Fallout Developers Profile - Natiq Aghayev

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
It's time for a new profile, and this time up to the bat is Project V13 concept artist Natiq Aghayev, aka defonten.<blockquote>Tell us a little about your role in the making of Fallout 1/2/3 (Van Buren)/Tactics/FOOL?

In the end of 2007 I was offered a contract work as a concept artist by Jason Anderson, Creative Director at Interplay. He found my online portfolio browsing CG forums and sent me a letter with this offer. Thanks to Thomas ßеекers from NMA who gave Jason my contacts ;)

I understood the responsibility of making real Fallout art for a real Fallout project and I realized it would be different from other fan art I did earlier. So I declined all other local offers that I had by that time and started working on the basis of Jason’s directions. It was really exciting to work with Jason. The man who really knows what the real Fallout is all about. His directions and valuable advice were really of irreplaceable help. I discovered many new fine points concerning things that make Fallout so unique.
What is your hope for future Fallout games? Would you like to be a part of a future Fo team?

First of all I would like to see future Fallout games staying true to its original canon. I wouldn’t probably want to see it forced to fit any up-to-date demands be it visual component or thematic approach. I also wouldn’t want to see future Fallout games going halfway TPS\FPS or featuring a kind of blend between two. To my own opinion the perfect choice for today (2008) would be completely 3D isometric view with ability to zoom things in and out a little. I can name Titan Quest as a good example of implementing such approach. Just imagine walking through destroyed New York on that kind of graphic engine. Would look awesome I think. And yes, of course I would like to be a part of future fallout team. One of the biggest dreams maybe.</blockquote>Link: Fallout Developers Profile - Natiq Aghayev.
Speaking of the brightest memories regarding board games I recall myself being a 7-9 year old boy inventing simple games on paper and playing them with every family member and whoever got in my way, sometimes even with myself ;)

Heh, I have done exactly the same. I designed a shitload of random board games but sadly I have no clue where all the stuff is gone now... :/
About the camera thing:
Its 2009. Its not a problem to code in iso, FPP(well, that actually requires additional modelling if you want to be done properly), TPP, freeroam. This would be the perfect solution. You walk around in TPP, if you feel like, or get engaged in combat, you switch to iso. If you want to take a look at the juicy details, switch to freeroam and you can take a look at anything from any point of view. Is that so hard to understand for some developers? Jeez...
The problem is (or was?) that with iso-perspective you need bigger maps and this means less tiny details. If you make a game in first person perspective, you need all this details because you see them directly and so on...
But ok, maybe this isn't a big deal anymore... I don't know, I like 2D.

Also there is a missing paragraph in the interview about Fallout 3 and why Defonten maybe loves or not loves it, so that people start posting comments on this- It seems to me that otherwise nobody is interested in the interview but I found it to be a pretty nice read.
Why in Frith's name would Fallout Developers Profile suddenly include questions about how people liked Fallout 3?
Comments schmomments. We talk about friggin' Fallout 3 enough. If we have gathered a whole lot of hanger-ons who are just here to talk Fallout 3 and won't comment on interesting interviews outside that topic then, well, fuck them.
So, why did they let him go? Don't they always need concept artists?

also, defonten, make paypal possible.
Southpaws said:
So, why did they let him go? Don't they always need concept artists?

They have concept artists, or at least one, their lead concept artist, Serg.S (who also worked on Alpha Protocol). Not all concept artists are automatically staff, tho', if one position is easy to fill on an ad-hoc basis (ignoring worries about lack of consistent vision) it's concept artist. Remember Craig Mullins' work for Fallout 3?

Southpaws said:
also, defonten, make paypal possible.

Haven't we been over this before? Azerbaijan is not on the list of countries to which Paypal allows donations to be made; if you live in Azerbaijan, you can not receive money via Paypal.
I'm impressed by his history and its great to see a fellow fan doing well! His art is great and I use some of his art as my wallpaper. I would love to see Defonten's concept art on loading screens, for example. Loved the originals' loading screens.

The only sad thing is that I can't spell his name. "Naahtick Ahgaievi" is the only thing I can spell. :lol: Maybe because it seems I talk like a southern redneck, even though I'm brazilian.
Yup, both Bethesda and Interplay first outsourced some concept art to an outside artist (Craig Mullins, Defonten) and then hired one as staff (Adam Adamowicz, Serg Souleiman).
Hmm I fancy me some Gecko Fries.

I really like his concept art, has such a nice Fallout feel to it.
Also the man has good taste in games 8-)
Man, I loved making board games. We'd play the Amazing Maze and the Golden Fleece, then make up some crazy shit. I even tried to make pinball on paper once - yes it did not work.

But enough about me - the man's got real talent and it shows in his work. It was a great interview and I wish him all the success in the world.
Wanna know what I think about F3?

