Fallout Developers Profile - Dan Spitzley

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
This week's developer is Dan Spitzley (mentioned last week in Colin McComb's profile as the guy responsible for "Short Round"), who worked as a scripter/programmer on Fallout 1, 2 and Van Buren and is currently working at Obsidian:<blockquote>What were you favourite places in fallout and why?

I was always partial to the Vaults in their various incarnations. They really embodied the sort of 1950's view of future technology that helped make Fallout's setting so unique. I'm also pretty partial to Vault City since it was probably the most complicated area I scripted.

What is your hope for future Fallout games? Would you like to be a part of a future Fo team?

My hope is they won't suck and they will be respectful of the previous games. I'm a big fan of Bethesda's work, so I expect Fallout 3 is in good hands. I'd love to work on a Fallout game again, but I'm not sure that's going to be in the cards.

Who would you bring with you in a future Fallout team and why?

Any Fallout project needs to have at least one person at the helm that really understands the game world. Tim Cain and Chris Avellone would be on the team without a doubt. Those guys are Fallout as far as I'm concerned. I also think Josh Sawyer really gets it too, so I'd want him there as well. And no Fallout game is complete without Scott Everts!</blockquote>Also note that we made the Fallout Developers Profile easier to find; simply click on "community" and "dev profile" will be in the dropdown list.

Link: Fallout Developers Profile: Dan Spitzley
I'm a big fan of Bethesda's work, so I expect Fallout 3 is in good hands.

Any Fallout project needs to have at least one person at the helm that really understands the game world. Tim Cain and Chris Avellone would be on the team without a doubt. Those guys are Fallout as far as I'm concerned.

Something doesn't fits here.
FeelTheRads said:
I'm a big fan of Bethesda's work, so I expect Fallout 3 is in good hands.
Something doesn't fits here.
you don't get ahead in the world by kicking the competition or a future employer in the nuts, FeelTheRads.
Brother None said:
Surely you must be refereing to Obsidian.

Nice going with the usability issue of finding stuff! Keep up the good work.

(Shouldn't it be "Dev Profiles" though?)
monsharen said:
Surely you must be refereing to Obsidian.

"Obesedian" founded by Urquhart would be hella funny.

monsharen said:
(Shouldn't it be "Dev Profiles" though?)

Possibly. But Odin called the feature "Fallout Developers Profile", and so named will it remain.
corrected Dan Spitzley said:
I'm not a fan of Bethesda's work, so I don't expect Fallout 3 is in good hands. I'd love to work on a Fallout game again, but Todd prefers to hire some newbies instead of the original developers.
Any Fallout project needs to have at least one person at the helm that really understands the game world. Todd Howard doesn't understand Fallout at all, and the other devs currently in team have only played "Brotherhood of Steel" to get the right feeling for their work.
Tim Cain and Chris Avellone would be on the team without a doubt. Those guys are Fallout as far as I'm concerned, Todd Howard is a Fallout n00b as everybody knows. I also think Josh Sawyer really gets it too, so I'd want him there as well. And no Fallout game is complete without Scott Everts! And since Scott isn't in Fallout 3 team, the game will suck badly.

I agree.
i sure hope Scott doesn't read this thread... he must be so tired of that joke.
[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scotty said:
Wikipedia[/url]]Scotty's operation of the Enterprise transporter system inspired the catch phrase "Beam me up, Scotty", which gained currency in pop culture even beyond Star Trek fans.