Lord 342 said:
I don't know if the product is still available, but this is obviously the perfect motherboard...
would look great indeed
only 2 problems:
1) finding the part: i've been into PCs for a LONG time. always stayed up to speed but i've NEVER seen such a mobo with tube sound.
2) prize: first off, tube sound stuff is usually very expensive. secondly, it's an P4-400/533 mobo. so you'll need a P4b (or maybe a P4a) processor, which still cost more than 100 euros second hand (that not such a problem since i already own a P4b 2.53ghz, but i intend to keep thatone for a while in my main gaming system). then add the memory which is 200/266mhz (which i dont have).
this results in a rather expensive mod, just for the basic hardware parts.
still, it does have enough potential to warrant some further attention to the subject.
Lord 342 said:
but the perfect one for the fallout theme would be the Kaypro II since it uses a lot of metal and has black keys and brushed aluminum.
ow man, if i could get my hand on one of those puppies i'd throw everything out, put in a small color screen (for compability with the new board that would be installed, maybe turn the color filters of the 3Dcard all the way to green to preserve the old look), put in a micro ATX board (maybe a VIA), some harddrives, break out the back of the box, for connectors (secondary screen, secondary kb, mouse, sound,...), massacre an old OTK keyboard to integrate instead of the original one (as it cant possibly be used on current tech anyway), set up some cooling and turn it into a leechbox.
maybe mod the colors of the thing too, make it say Mach III or something instead of Kaycomp II
that would be facking cool
anybody know where i could find one of those puppies (or simular) in europe? :p
edit: did some thinking on this subject. it might even be possible to make one from scratch... just need to find someone skilled with alu or something simular
PS: Lord, you rock