After 9 comes 10 and Lexx has now released version 1.10 of Fallout et tu, the mod that let's you play Fallout 1 in Fallout 2's engine. For more info go to this thread.
The new update comes with a lengthy changelog.
Here's what Lexx has to say about the update:
Lexx said:Alrighty. New version. Tried to be a little faster this time. I'm actually a little bit surprised about how much has happened since the last time. With every release I'm thinking "well, that's probably it now for a long time..." and then boom, we find more shit to do.
Most notable this time is probably the new mini-mod about the restored / alternative Junktown endings. Those were originally changed, because it was deemed too dark / too unpredictable. Now you can decide on your own if you agree or not.
While doing this, we also replaced all VO from the expanded ending slides option with new ai generated Ron Perlman lines. It's not perfect and could use more love, but for now it's fine. If someone wants to help with improving it more, and bringing it more in style of the original, be my guest.
Some more stuff has been either reverted from old Fixt releases, or moved behind new toggle options. Notably the more advanced version of chess when playing against Zax. In the original version, you can't win against Zax, because there are no criticals when rolling against SPECIAL stats. We've implemented that now.
Oh, and we added an option to remove the nerfed Fo2 hit chance calculation. Though, personally I really advise to keep it enabled. The game is easy as it is and removing that nerf just takes away from the fun. Besides, you'll easily even it out with just spending a few more points in your combat skills. It's really not that big a deal.
One more thing: We tweaked the worldmap travel speed values and rewrote the time calculations. Now traveling around will take the same time as it did in Fo1, depending on your Outdoorsman skill.
Anyways. The rest is more or less just a couple bugfixes.
Sfall has been updated to version 4.4.4
- Added: "Mangled" corpse script to the dead bodies in the Necropolis sewers that were dragged away by rats (Restored cut content).
- Added: Full ai generated Ron Perlman voice for the Expanded Ending slides.
- Added: New mini-mod for restored "original" Junktown endings (inverted Killian and Gizmo consequences).
- Added: The nerfed hit chance in Fo2 can now be reverted back to the version in Fo1 (GVAR_ENABLE_FO2_HITCHANCE in fo1_settings.ini)
- Fixed: Added missing dialog for the hintbook and tweaked the text to fit Fo1in2.
- Fixed: Crash when delivering pulse grenades to Sophia.
- Fixed: Dog in random coast encounter wasn't called "Dog", because it shared the script with the peasants.
- Fixed: Footsteps mod would crash the game when triggering corpse aging on map enter.
- Fixed: Incorrect LVAR check was used for MacRae's teach option after helping the Blades.
- Fixed: It is now possible to win the chess game against Zax in the Glow when using the vanilla chess game dialog (advanced chess game has been moved behind a new toggle option in the fo1_settings.ini file).
- Fixed: Lance in the Shady Sands encounter could talk about the player having dealt with the Khans, even though he didn't yet.
- Fixed: Mike in the Boneyard (Blades territory) would show the wrong dialog message if the player declines his reward.
- Fixed: Mr. Handy and Floating Eye companions use base game repair mechanics for healing now.
- Fixed: One of tiles for John's work routine was out of range.
- Fixed: One of tiles for V13 water guard's sleep routine was out of range.
- Fixed: People of average intelligence could run into a bug with Lou that would restart the whole dialog.
- Fixed: Radscorpions near the Glow could have a wrong script.
- Fixed: Razor had a visible debug dialog option.
- Fixed: The brutal death endgame cutscene with the Overseer could break if the player went into it with a weapon already in his hands.
- Fixed: The computer course in Brotherhood was ten times longer.
- Fixed: The player's ouch message (stupid only) was missing when healed by Thorndyke.
- Fixed: The random rotation of FoA guard/scout movement was out of range.
- Fixed: Wrong message was shown when detecting traps in the Hub thieves guild hideout.
- Fixed: not all FO1 perks (ID 0-63) have their old requirements.
- Fixed: possible crash when talking to Katja when escaping the military base
- Tweaked: The world map travel speed calculations have been changed. Now traveling will take the same amount of time as it did in Fo1 and depends on the Outdoorsman skill.
- Tweaked: Aradesh dialog will now mention the reward that the player gets after rescuing Tandi.
- Tweaked: Ian (and Tandi if around) will now leave the party and attack if the player is an enemy of Shady Sands.
- Tweaked: If player has disabled the Fo2 party member limit, the Magnetic Personality perk won't show up anymore, since it is useless.
- Tweaked: Restored the original chess game dialog with Zax in the Glow.
- Tweaked: Reverted Fixt changes to party member stats, to bring them back more in line with vanilla Fo1. Adjusted stats for party member level-up accordingly.
- Tweaked: Reworked the Lance encounter around Shady Sands to work more like in the vanilla game again (random chance to spawn a dead raider instead of Lance). Lance remains alive (restored cut-content).
- Tweaked: The expanded chess game with Zax is now behind a new GVAR_ENABLE_FIXT_CHESS toggle option (see fo1_settings.ini file). Disabled by default.
- Tweaked: Tycho will now leave the party and attack if the player is an enemy of Junktown.
- Tweaked: When damaging a door but not yet destroying it, a notification will show in the message log.