitable ever presented itself, so I'm still holding on to my IBM 5155 in the hopes of one day booting it and having the screen say "Windows 2000"...

but the perfect one for the fallout theme would be the Kaypro II since it uses a lot of metal and has black keys and brushed aluminum.
Lord 342 said:
I don't know if the product is still available, but this is obviously the perfect motherboard...


would look great indeed

only 2 problems:

1) finding the part: i've been into PCs for a LONG time. always stayed up to speed but i've NEVER seen such a mobo with tube sound.

2) prize: first off, tube sound stuff is usually very expensive. secondly, it's an P4-400/533 mobo. so you'll need a P4b (or maybe a P4a) processor, which still cost more than 100 euros second hand (that not such a problem since i already own a P4b 2.53ghz, but i intend to keep thatone for a while in my main gaming system). then add the memory which is 200/266mhz (which i dont have).
this results in a rather expensive mod, just for the basic hardware parts.

still, it does have enough potential to warrant some further attention to the subject.

Lord 342 said:
but the perfect one for the fallout theme would be the Kaypro II since it uses a lot of metal and has black keys and brushed aluminum.

ow man, if i could get my hand on one of those puppies i'd throw everything out, put in a small color screen (for compability with the new board that would be installed, maybe turn the color filters of the 3Dcard all the way to green to preserve the old look), put in a micro ATX board (maybe a VIA), some harddrives, break out the back of the box, for connectors (secondary screen, secondary kb, mouse, sound,...), massacre an old OTK keyboard to integrate instead of the original one (as it cant possibly be used on current tech anyway), set up some cooling and turn it into a leechbox.
maybe mod the colors of the thing too, make it say Mach III or something instead of Kaycomp II


that would be facking cool

anybody know where i could find one of those puppies (or simular) in europe? :p

edit: did some thinking on this subject. it might even be possible to make one from scratch... just need to find someone skilled with alu or something simular

PS: Lord, you rock
making stuff out of aluminium is easy, all you need is to first make it out of wood, then like strap aluminium all over it..then just rask away the wood :P