Fallout et tu 1.11 released!


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Staff member

Lexx has released version 1.11 of Fallout et tu, the mod that let's you play Fallout 1 in Fallout 2's engine. For more info go to this thread.

Here's what Lexx has to say about the update:
Not much to say this time, just wanted to finally get those fixes out in a public release. Some bugfixes (there's always something to fix), and some smaller tweaks. As always it's better to start a new game, especially for the Katja-fix. But it shouldn't be necessary this time.

I've noticed there was a funny exploit... you could keep quest items if you'd barter them to NPCs first, then click the dialog option where you give the item, and then steal it back. This way it was possible to duplicate a power armor at Miles, etc. This probably works in vanilla Fo1 as well, but I never tried it. Well, now it doesn't work anymore.
  • Fixed: Brahmin poop would always only spawn on map elevation 0.
  • Fixed: Dogmeat was barking error text when crippled.
  • Fixed: It was possible to sell items to various NPCs before "giving" them via dialog, so they could be stolen back later.
  • Fixed: The Mother Deathclaw in the Boneyard was printing male instead of female critical hit messages (old Fo1 vanilla bug).
  • Fixed: Wrong AI package for initial Katja stage.
  • Fixed: Aesthetic fixes to Hunting/Sniper Rifle sprites (from UPU).
  • Fixed: Fallen Brahmin didn't recover on re-entering maps.
  • Fixed: The text position of ShowLootWeight mod when ExpandInventory=1.
  • Fixed: Using alcohol on Brahmin would cripple player's legs (FIXT bug).
  • Fixed: If Sheriff Greene in the Hub gets knocked out/down in the Decker fight, he will stand up again once back in his office.
  • Tweaked: All alcohol can be used on Brahmin now.
  • Tweaked: Dead bodies in the LA Rippers map will be cleaned up faster (Deathclaws eat them, duh).
  • Tweaked: Deathclaw Spawn critters in caravan job encounters will look like small Deathclaws if Fo2 critters are enabled in the fo1_settings.ini file.
  • Tweaked: If Fo2 critters are enabled, new Deathclaws in the LA Rippers map will initially be Deathclaw Spawns. After a day, they turn into full grown Deathclaws.
  • Tweaked: Players can no longer open out-of-bounds merchant boxes.
  • Tweaked: Reverted prices of Stimpak and Super Stimpak from Fo2 to the original Fo1 values.
It's a nice mod cause you can use ECCO and Tweaks. But I wonder if you can install FIXT?

If FIXT requires a Fallout 1 installation, and Et Tu requires a Fallout 2 installation (if you had made a copy of the archived data files, you may opt to just copy them to the right path, instead of rerunning Fallout’s installer so you can properly set up & play Et Tu mod), do you sincerely believe it’s a good idea to nonchalantly blend them together?
If FIXT requires a Fallout 1 installation, and Et Tu requires a Fallout 2 installation (if you had made a copy of the archived data files, you may opt to just copy them to the right path, instead of rerunning Fallout’s installer so you can properly set up & play Et Tu mod), do you sincerely believe it’s a good idea to nonchalantly blend them together?
FIXT doesn't change the engine itself, it only mixes with the scripts and uses the same high-res patch, but et tu has most of the functionality and is even better. Though FIXT has some nice things like improved inventory for the Vault Dweller, a bit of interface (but there are accurate F2 patches for that) and Mutant Invasion, I think it also creates bugs (like I've had troubles caused by the Gizmo quest twice, and there are other things not considered by the mod. I think there's no city map when you visit destroyed city places either). Overall, I'd probably use et tu and Fallout 2 mods. But thanks for nothing.
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