Fallout Chronnicles Of Riddick Mod

What a question of course that gun works, it's not my work but why create something if there exist something really good ? :D
lisac2k said:
Yes, it's Ingram from the Survivor Mod. You may use it free of charge, of course...

Great job with that guns, did survivor mod 2 is still in progress? I will use that guns from survivor in my mod and make a credit for you ok 8-)
Soon i will reveal demo of Fallout Chronicles Of Riddick, but only in Polish version, if somebody is intressted to translate mod to English PM me.
I made a trailer from the game, enjoy

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/wvgLIjIp5kw" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed>
Great video. Looks like an interesting mod here. Keep it up!

ArekBalcerzak said:
but i still need help.
What type of help? A specific question or just help scripting, mapping, etc?
I need writers, i must finish my story. When i finish my story line it will be easy to make scirpts and maps. But i'm stuck, my quests are too Extended, you can finish some quests in three diffrent ways, i made over 300 scripts.
Demo is coming in next week, but i'm astonished that nobody is interested the mod? Maybe because i'm not promoting myself very well. So i think if players get the demo they will be more interested and see what i've done. I promise you all this mod will be done in 100 % because I put too much hard work and time to waste it right now.
ArekBalcerzak said:
but i'm astonished that nobody is interested the mod? Maybe because i'm not promoting myself very well.

Was the same with me and shattered destiny. ;) But if your mod is good, you also will get feedback and so on from the people.
If i release my demo can i will be in news on NMA ? That's very important for my, i know that is stupid questiion but i promised my informatics teacher that i will be on news in Nma with my mod :)