Fallout Developers Profile - Chris Jones

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Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all

  1. Tell us a little about yourself, what have you accomplished in life?
    Well I've moved to and worked in a few different cities and taught some classes, but more than anything else I've hopefully become better at what I do and had fun in the process. =)
  2. What are your favourite computer games/board games and why?
    I've been a PC gamer mostly, until just recently, and into a lot of different types of games, everything from Company of Heroes to World of Warcraft. Each game usually has a particular 'something' to offer that pulls me in, but it can vary greatly from game to game and genre to genre. Overall, a truly great game presents a sense of immersion from all aspect of its development. As cheesy as this may sound, I was actually most impressed with Fallout 3 for exceeding my expectations of the series. In fact I just played the PITT last night and it was awesome!
  3. What hobbies do you have besides computer games?
    I try to be outside as much as possible when I'm not working, at the lake or the beach or perhaps just out having fun at bars or taking trips. I recently started shooting again for fun, but that's about as much of a sport as bowling.
  4. What are your favourite bands/artists (music) ?
  5. Tell us a little about your role in the making of Fallout 1/2/3(Van Buren)/Tactics ?
    I playtested Fallout 1 and was blessed with the chance to enter the industry artistically on Fallout 2. Most of what I did for F2 involved painting character death animations with DPaint and DAnimator frame by frame using the selected color palette. It was tedious work, but it was fun work, and it was good on the job training.
  6. What’s your favourite Fallout memory?
    I was pretty entertained by the storylines in Fallout, and the fact that playing the game was so open ended. I was so happy to be actually making art for games at the time it would be pretty hard to think of anything that WASN'T a great memory.
  7. What specifically inspired Fallout for you? What were the biggest influences?
    Well Fallout 1 was a pretty good concept for the look of the game. Other than that, Tramell was hugely helpful in taking me under his wing and his work ethic was a very strong role model to follow.
  8. Pop Culture played a big role in Fallout, what pop culture influences you?
    I try my best to think outside of pop culture, but I'll have to admit that movies music and comics are ever present.
  9. How was it to be a part of the Fallout team?
    Awesome. A week prior I was a tester so it was a dream, and for a first real job it was top notch. The first two games I got to work on were Fallout 2 and Planescape: Torment, which were both pretty well received. The roster in Black Isle was pretty deep, most of the people I learned and worked with there have gone on to do amazing things. Gee, now I feel like a loser.
  10. Were there things that you wished you had added to either Fallouts?
    Looking back I just see things I could do better now artistically. Hindsight is 20/20 of course.
  11. What were you favourite places in fallout and why?
    I liked the vault. It was so nice and cozy in there...
  12. What is your hope for future Fallout games? Would you like to be a part of a future Fo team?
    I've heard about a Fallout MMO, which makes me a bit skeptical because the vibe that brings true emotion to the game it that you feel like you're one of the few survivors in an unknown wasteland. I suppose it could take place much farther in the future when there are more people and suppose that the existing factions we are all familiar with have grown in size. I think that presenting the experience from different parts of the globe would be awesome. Overall, I just hope developers are careful with the franchise and don't use it like a movie license to kick out a quick buck. I'd work on another Fallout game in a heartbeat.
  13. Who would you bring with you in a future Fallout team and why?
    The right people with the right mindset.
  14. In your opinion, what are the key ingredients that every RPG should have?
    Immersive and believeable characters that tell an interesting story, and style.
  15. Where do you see computer RPGs going?
    Most likely global, which I enjoy because I'd rather interact with other players and kill them.
  16. How does the fan base hinder/help the projects that you’ve worked on?
    I'm not really all that connected with the fan base, but I'm a fan myself!
  17. When planning the story how do you go through the process of integrating themes and story with the constraints on software?
    That question is pretty open ended and might necessitate a dissertation.
  18. If you could make any computer game that you wanted, which would it be and why?
    And onling RTS / RPG focused on national gang warfare block by block generating flow through illicit means and shooting up america's big cities. Or maybe a children's platformer with bright colors. >.>
  19. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
    At your mom's house! OMGWTFROFLBBQCOPTER!
  20. Any last word to the Fallout fan base?
    Thanks for giving a shit what I have to say! =D
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