First time out of the vault

Hello friends, how are the fixes coming along?Oh, all good news. I'll be very happy to help any time you come across a wall in your questAnd if you need to use some assets from The Sum, please do so, I created them while having in mind to help other modders if possible. You might want to replace some items sprites, for example, as they sometimes are of very low quality when borrowed from older Fallout games. I tried to create better versions of those tiles and sprites whenever possible, so you might from time to time find exact same filenames with an upgraded graphic. I recommand you use the search tool "Everything" (https://en.wikipedia2197.org/wiki/Mod:Tools#Everything) to search for filenames and compare their different versions. I do that often when working on The Sum.
After years I wanted to have a little taste of FTBOS retrospection and I came across your modification, I wonder if I should install the original/basic version
:Original: Enclave mod v3.3 (US) (moddb)
Or maybe the version with the build:
Build: Enclave mod v3.3 update 1 (US\RU) (mediafire)
Which of these versions is better and above all more stable?