Fallout Collection and Windows 7


First time out of the vault
So I found a copy of the Fallout 1/2/Tactics collection at Walmart and decided to try it on my brand new Windows 7 laptop (this is my first experience with 7, I been using XP up until now so I'm still learning the ins and outs). Tactics seems to run fine but try as I might I can't seem to get 1 or 2 to work. The problem is that the game will start up and play the opening movie (with all the fun screwy rainbow colors) but nothing else. If I press any keys the movie will either restart or go to a solid green screen, it never gets past this to get to the game menu, the opening movies seem to freeze around the "War never changes" speech.

I've installed the TeamX 1.2 Patch, the TeamX 1.3.4 Patch and the High Resolution Patch but they don't seem to have had much of an impact. The only one with a noticeable effect is the High Resolution Patch, which results is a blank black screen, the movie sounds still play but without any graphics. I've tried various compatibility modes but attempting to run in Windows 95 or 98 mode shows a Direct X error telling me I need at least version 3 or later, according to system information I have version 11.

Not sure what to try next, aside from trying to run the whole thing through DOSBox, any help is appreciated, thanks!
If you install the Fallout Restoration Project, you should find that FO2 works fine. I'm running it on Win7 64-bit with no problems, at 1920x1200 resolution.

Haven't tried FO1 yet.
I am playing Fallout 1 and Falllout2 on Win7 x64

What I did was:

1)Install Fallout (don't use C:/Program Files -> UAC problems)

2)Install Patch FIXT v0.99961 (http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=57362) playing with default settings

3)to fix psychedelic colors problem I have used DirectDraw Compability Tool (http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=56175)

4)check if your DirectX is updated - not sure if necessary(http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...4c1b-bc6a-9b6652cd92a3&displaylang=en&pf=true)

5)Play Fallout (if you have Win7 32-bit run FALLOUTW.bat, if you have Win7 64-bit run 64-bit OS.bat)


1)Install Fallout (don't use C:/Program Files -> UAC problems)

2)Install Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=56087)

3)Play Fallout2 (run FALLOUT2.EXE)
Nope, still doesn't work. Same problem keeps happening with any of the resolutions fixes, audio plays but the screen is blank. I've really only been trying this on the first Fallout so far. I never finished that one since my old copy always glitched out and crashed in the military base.
NovaRain said:
Why need DOSBox when it can run under Win7 x64 smoothly?

But how does it run smoothly under Win7 x64? This is what I've been trying to figure out. It's a brand new machine with a brand new copy of the Fallout Collection, I've made no modification to the game or the system other than the recommended patches and I either get an opening movie with funky colors that crashes, or a blank screen with sound.
With the Hi-Res Patch, did you try setting the resolution manually?
Open the f1_res.ini and change SCR_WIDTH & SCR_HEIGHT to your monitors native res, you can also set COLOUR_BITS to 16 to fix the colour problem.
Nohurtme said:
But how does it run smoothly under Win7 x64? This is what I've been trying to figure out. It's a brand new machine with a brand new copy of the Fallout Collection, I've made no modification to the game or the system other than the recommended patches and I either get an opening movie with funky colors that crashes, or a blank screen with sound.
I install FO1 manually, sfall1 (just for my mouse wheel's sake), and Mash's hi-res patch (change the color setting to 16bit). But in my system the "screen blackout" problem still occurs, so I try DirectDraw Compatibility Tool and it works.
NovaRain said:
Nohurtme said:
But how does it run smoothly under Win7 x64? This is what I've been trying to figure out. It's a brand new machine with a brand new copy of the Fallout Collection, I've made no modification to the game or the system other than the recommended patches and I either get an opening movie with funky colors that crashes, or a blank screen with sound.
I install FO1 manually, sfall1 (just for my mouse wheel's sake), and Mash's hi-res patch (change the color setting to 16bit). But in my system the "screen blackout" problem still occurs, so I try DirectDraw Compatibility Tool and it works.

Okay, followed this exactly and.... nothing. Exact same problem as always, the sound is fine but plays against a blank screen. Oddly enough though, whenever I Alt-Tab out of the game to close it, I'll catch a brief glimpse of the game screen between when it switches from the game to my desktop, and it looks exactly as it should. So somehow someway it is indeed loading the the game screen fine, but then for whatever reason puts up a black screen over, or something like that.

Oh yeah, I also tried this in DOSBox, it refuses to run Falloutw.exe, claiming it to be a WindowsNT executable.
If you "catch a glimpse" on alt-tab you should try changing your desktop resolution to a lower setting, lower than the game resolution would be best.
Another idea is trying to see if it plays in windowed mode (command line switch, edit cfg file, altho you'll have to research to find these, don't know what they should be) and take it from there.
Please if any one could help me out I would very much appreciate it. I just bought fallout collection(white label unfortunately) and when i try to install it, it opens a web browser license agreement, which i agreed to, and then takes me to a page with pictures of fallout, fallout 2, and tactics, which i assume are links which take you to the download, but i click on them and nothing happens. I have a 64b Windows 7 Asus laptop(not exactly sure of the model, a53 or x53) i bought it for around 400$ so its nothing special. I'm not very computer savvy but if ANYONE would be willing to help me, that would be great.
Nohurtme said:
audio plays but the screen is blank.

Yep, got exactly the same problem on Win7 x86. Screen stays black with the music playing. I tried all aforementioned suggestions - no luck.