I have nothing against lots of opinions that F3 is a really good game. I heard lots of'em. From "Hey it's not that bad" to "This is the best game I've ever played" But speaking of my own experience - I think this is the worst that could ever happen to Fallout.. This interview is almost a year old - so I couldn't state anything in early 2008 even if there was such question in the list, anyway. So. It DID go totally FPS whatever (whatever) they call it.. I could stand anything - even totally getting rid of Turn Based Combat or anything as siginficant as TBC is but I can't stand and forgive primitive way of story-telling (as it seems so to me), loose and full of stereotypes story line (I forced myself to play only about 15-20% of the game so I may be wrong and later story gets more interesting). Can't stand strange camera views, ugly animation of charaters, seeing them floating around performing stupid moonwalks being obstacled by a chair or another character. I can't stand primitive hollow geometry, and all of these boundaries and visual limits that FPS genre imposes on the means of visual expression. I didn't want another Half-Life in post-apocalyptic setting. In other words - this Game is not interesting and exciting for me anymore. What was once full of black humor, deep philosophy, great story line and hand-made approach - now became another standardized shooter. But despite of everything F3 is still playable, it is still a really good game, it has really great potential of gaining new fans etc. it's only not Fallout anymore. It's something different. Something with totally different ideology.

As I mentioned in interview - I really think that perfect combination for modern Fallout would be Titan Quest-like engine with limited ability to zoom things in and out depending on what's going on and what interests you for the moment. There are some really nice concept art used for designing settings in F3, I'm sure it could look more appealing or should I say "the way it should look" with TQ-like visual approach.

What was the real Fallout3? Oh yes and the answer is quite obvious - the Real Fallout 3, my friends, - was Van Buren.
But as there's no sense in crying for it - let's just forget about it and move on.
Funny, You Discuss Writing

Funny, You Discuss Writing

It is of interest that you speak of FO3 writing this day.

Defonten said:
... but I can't stand and forgive primitive way of story-telling (as it seems so to me), loose and full of stereotypes story line (I forced myself to play only about 15-20% of the game so I may be wrong and later story gets more interesting).

AP address:

Another award dropped into the grand '101 FO3 Reviews' Geological Strata ...Per is alleged investigating ... pick ax and hammer at the ready ...

DJ Lang said:
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- "LittleBigPlanet" sacked the competition to win four trophies at the Game Developers Choice Awards.

Developed by Media Molecule, the cutsey PlayStation 3 adventure game which allows players to create and share their own levels was honored for best game design, debut, technology and innovation at the Game Developers Conference ceremony Wednesday evening.

Bethesda Softworks' "Fallout 3" seized the evening's top prize. The post-apocalyptic shooter, which is set in the ruins of Washington, D.C., blasted fellow nominees "LittleBigPlanet," Valve Software's "Left 4 Dead," Lionhead Studios' "Fable II" and Rockstar Games' "Grand Theft Auto IV" to win game of the year. "Fallout 3" was also awarded the best writing trophy.

"I was a nerd growing up in South Boston," said "Fallout 3" lead writer Emil Pagliarulo during his acceptance speech. "To all the nerds growing up in South Boston, don't play hockey. Don't join Little League. Stay in your room, read your Lloyd Alexander and play 'Dungeons and Dragons.' It all works out in the end."

Selected by a jury of game creators, the Game Developers Choice Awards honor the best games of the past year. ...

So what if FO 3 had 'shovel ready' plot holes!

One man's hole is another man's exploit.

The true award is making projected sales in our 'brave new' Post-Derivative Era.

Brother None said:
Haven't we been over this before? Azerbaijan is not on the list of countries to which Paypal allows donations to be made; if you live in Azerbaijan, you can not receive money via Paypal.

You're falling on deaf ears here, my friend.

And I will repeat; Defonten, make. it. possible. ;)

Thanks for the little 'industry' insight there though, BN.
Keep up the good work defonten! :clap:
I wish i had just a tiny amount of your drawing-talent..

Also, I don't really get, why it shouldn't be feasible to make a modern, good looking ISO/TB game. ( and atleast for me, it does not have to be 2D. I guess each one has its advantages and disadvantages)

I really liked Silent Storm with its destructible environment.
Why not take an engine like that (SS used Quake2 iirc ) and incorporate it into a real RPG.
(Not just add some RPG-elements. Every game and it's dog has some "rpg-elements" nowadays)

I hope i didn't stray to far off topic here with my little rant :roll:
Lexx said:
Speaking of the brightest memories regarding board games I recall myself being a 7-9 year old boy inventing simple games on paper and playing them with every family member and whoever got in my way, sometimes even with myself ;)

Heh, I have done exactly the same. I designed a shitload of random board games but sadly I have no clue where all the stuff is gone now... :/
Who hasn't?

Well, I still have all my rulebooks :D They're shit, but it's nice to have them.